可以幫我翻譯英文自介嗎~謝謝(中翻英) - 籃球

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2008-06-21T00:00

Table of Contents

各位教授好,我是***。今年18歲剛從****  餐飲管理科畢業。我來自充滿文藝氣息的台中市,它也是一個充滿熱情、活力的城市。家中有6人,奶奶、爸爸、媽媽、姊姊、弟弟還有我,家人們總是在我最需要幫助時不計一切的幫我。我的興趣是打籃球,它能讓我的壓力釋放及結交到許多好朋友。雖然高職讀的是餐管科,但也有接觸到觀光課程,因此也讓我對觀光產生了極大的興趣。我是個活潑、開朗的雙子座,把世界上美麗的景點介紹給大家是我的夢想,希望各位教授給我一個機會,與各位教授學習,使我的夢想實現。
Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-06-24T03:48
Nice to meet professors , I am * * * , I just graduated from Department of Restaurant Management of * * * * ( school ? ) .
I am from Taichung city ,which is with Art spirit , and Taichung is a city with enthusiasm and vitality .
My family has six people ,my Grandmother .my Father .my Mother .my older Sister . my younger brother and myself !
They always try to help me regardlessly when I need help .
Playing basketball is my interest , it can help me to relieve pressure and makes lots of friends !
Although I studied Department of Restaurant Management in
training school , but we come in contact with sightseeing course ,
therefore , sightseeing has a strong hold on my interest !
I am chipper and bright Gemini , to intorduce the most beautiful and magnificent resorts and scenic spots in my dream , I hope professors give me a opportunity to learn with professors ,
to make my dream comes true !
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2008-06-25T04:16
Each professor good, I BE***.This year is 18 years old just from**** The dining management section graduates.I come from Taichung City that is full of literature spirit and it is also a city that is full of enthusiasm, vitality.There are 6 people in the house, grandmother, father, mother, sister, younger brother still has me and the family always don't account to allly help me when I need to be helped most .My interest is to play basketball and it can make my pressure released and make friends with to many good friends.Although what senior high vocational school reads is a meal takes care of a section,has already come in contact with sightseeing curriculum as well, therefore also lets me produce tremendous interest towards making sight-seeing tripping.I am a cheery and bright Gemini, in the world beautiful beauty spot's introducing is my dream for everyone, hope that each professor gives me a chance and learns with each professor and makes my dream realization.


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-06-20T00:00
目前國三 180 (今年高一) 體重 75


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2008-06-20T00:00
如果不會射 打槍會傷身體� ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2008-06-20T00:00
我是女生 今年16歲
身高已經174了= = 體重50
去年新生入學的體檢 我才171
結果最進去體檢 發現 我174了
難道是打籃球嗎??? 因為我和我們班女同� ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-06-19T00:00
還有什麼underground、新崛起的籃球討論園地嗎�� ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2008-06-19T00:00
吃什� ...