黃蜂關鍵期奮發擊敗活塞保持完美不敗 - 林書豪 Jeremy Lin

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2015-10-22T13:17

Table of Contents

Hornets Rally in Detroit to Stay Perfect in Preseason
Charlotte's 18-6 Run to Close Contest Moves Hornets to 7-0

黃蜂決勝期靠著一波18-6攻勢奮發擊敗活塞, 保持熱身賽完美不敗

The Result
Nic Batum notched a double-double with 18 points and 10 rebounds, while
Jeremy Lin added 18 points of his own as the Hornets closed their Oct. 21
matchup in Detroit on an 18-6 run to take a 99-94 victory and remain
undefeated in the preseason. Al Jefferson scored eight points in the decisive
run and finished with 17 points and six rebounds in the win.

Batum拿下雙十(18分10籃板), 林書豪拿下18分, 黃蜂靠著最後一波18-6攻勢最終以99-94
獲勝, 同時熱身賽保持完美不敗; Al在最後這波決勝攻勢中獨拿8分, 本場他17分6籃板

Turning Points
Following the Hornets 94-86 win over Chicago on Oct. 19, Head Coach Steve
Clifford downplayed Charlotte's 6-0 preseason start but stated, "The one
thing I do like is that when we've been challenged, there has been a positive
response." The Hornets responded again in Detroit, shaking off an 88-81
deficit to rally for the victory. Down eight with less than six minutes
remaining, Charlotte's starters checked back in the game to try to close the
game out against Detroit's starting unit and answered the challenge. Al
Jefferson led the way, scoring six-consecutive points on two field goals and
two free throws, cutting the Pistons lead to 90-87. Marvin Williams and Nic
Batum followed with two free throws apiece and a 3-pointer from Troy Daniels,
who was playing with the starting unit in place of Cody Zeller, bounced
around the rim to give Charlotte its first lead since early in the third
quarter, 94-92. Jeremy Lin dropped a floater in the lane on the Hornets next
possession to give Charlotte a four-point cushion and the Hornets closed the
game out at the free-throw line late to get their seventh-straight win of the

轉捩點:上場對公牛賽後教頭Cliff對於熱身賽6連勝輕描淡寫的帶過, 但他強調說:"唯一
我喜歡的部分是當我們被對手挑戰時我們能夠做出正面回應", 今天蜂群們亦是如此, 當
第四節88-81落後, 時間剩下不到6分鐘時, 黃蜂的先發們都站了出來正面迎擊了活塞的先
發, 並攜手取得這場的勝利.

首先是Al先跳出來兩次跳投加兩罰皆中取得6分, 將比數縮為90-87; M.Williams跟Batum
接著各命中兩罰, 然後Troy補個三分彈讓黃蜂逆轉取得94-92領先; 最後再由我們這版的
靈魂人物 -- 書豪補個可愛的短距離跳投, 讓領先擴大大4分~ 最終再罰個球後黃蜂就拿

Inside the Box Score
Nic Batum scored a preseason-high 18 points and notched his second
double-double of the preseason, hauling down a team-high 10 rebounds. Batum
had 14 points and 10 board on Oct. 14 in Shanghai against the Los Angeles
Clippers… Jeremy Lin finished with a team-high-tying 18 points and has now
scored in double digits in all six games he has played in the preseason… Al
Jefferson tied his preseason high with 17 points to go with six rebounds, one
steal and one block. Big Al has averaged 13.8 points in his last four
preseason games… Troy Daniels came off the bench to score a preseason-high
15 points on 5-of-10 shooting, including two big 3-pointers in the fourth
quarter to help the Hornets to the win… Charlotte's efforts from the charity
stripe (30-of-32, 93.8 percent) and long range (9-of-25, 36.0 percent) were
key to the win. Detroit finished 21-of-29 (72.4 percent) from the free-throw
line and 5-of-29 (17.2 percent) outside the arc.

1. Batum拿下本季他熱身賽最高的18分, 並且是這季的第二次雙十
2. 林書豪跟Batum都拿下全隊最高的18分, 6場熱身賽他場場雙位數得分
3. Al再次拿下本季他熱身賽最高的17分, 另有6籃板1抄截1火鍋, 近四場他場均13.8分
4. Troy從板凳出發拿下本季他熱身賽最高的15分(10投5中), 包含兩顆末節重要的三分彈
5. 團隊罰球有著32中30的亮眼表現, 另外團隊三分則是25中9的36%命中率
反觀活塞團隊只有罰球29中21, 三分29中5

Hornets Player of the Game
Nic Batum continues to showcase the skill set that Hornets General Manager
Rich Cho raved about when Charlotte acquired him in an offseason trade with
Portland. Batum scored a team-high-tying 18 points and cleaned a team-high 10
rebounds off the glass for his second double-double of the preseason and
added a team-high six assists in the win.


