2010 Indian Wells R32 - 拉斐爾·納達爾 Nadal

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-03-25T01:31

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邁阿密都要開始了 IW坑還好大一個填不完Q___Q

March 15, 2010

R. NADAL/M. Ancic
6-2, 6-2

An interview with:


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. I have to ask, do you like those Nike shorts that you've got now?
They're certainly different.
我必須問一下,你真的喜歡現在穿的這些Nike的短褲嗎? 它們真的很不一樣。

RAFAEL NADAL: What do you think? You like it? (laughter)
No, no? Well, it's different. I think yeah, I don't know. It's more
different than usual. (laughter.) That's the thing, no?
It was a little bit fashion for me, I think. Is too much, a little bit for
me, but going to be for this tournament.
你覺得呢? 你喜歡嗎? (笑)
No,no? 嗯,是不太一樣,我想。我不知道,是跟平常的不太一樣(笑)。就是這樣,no?


Q. Just for this tournament?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. I change everything in Miami.

Q. Many people liked the pink shirt at Roland Garros last year. They
thought it was very, very nice. But because of the result we won't see that
shirt anymore?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no, I'm not superstitious on that. The color of the
shirt doesn't affect anything of the game. So no, we will see in the future.
I don't know. I don't know.
Similar color will be this year, but not at Roland Garros.

Q. It was a match that you won fairly straight forwardly, but I don't
remember seeing you win points so quickly before. I mean, many of the
rallies lasted four or five shots or fewer and the point was over, so is that
something you've been working hard on for the hardcourt season?

RAFAEL NADAL: I am playing well. That's the thing, no?
I think I am playing at the good level with my forehand when I touch the
ball all the time. I try to do something, playing aggressive, playing long,
changing the direction, so that's very important on my game, no? No, I am
doing well here, that.
Just try to keep working like this, keep playing like this, and try to play
a little bit more aggressive with the backhand. That's it. For the rest, I
am very happy how I am playing.
我表現很好,就是這樣,no? 我想我正拍水準不錯,我也試著打得更積極,打深一點
和勇於變線,這對我的比賽是很重要的,no? 我在這做得不錯。

Q. How are you feeling with your confidence? It's a tricky thing. How are
you feeling?
你的信心指數如何呢? 這種事還蠻難處理的。你現感覺是?

RAFAEL NADAL: I am very well, yeah.

Q. Do you feel confident?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I am here. I am in third round winning 6-2, 6-2, 6-4,
6-4, so it's very good start of the tournament for me.
I started the year playing really well, very well in Doha, and after in
Australia I played very good match against Murray. No, I am feeling good,
yeah. I am feeling confident.
I need a bit length for a few months without a stop, that's winning matches,
winning important matches, and after that everything is easier. But I am
ready to do it, I think.
對,我在狀況內。我進了第三輪,前兩輪分別以6-4 6-4和6-2 6-2贏球,這對我來說

Q. Do you feel after the month off, like after two matches that you know
what to do in the matches? You don't feel rusty or...
休了兩個月,在兩場比賽後你有覺得比較知道要怎麼比賽了嗎? 你有沒有覺得有點生繡

RAFAEL NADAL: I feel really well when I arrive here. I was practicing
really well in Mallorca, and I am practicing really well here.

Q. But in the matches. It's different to practice than to play.
但在比賽中呢? 比賽跟練習是不一樣的。

RAFAEL NADAL: We'll see. I am feeling great.

Q. I think you are very happy with your performance today, especially with
your serve. The idea or the goal is just to minimize the rallies in case you
just get to the final again?

RAFAEL NADAL: The goal is play well. My game is play with the rallies. I
don't want to play serve and volley or serve and one shot or ace. Everybody
has to know that. For sure I know very well, no?
My game is play with intensity, play good rhythm all the time, and try to
play long times without having mistakes. When I am ready to play long point
without having mistakes, I gonna have the chance to play shorter points
because I can feel confident with my forehand and play winners before that,
But my game is my game, and I am not going to change my game.

Q. You have to be pretty happy with that serve. I think you only lost five
points on your serve today. Is that the best you've served in a while?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I started the season serving really well. In Australia I
served a little bit worse, but in Doha and Abu Dhabi I was serving really

But in my opinion, the serve was important, but was more important was my
rhythm from the baseline. I lost only few points because I didn't have
mistakes, only seven unforced errors in two sets and 29 winners, that's very
good statistics.

Q. Today Andre Agassi apologized for some of the things he said at the
match Friday night with Pete, saying, you know, he was sorry that he called
Pete cheap and they were joking around a little bit. What was your take on
that Friday night?

RAFAEL NADAL: I said what I had to say yesterday or before yesterday after
my match. For me, the only way to talk about what happened two nights or
three nights ago is in positive. We make a good job for Haiti, for a good
thing. The people was happy, the court was full, and the atmosphere was
For me, it was an pleasure to be part of the event and try to help these
persons that they need. But I didn't feel any tension on court.

