2010澳網決賽賽後訪問 - 羅傑·費德勒 Federer

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-02-01T00:10

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Roger Federer def. Andy Murray 6-3 6-4 7-6(11)

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.


Q. Would you say maybe your ability to retrieve is just as important as shot
making, the balls you ran down?


ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, I definitely think footwork is something of the
most important things in tennis, especially at the level that we're playing
at. At the moment, I think it's become extremely physical, you know, the game
of tennis, especially at the baseline. It's not as much back and forth. It's
more side to side.


I feel like, you know, my movement's back. I think that's a great thing. I
definitely had to play some of my best tennis tonight to come through. That
was clearly the case.



Q. Did you think it was a great strategy tonight, more than usual?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, he's obviously a very patient man from the
baseline, you know. I mean, I think this is how he made it to the top really.
You know, not missing much, being dangerous, mixing up his pace very well,
some loopier, some flatter. He can obviously go angle, hard down the line, as
well as his backhand. I think that makes him particularly tough to play

Andy Murray是在底線非常有耐心的一位選手。我想他這項能力真的已到達頂尖了。不會

I think the first set was very interesting on a mental and on a physical
level. I thought he played at a very high intensity. I think the first set
could have gone either way. So for me to get the first break and play well
the way I did, and I think him as well, was obviously crucial for the match,
you know, that we were both playing so well.


Somebody had to win the set. Thankfully it was me. I think I was hitting the
ball well. I felt that from the start. So I always knew it was going to be a
very intense match, you know. I'm happy I was able to play so aggressive and
patient at the same time because that's what you got to be against Murray.



Q. We saw you engage in psychological warfare, talking about the pressure on
him, how long it's been, using 150,000 years out on court. Was it so much
sweeter beating Andy because he has a very good record against you and has
got under your skin in the past?


ROGER FEDERER: Well, I think it got exaggerated. The on court interview, I
don't take those serious anyway. If you think it was a mental thing, it was
not the case, you know.


But you ask me a question, I'll give you a straight answer. That's how the
press conference was after the Tsonga match. It's not an easy thing to do to
win your first Grand Slam. That's not mental, you know, trying to screw with
his head, you know. It's just a tough thing, you know.


The next one is not gonna get any easier. But his game is so good that I'm
convinced he will win one, you know. And I thought he did really well tonight
because conditions were tough. I mean, I think I played a great match. So
someone's got to win, and I'm happy it was me.



Q. After the emotions of wins 14 and 15, how do you rate a 16th title?


ROGER FEDERER: I think you also got to see the way a match ends. Is it 40
Love point where serving and you're up 5 Love, or in a breaker. I don't even
know the score, 13 11. Sometimes it's over before you know it.


This felt similar to the Wimbledon victory in a way, because all of a sudden
it was over and it hit me, you know. Whereas before I made the dropshot and I
think I won, and might have been much more emotional, you know.


But then after losing that point, I'm thinking, My God, he just grabbed the
trophy out of my hands. I might end up losing this thing. Two or three points
later, I'm the winner after all.


It was very much a rollercoaster with the emotions. You know, you just try to
stay focused. I guess the match point was over, and I was like, Oh, my God,
this is it. That's kind of how I felt. It was great.



Q. How do you keep doing it year after year, Grand Slam after Grand Slam? You
make it look so easy, and obviously it isn't.


ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, look, there's no secret behind it. You know, I mean,
definitely a very talented player (laughter). I always knew I had something
special, but I didn't know it was like, you know, that crazy.


I definitely had to work extremely hard so I would pick the right shot at the
right time. For instance, on the match point I decided to hit a dropshot. You
got to be crazy to do that.


But I just you know, I always knew I had it in my hand. The question is do
I have it in my mind and in my legs, you know. That's something I had to work
extremely hard at. Now I feel like obviously I'm being pushed a great deal by
the new generation coming up. I always feel sort of tennis changes sort of
every five years.


Because when I came on tour, matches were played very differently. It was
more of a bluff game, guys serving well, but there was always a weakness you
could go to. Today that doesn't exist anymore. I think that's also thanks to
guys like Murray. They've made me a better player, because I think this has
been one of my finest performances, you know, in a long time, or maybe



Q. Would you have been confident even if you lost the third set? How were you
feeling at that point?


ROGER FEDERER: I mean, I think it would have been very interesting obviously
to see how he would have handled it, you know, coming off such a high of
winning the third set. Then still I think it was very physical, so it would
have been very taxing on his body and my body, you know, just to see how we
would have both sort of pulled up after that third set.


Unfortunately, it didn't happen for him. But it was played at a very high
intensity, I think, from start to finish. Rallies were long. They were
physical. I would have been okay. I still had the lead, so wouldn't have been
a problem.