Pistons Player of the Game
Andre Drummond impressed inside for Detroit, finishing with game highs in
points (21), rebounds (15) and blocked shots (2). He was 10-of-14 from the
field but went just 1-of-6 from the charity stripe.

活塞本場的MVP是Drummond, 他今天21分15籃板2火鍋; 出手14中10, 但罰球僅僅6中1

Game Notes
The Hornets improved to a Charlotte-franchise-best 7-0 in the preseason…
Kemba Walker (heel) missed his first preseason game, while Jeremy Lamb
(ankle) also sat out the contest… The Hornets entered the game shooting 37.7
percent from the 3-point line in the preseason (third in the NBA) and
connected on 36.0 percent against the Pistons… Charlotte also started the
game allowing the second-fewest points per game (86.8) in the preseason… Six
Hornets - Nic Batum (10), Marvin Williams (7), Al Jefferson (6), Spencer
Hawes (6), Cody Zeller (5) and Jeremy Lin (5) - finished with five-or-more

1. 創下了黃蜂隊史最高的熱身賽7勝0負戰績~~
2. 今天Kemba首次熱身賽沒上場, Lamb也因足踝因素沒上場
3. 賽前黃蜂團隊三分37.7%全NBA第三高, 這場也有36%好表現
4. 賽前黃蜂場均失分86.8分全NBA第二低
5. 今日全隊有六個人都抓下5顆以上的籃板~~

Next Up
The Hornets travel to Fort Wayne, IN to take on the Pacers in their preseason
finale at 7 p.m. on Thursday night. Listen to the game on WFNZ or the
Official Hornets App.


清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double...

Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2015-10-25T13:42
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2015-10-28T14:07
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2015-10-31T14:33
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2015-11-03T14:58
推 明天不知道還有沒有機會看到林先發
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2015-11-06T15:23
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2015-11-09T15:49
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2015-11-12T16:14
推 例行賽繼續保持!
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2015-11-15T16:39
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2015-11-18T17:05
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2015-11-21T17:30
George avatar
By George
at 2015-11-24T17:55
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2015-11-27T18:21
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2015-11-30T18:46
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2015-12-03T19:11
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2015-12-06T19:37
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2015-12-09T20:02
感謝翻譯, 明天加油~~
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2015-12-12T20:27
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2015-12-15T20:53
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2015-12-18T21:18
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2015-12-21T21:43
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2015-12-24T22:08
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2015-12-27T22:34
林粉網有個現場觀眾說 本來教練要放掉 但是對方主力
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2015-12-30T22:59
全都上 那只好主力一起上 林最後上
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2016-01-02T23:24
阿不對 不是現場觀眾 是看轉播才對
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2016-01-05T23:50
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2016-01-09T00:15
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2016-01-12T00:40
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2016-01-15T01:06
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2016-01-18T01:31
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2016-01-21T01:56
謝謝翻譯 好的開始 !!
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2016-01-24T02:22
George avatar
By George
at 2016-01-27T02:47


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2015-10-22T12:36
最近看書豪在黃蜂的表現 真的有越來越好的趨勢了 感覺教練現在對書豪有一定程度的信任與支持 這正是他以前在湖人甚至是火箭時所沒有的 而且書豪的投籃姿勢也有在調整了 投出去的感覺比以前還要流暢 命中率也提升了不少 運球方面也比以前穩定了許多 常常可以看到他運球進去別人的禁區逛大街(笑 希望可以在 ...

黃蜂 @ 活塞

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2015-10-22T06:38
7:30 黃蜂 at 活塞 先發名單 atHornetsPR:With Kemba Walker out tonight for the athornets, here is the starting lineup: M. Williams Zeller Jefferson Batum Lin #CHAvs ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2015-10-22T01:50
抱歉我不知適不適合發在這台籃版 我只是覺得跟台籃有些關係 畢竟我們常講日韓菲 我對韓職不熟 所以我以條列式帶過,不適合我自D Btw這是我第一次看KBL 我對球員不熟 如果有打錯翻譯的字 請見諒 我只是想分享東亞的籃球 我看的是韓國時間是1018或1017有點忘了 1. 我這次剛好去釜山,也是第一次看KB ...

104全運會DAY 4戰績

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2015-10-21T23:30
場次 組別 日期 時間 主隊 V.S 客隊 23 男 10/21 8:30 台中市 74 V.S 82 新北市 24 男 10/21 10:00 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2015-10-21T23:02
http://sports.ettoday.net/news/576264 有大大們知道 這幾雙鞋甚麼時候會開賣呢?? 之前出的鞋款都真的是不太喜歡 所以沒興趣 但這次這雙還真是不錯看 尤其最喜歡白色款的 想知道台灣何時上市 定價為多少 謝謝!!! - ...