2010 Roland Garros 5/27 - 拉斐爾·納達爾 Nadal

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-05-28T20:57

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rafa's Blog: my late start and bad weather could count against me

Hello everyone,

I am writing this blog tonight a bit later than in the past days. I started
the week by writing before going to dinner and that way I could tell you
fresh stories just coming from the site. Tonight we had scheduled to go out
to dinner at 9.30 pm. As a matter of fact we were all downstairs at that time
to go for dinner but at the lobby we stayed watching the final moments of the
Monfils v Fognini match. It took so long, they played amost until 10pm, could
see anything and on top of that it was very exciting to watch.
吃晚餐的當時,我們全待在樓下大廳看Monfils v Fognini比賽的最後結果。這場比賽打太

Today we had the first rain of the tournament. Hopefully it won't rain
tomorrow since I am scheduled to play fourth match on centre. This time is
not the best of times. I know that someone has to play fourth and I am not

I am simply saying that it is not the most convenient time. For me or for any
of the players. The reason is that if it rains during the day and the
previous matches are long then we could risk of not playing tomorrow. If
that's the case then the winner of my match would play two days in a row and
that during a Grand Slam is not the most convenient thing since the matches
are best of five sets and that day of rest is really important. Just wanted
to explain it to you.

Thanks all for being there.


Tags: 網球

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孟菲爾斯福格尼尼比賽延遲 細數5大啼笑皆非時刻

David avatar
By David
at 2010-05-28T20:02
2010-05-27 14:16:08  這張圖片拍攝的時間已經超過了法國當地時間星期三晚上的9點50分,這是一場異乎尋常的 男單第二輪比賽。就在幾分鐘前,孟菲爾斯剛剛挽救了3個賽點,比賽由於天色太暗不得不 延遲進行了,在最後進行的兩局比賽裏你甚至很難看清楚網球的軌跡。 網易體育5月27日報導: 如果你眼神 ...

塞國雙姝又爆口水戰相煎何太急 伊萬直言打球看人品

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-05-28T19:23
2010年05月28日16:17 新浪體育訊 法國網球公開賽在羅蘭-加洛斯斷斷續續的雨水侵襲下進入了第六個比賽日 ,球員們的情緒也仿佛如這綿綿不斷的雨喜怒無常、鬱鬱寡歡。在昨天的一場關鍵戰中, 賽前帶著人們無數希望的美少女伊萬諾維奇迎戰28號種子俄羅斯小將克雷巴諾娃,在這場 一邊倒的比賽中,克雷巴諾娃直落兩 ...

Roger Federer[1] vs Julian Reister

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-05-28T19:11
準備出場囉~ 今天天氣看來很不錯,Rogi真好運。 XD -- gimme more gimme more gimme more gimme more gimme more gimme more gimme more gimme more gimme more gimme more gimme mo ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2010-05-28T17:16
英國走音天才Andy Murray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TRuRhIW5-U 瑞典金髮美女Robin Soderling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gWXXSEvg30andamp;feature=channel 法國拳 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-05-28T16:20
如題~ 以前在法網官網有看過關於歷屆男女單冠亞軍的短片, 最近想再回顧可是卻找不到, 煩請版大提供, 萬分感謝^^ - ...