Q. Andy said he can cry like you, but he can't play like you. You were very
gracious about what you said about him afterwards. What makes you think he
will win one of the trophies?

Andy Murray說他可以哭得跟你一樣,但他無法打得跟你一樣。你在那之後說的話很高貴

ROGER FEDERER: Well, I just think he's I mean, he's a wonderful mover,
tactician, great backhand. He has got everything you need to beat the best
and to win big tournaments. You know, sometimes it just doesn't happen when
you want. Sometimes it all of a sudden happens without you knowing that it


He's going through, I mean, you know, a tough generation at the moment.
There's many guys. You know, I've dominated hard court and grass for a long
time; Rafa did clay. Rafa also became very strong on the other surfaces and
so forth.


So I think it's just not an easy thing to do, Grand Slams, and I proved it
again tonight. But I think he's extremely strong in his mind, and I just feel
like he's got the game to do it. The question is just when.



Q. This is your first Australian Open for a couple of years. Can we now start
talking about a Grand Slam? Is that on your mind with Nadal having some
issues and you looking very good?


ROGER FEDERER: Look, I mean, it's not something I've ever put in my mind that
this is something I want to achieve. I'll still go and play the smaller
tournaments, you know, the Masters 1000s, the ones we're supposed to play. I
try to give my best everywhere I go to, because I think there's not only the
Grand Slams.


Of course, they are important, but I try to respect every tournament that
invites me to go play there. There's the fans who pay tickets. I want to live
up to my expectations, too.


I won't just put the entire calendar just around trying to win the calendar
Grand Slam. I mean, it's something if it happens, it does, it's great; but
it's not something that's like my number one goal. Not at all. It's the same
as I haven't put a number on how many Grand Slams I want to try to win.
Whatever happens happens.


You know, I really want to try to enjoy, you know, my end to my career,
because I've reached already so many goals I thought were never possible. I
really want to just enjoy the tour, and that's what I'm doing at the moment.
Obviously as a dad as well even more so.



Q. Do you let yourself sort of think about what sort of legacy you'd like to
leave on the game when it is done?


ROGER FEDERER: No, neither. I just think it's something that's going to be
once I hang up my racquet, that's when people should judge me and talk about
what great things I did, maybe less great things I did, you know.


But I try to be good for the game, leave it better off than when I arrived,
even though that's hard. I'm very thankful to the legends of the game who
created this great platform for us. We did have another record crowd
attendance at the Australian Open.


For me to be part of something like this is something also very special, of



Q. The way you feel and the way you're playing, is there any suggestion that
you couldn't go on for another four, five years? Doesn't seem to take that
much out of you. You have a new physio working with you.


ROGER FEDERER: Sure, but there is never a guarantee. Tennis has always been
that way. For the last 10 years I go week in, week out. Every practice I
play, I hope I'm going to be healthy on the other side.


But I feel, like you said, my game is not as taxing as other players' games.
I also think I have a very relaxed mind when it comes to the game of tennis.
I'll definitely try my best on the court. I'm professional the way I'm
supposed to be.


But off the court, it's a matter of relaxing and enjoying it, you know,
seeing friends and families. There's more important things than tennis after
all. I think that's something I've always had a clear vision of how my life
is, you know. I think that's also helped me to go through better and tougher
phases, you know, because I know this is an incredible trip I'm on.


We'll see where it ends, you know. I hope not anytime soon.



Q. You mentioned a couple times it's your first major win as a dad. Did you
ever doubt you'd be able to keep winning as a father?


ROGER FEDERER: Not really. I mean, it was more put out there, you know, that
apparently it's hard to do. Not as hard as it seems (laughter).


I mean, I think the special win for me was winning in Cincinnati, I think. I
think the girls were barely two, three weeks old. That was terrific. That was
very special. Sure, this is the first Grand Slam, but it doesn't feel as much
as the Cincinnati victory felt like, just because there it was right off the
bat; it was fresh.


It was all in my mind, you know. So to get through that tournament by beating
Andy and Novak in the semis and finals was very special. Then, of course,
being a dad, just coming off the whole thing was amazing.

很多事在我的腦子裡。所以可以在半決賽打敗Andy Murray和在決賽贏Novak Djokovic是

This is obviously terrific, as well. Maybe not as much as the dad part, but
just more that I can still do it, you know, after losing the US Open final.



Q. How will you celebrate tonight? Any different?


ROGER FEDERER: Friends and family, you know. See if the babies are up. Hope
not (smiling). Otherwise I'll wake them up tomorrow or I'll just grab them
because I'm so happy.


