麻煩幫我把他翻成英文....不要翻譯機的!拜託了!!20點! - 運動

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-07-31T00:00

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Una avatar
By Una
at 2007-08-03T00:54
Ever since I was young, I have had special interest and passion towards machinery. Especially when I get new toys, I would always break it
apart to satisfy my curiosity, and uses it to learn machine-related
knowledges. Now I am a Mechanical Engineer major and I've learned to analyze different datas to support my own ideas and perspectives. Furthermore, I've learned about how to analyze and organize different datas and thoughts into a paper from the process of writing a paper. Even until
now, I haven't lost one bit of passion towards machinery.
My hobby is playing badminton. It is my favorite sports, and I often play with my family during leisure time. From the process of playing badminton, I learned the importance of team work, and also how to solve a conflict during hardships and challenges.
我建議你寫文章時做好段落的動作... 這篇文章你的逗點太多,句子又不連貫,蠻難讀的。以上是我就你的文章所做的翻譯,應該比上面兩人用網路翻譯機亂翻的文句順暢多了。記得下次寫文章時,不管是中文還是英文,段落的起伏要好好掌握好。希望有幫到你 ^ ^
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2007-08-04T11:45
In childhood, I had a enthusiasm and the affection to the machinery,
each time had when in particular the new toy always bore must
disassemble the satisfied curiosity, the affiliation from this studies
the related knowledge, now I go study the mechanical branch, the
academic society analyze each kind of material, proposed own viewpoint
and the idea, from wrote the report the process, how did I learn
analyze and the reorganization material, until now by no means reduced
to the machinery enthusiasm. My interest plays the badminton, has the
alone clock in many movements to its most sentiment, frequently goes
to the ball hall competition with the relatives and friends, from in
process which plays a ball game, I have learned the team cooperation
importance, also knew when faces the difficult position, how tries to
find solution to make an error in pronunciation the difficulty.
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-08-04T12:18
In childhood, I had a enthusiasm and the affection to the machinery,
each time had when in particular the new toy always bore must
disassemble the satisfied curiosity, the affiliation from this studies
the related knowledge, now I go study the mechanical branch, the
academic society analyze each kind of material, proposed own viewpoint
and the idea, from wrote the report the process, how did I learn
analyze and the reorganization material, until now by no means reduced
to the machinery enthusiasm. My interest plays the badminton, has the
alone clock in many movements to its most sentiment, frequently goes
to the ball hall competition with the relatives and friends, from in
process which plays a ball game, I have learned the team cooperation
importance, also knew when faces the difficult position, how tries to
find solution to make an error in pronunciation the difficulty


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-07-31T00:00


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2007-07-31T00:00
最近都在新營工作,由於本身是嘉義人所以對新營這個傳說中and#34;鳥不生蛋and#34;的地方也不熟.........想請問一下� ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2007-07-31T00:00
就如題不能做一輩子的選手運動員會受傷但得知不能在繼續練下去了能轉向哪些行業呢?又如果還能練但是練不出�� ...

暑假到了  我不想再悶在家哩@@

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-07-30T00:00
暑假到哩 我不想再悶在家哩  我想騎我的腳踏車 小鐵到處去玩  之前已經去過淡水了  但是..這次想 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2007-07-30T00:00
我有聽說一家足球專賣店 在台中市??
好像在 惠中路這邊 七期這邊
一間新的 運動 用品店..
店面上 好像是 用 很大的的貝克漢 大海報..
做廣告� ...