Q. Did you take it that they were just having fun with each other, joking,
back and forth?

RAFAEL NADAL: You know, I repeat: Everybody told me after the match what's
happened, but during the match, you know how fast speak Americans, and I am
Spanish. (laughter.) I didn't understand nothing.
你知道的,我再重複一次: 所有事都是大家在賽後告訴我的,但在比賽中你也知道美國

Q. With your knees and all, are there things you've done differently with
your training? With your knees, have you done different things in your
practice or training? Have you altered things doing different things more or

RAFAEL NADAL: No, no. Well, sure, I didn't practice with the same
intensity now that what I did with 14 years old. But that's the life.
That's normal, no? You have to improve all the time, and right now they way
what I had to practice is different than what I had to practice before.
no? 你必須一直進步,現在我練習的方式當然會跟以前不一樣。

Q. It is?

RAFAEL NADAL: Sure, but not only for the knees, because I have to - I have
the intensity, and I have to practice more technique and specific shots than
playing and playing, no?
I think playing a little bit I feel the ball. I don't need to practice as
long as I did before.
打球,no? 我想練習一些找到球感就夠了,不需要像以前那樣練。

Q. If you play your best, do you actually expect to win the matches? Do
you feel like the matches are in your hands if you play your best?
如果你打出你最佳水準了,你期待能夠贏得接下來的幾場比賽嗎? 你覺得比賽

RAFAEL NADAL: You know, I don't want to be arrogant with this answer, no?
Because always you you have to look the opponent, and if the opponent
everybody can feel the same.
But when I played well, I had a good chances to have good results. That's
what I can say.
你知道的,我並不想說出太傲慢的回答,no? 因為你必須看看對手是誰。當我表現好時

Q. Novak said today he grew up and Pete was kind of his idol. Did you
watch Pete and Andre? Did you have one as your favorite more than the other
when you were growing up?
Novak說Pete是他從小到大的偶像。你有看Pete和Andre打球嗎? 你成長時期有最愛的

RAFAEL NADAL: No. You know, I watch a lot of match on TV between Pete and
Andre, but, no, I didn't have any favorite. When I was very young, my
favorite was Carlos Moya. Sure, I enjoyed a lot watching them, the matches
of a Andre and Pete.
I didn't have any favorite. Both players different styles and very nice.

Q. Seems like it's very important to you now that you can play for six to
eight months in a row and show your best tennis. Last year when you were
having physical problems, do you just want to put that behind you and say,
Look, here I am; my best level is still there; don't worry about me?
你受傷,現在你會想說 "看,我回來了,我還是能打出好球,不要替我擔心”之類的嗎?

RAFAEL NADAL: I say - I don't want - I think I don't need to show nobody
how I can play or if I can win a tournaments or if I can win a matches, no?
I did a lot of times in my career, so right now the only thing is keep
enjoying, keep playing well, and keep improving my tennis. I know if I have
eight months without injuries and I can play when I want to play, not when
the body give me the opportunity to play.
I think I am playing enough well to be there. That's my feeling.
我想我不需要跟大家宣告我可以打到怎樣或是能不能贏得冠軍之類的,no? 我在我生涯

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Tags: 網球

All Comments

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-03-29T02:08
誠徵幫填坑 8強賽訪 http://tinyurl.com/yznxfek
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2010-04-02T02:46
他覺得那條四角褲很囧 其實就穿雙打那條就好了阿XD
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-04-06T03:23
沒記錯的話 Tomic在澳網那套是把褲子換成焦糖褲 就好多了
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-04-10T04:00
豆豆剛好交換過來 就又普通(澳網)又「特別」(IW)
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-04-14T04:38
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2010-04-18T05:15
我也覺得小桃紅好看 可是那件真的會勾起傷心的回憶..


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-03-24T20:16
※ 引述《yeo12 (totomi)》之銘言: : http://www.tsna.com.tw/?q=node/10242 : 作者: 陳志彥 雖然虎女郎前仆後繼的爆料,讓高球天王Tiger Woods的桃色 : 醜聞風暴難以平息,不過「蠻牛」Rafael Nadal仍公開力挺老虎,坦言自己 : 對Woo ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2010-03-24T19:07
http://goods.ruten.com.tw/item/show?11090828456533 如題~他說跟槍大買的~而且穿好子母線了 讓我頗心動 請大家幫我看看 - ...

中區大專盃 晉級名單

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-03-24T18:01
賽程系統 男子組團體賽 第一名 一樣是交通大學 第二名 一樣是中興大學 第三名 一樣是清華大學 第四名 朝陽科技大學 ----------------------------------- ...

PD Roddick 和 PD GT的差異?

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-03-24T17:55
如題... 看大家推薦PD 那這兩種版本 差異呢 不要說在槍大賣場差500= = http://tw.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/b53538712?u=gunyang89 http://tw.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/c496868 ...

Miami Player Party

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2010-03-24T17:19
Miami賽前的表演賽 Djokovic+Spicy girls(辣妹合唱團)的Melanie Brown 對上Jay Sean(前陣子很紅的Down原唱)+Ivanovic http://ppt.cc/Q0hy http://ppt.cc/K,bs http://ppt.cc/,LVb http://ppt ...