No, we'll just have a good time tonight with drinks and food. That's what I
usually do, regardless if I win or lose. It's something I've got the habit,
you know, because I got a lot of support. I just like to let the tournament
unwind a bit, you know, see where it ends. At 12:00 apparently we have a
photo shoot.



Q. Can you understand why Andy got emotional at the end? You've been through
that yourself. You say it's hard to win the first one. Can you appreciate why
he felt as deflated as he did at the end?

你可以理解為何Andy Murray在最後有點激動嗎?你也曾經經歷。你說要贏第一次是很困

ROGER FEDERER: Uhm, yeah, I mean, of course I do. I mean, it happened to me,
too, you know. I think the US Open everything happened a bit quick for him
there. I think he played back to back Saturday, Sunday matches, a match with


Before he knew it, he was in the US Open final and he didn't know what hit
him. He lost. You know, I think he was still happy with the outcome, you
know, because to Rafa the victory for him was a huge one. But maybe he didn't
have time to really get emotional about it.


I don't know if you ever heard me say, but the US Open is very loud, so you
don't maybe start thinking too much of, how did I play, am I disappointed.
Here in Australia or Wimbledon, it's very different. It's very quiet. It's
very respectful. Standing ovation. It builds up in you as the trophy ceremony
goes by.


I thought he was actually doing fine until he told me, I think there will be
some tears. I'm like, Don't worry, it will be all right. And he actually did.


You know, in a way it was hard to watch, but at the same time I like seeing
players who care for the game. I don't know. It's nice to see, you know. So
you wish, you know, only the best for him.


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2010-02-04T04:22
超級快! 有神快推!
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-02-07T08:35
感謝翻譯~ 雖然今天Roger贏了 但也為了murray流了些眼淚他真的值得一個大滿貫冠軍 身上壓力太大了Q_O
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-02-10T12:48
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-02-13T17:00
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-02-16T21:13
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-02-20T01:26
意思是Murrary跟Rogi說他可能會哭出來嗎 XD
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2010-02-23T05:39
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-02-26T09:51
推~~~ 感動
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2010-03-01T14:04
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-03-04T18:17
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2010-03-07T22:29
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2010-03-11T02:42
感謝翻譯 Roger好棒
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-03-11T07:53
感謝翻譯 ~~
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-03-14T12:06
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-03-17T16:19
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-03-20T20:32
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-03-24T00:44
一年前跟一年後,真是整個不一樣了 :)
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-03-27T04:57
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-03-30T09:10
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-04-02T13:22
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-04-05T17:35
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-04-08T21:48
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2010-04-12T02:00
有人找的到頒獎典禮的影片嗎@ @
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-04-15T06:13
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-04-18T10:26
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-04-21T14:38
David avatar
By David
at 2010-04-24T18:51
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-04-27T23:04
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-05-01T03:16
http://tinyurl.com/y946mng 賽後記者會video
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-05-04T07:29
地球上有資格說這句話的 http://yaxiv.com


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-01-31T23:49
http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=4874101andamp;categoryid=2378529 and#34;Oh, at least this guy announced that he was going to have some tears, and he di ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-01-31T23:34
是說自從Ju之前退休,就再也沒好好看過一場女單比賽 (除了去年的克媽:P) 沒有Ju的日子,一點動力也沒有呀 這次衝著Ju復出,怎麼樣都想來參加一次版聚 更何況這場比賽…如果自己一個人在家看我肯定會發瘋orz 很奇妙地參加了這個聚會。 一進去就看見個大螢幕上在播放Ju的比賽!!!!!馬上衝進去找定位坐下 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-01-31T23:33
ID: CountryHouse 性別: male 什麼時候成為Rogi的球迷: 其實一開始我算是Hingis的球迷,因為她的關係我也會注意其他來自瑞士的網球員, 早期的瑞士男子網球員我還蠻喜歡Marc Rosset,附帶一提這位200公分的長人雖然 大滿貫表現普普,但倒是拿過Federer還未拿過 ...

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2010-01-31T22:51
ID:ameiverson 性別:M 什麼時候成為Rogi的球迷:不知道...應該從我迷上打網球開始吧! 最喜歡Rogi的一點:痾~這好難說!!最喜歡的是球技啦!! 對Rogi的期許(或明年的期待):很期待完成全滿貫!!2012末日前(andgt; andlt;)完成金滿貫!!哈~ 最喜歡本版的哪一 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-01-31T22:50
再回一次下這個標題,其實我個人看球滿早的, 從89年就因為我爸看藍道而接觸到網球, 92年開始個人開始接觸網球,95年開始大量收看。 99年開始成為阿格西的球迷,期間看過不少球員來來去去。 不過Federer我是從2000年開始看的,第一次注意到是在某個大師賽, 那場他0-2輸給當時如日中天的Hewitt, ...