鳥權聽證會後續 - 紐約尼克 New York Knicks

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2012-06-23T20:52

Table of Contents

Lin Granted Early-Bird Rights


(前略) 就是工會目前贏了第一關

It was a victory for the union and, by extension, the Knicks, who stood to
benefit from the added payroll flexibility.
But the celebration was short-lived.
The NBA later announced that it would appeal the ruling — a process that
could take days or weeks.

這是場球員工會的勝利 但是慶祝是短暫的

因為NBA聯盟聲稱他們將會上訴 這將會花到幾天到幾週的時間


The league has 10 days to file its appeal.
Once it does, league and union officials must agree to a three-member panel.
A hearing would be held, and the panel would have up to 30 days to issue a
In the meantime, the Knicks could be hamstrung by the uncertainty.

聯盟有10天的時間決定要不要上訴 如果他真的上訴了




The union will push to have the dispute resolved by July 1, either through an
expedited appeal or through a direct settlement with the N.B.A. It is unclear
whether the league is open to settlement talks.

工會目前會致力於在7/1號前解決這事 現在還不確定NBA聯盟會不會最後選擇和解結


Although teams and players can begin contract talks July 1, no deals can be
signed until July 11, which could give the parties a slight buffer period to
resolve the issue before it affects the Knicks’ decisions.

雖然7/1號自由市場就開始了... 沒有合約的可以在7/11後開始被簽

這可能讓那些鳥權當事人有了一些時間來緩衝 起碼在這檔事影響尼克的決定前



In a surprise decision, arbitrator Kenneth Dam ruled that Jeremy Lin and
Steve Novak will retain their "early Bird" rights when they become free
agents July 1.

裁定員Kenneth Dam裁定LIN跟NOVAK在7/1號時可以獲得他們的鳥權!

The appeal has to be ruled upon quickly with free agency a little more than a
week away.

距離上訴被排除 將會在自由市場開市後過幾天



Commissioner David Stern repeatedly said he expected to win the arbitration,
handed down by Kenneth Dam.

屎藤仍是一在的重述他預期可以贏得聽證會 不過被裁定員Kenneth Dam搧了個巴掌

The NBA plans to appeal, according to a press release.

根據一份新聞稿 NBA聯盟打算提出上訴




Nevertheless, within an hour of yesterday's ruling, the NBA issued a
statement saying it will appeal.
If that spills over past July 1 free agency, it could create a delay in the
Novak/Lin negotiations.

NBA聯盟在聽證會結果出來一小時後 發布一份新聞稿說他們計畫上訴

如果這個拖到7/1號之後 林跟NOVAK的合約將會被拖延到

The victory was not unexpected after arbitrator Damm heard the case 10 days
The Post reported a source saying the union had a “50-50'' shot despite
commissioner David Stern's boasts.


記者說有消息指出儘管屎藤那麼堅持 但工會仍有一半一半的勝率


一樣不期不待吧 GG現在應該會很苦惱要先做甚麼吧-..-

─∥ ── =" ψsherry821224 ──────────────
\ Teammates don't
 ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ λ play with each
_ -.╳ ︶- other, they play
ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other.
─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥.

Tags: NBA

All Comments

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2012-06-26T21:03
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2012-06-29T21:13
恩阿 所以可能會拖延到那些合約 如果真的要30天見真章的話


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2012-06-23T19:17
前面一篇聊過選秀,現在這篇來聊自由球員 首先要確定的是,未來兩、三年左右的球隊方針,有鑒於我們已經開始的重建,似乎正常來講不會在兩、三年內重返冠軍賽,畢竟熱火擋在那邊,奪冠後勢必影響更多的帶槍投靠。放眼東區,逐漸成長的七六人、溜馬,甚至不曉得哪天會整合完成的尼克都不好打。西區的話雷霆還會是大熱門,馬刺、湖人老 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-06-23T17:32
最佳:Dwight Howard 選個高中畢業生當狀元有相當大的風險 尤其是缺乏經驗還不成熟的長人特別難養 2001年高中四少的慘痛教訓更是讓人怵目驚心 (題外話,當年公牛拿Brand換Chandler的交易讓我非常不爽,也讓很多人覺得莫名其妙) 魔術隊硬是放過當屆最佳大學球員Okafor不選必須冒相當大的風 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2012-06-23T14:11
簡單講 每支球隊都會有一個Laoda 然而當你家Laoda出走去當別人小弟就叫抱大腿 但....Laoda去別人家當Laoda算不算抱大腿呢? 舉幾個最近的例子 瓜瓜抱阿罵大腿 JR抱瓜瓜跟阿罵的大腿 以上三人都抱LIN的大腿(林來瘋) CP3抱BG的大腿 K罵抱CP3跟BG的大腿 以上三人都抱槍 ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2012-06-23T13:13
現在看看湖人陣容 已經很難有機會再度接近總冠軍了 KOBE可以打的時間也不多了 如果依造科迷的理論 KOBE至少還需要一枚冠軍戒才能和MJ比較誰偉大 那這樣KOBE是不是也該找大腿抱了? 不然這樣KOBE永遠不能和MJ比誰偉大? -- → iamchyun:ctrl+alt+del 沒用? ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2012-06-23T12:10
近15年來,NBA選秀選進不少好手 由於人數眾多,來討論前三順位就好 以下是從nbahoopsonline.com得到的選秀資訊 有些人現在都不見了 第一順位: 第二順位: 第三順位: 97 Tim Duncan ...