韓職上半球季票房結算 - 棒球

By Hardy
at 2023-07-13T20:53
at 2023-07-13T20:53
Table of Contents
場次 進場人次 場均 上座率 滿場次數 戰績
雙子 45場 741,549 16,479 69.4% 4場(23,750) 龍頭
登陸者 41場 595,313 14,520 63.1% 4場(23,000) 第二
樂天 38場 509,248 13,401 58.3% 5場(22,990) 第五
斗山 35場 437,587 12,502 52.6% 4場(23,750) 第三
三星 38場 452,158 11,889 49.5% 2場(24,000) 爐主
起亞 37場 371,262 10,034 第六
巫師 41場 386,726 9,432 50.4% 4場(18,700) 第七
英雄 44場 336,311 7,643 47.7% 4場(16,000) 第九
韓華 43場 324,043 7,536 62.8% 3場(12,000) 第八
恐龍 35場 257,823 7,366 第四
場次 進場人次 場均
四月 120場 1,265,432 10,545
五月 113場 1,299,684 11,502
六月 121場 1,353,843 11,189
七月 43場 493,061 11,467
共計 397場 4,412,020 11,113
總進場人次 場均
2015 7,360,530 10,223
2016 8,339,577 11,583
2017 8,400,688 11,668
2018 8,073,742 11,214
2019 7,286,008 10,119
2020 328,317 456
2021 1,228,489 1,706
2022 6,076,074 8,439
2023 4,412,020 11,113
2015-2023 十隊場均變化
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
雙子 14,630 16,078 15,762 15,398 13,894 574 1,621 12,919 16,479
登陸 11,310 12,017 12,396 14,406 13,652 425 1,645 13,633 14,520
樂天 11,124 11,842 14,424 12,523 9,433 510 1,921 8,773 13,401
斗山 15,560 16,181 15,206 15,445 13,650 765 1,362 8,953 12,502
三星 7,291 11,825 9,790 10,449 9,607 386 3,864 9,367 11,889
起亞 9,863 10,743 14,234 11,968 9,613 294 1,458 8,394 10,034
巫師 8,964 9,478 9,535 9,286 7,455 312 1,030 7,393 9,432
英雄 7,094 10,863 9,714 6,314 6,304 377 936 4,858 7,643
韓華 9,130 9,173 8,240 10,196 7,711 277 1,444 4,975 7,536
恐龍 7,259 7,627 7,377 6,151 9,865 639 1,782 5,125 7,366
整體 10,223 11,583 11,668 11,214 10,119 456 1,706 8,439 11,113
As has been reported several times, spectators have returned to pre-pandemic lev
els this season. The average attendance by July 12 was 1,142. It was about 300 m
ore than the average attendance by July 12, 2019, just before the start of the p
- Tickets to the baseball field are no exception to the soaring prices. Accordin
g to KBO, the average price of a baseball stadium ticket this year is 15,306 won
. It is the highest ever, up 30% from 11,782 won in 2019.
Tickets were much more expensive, but as the number of spectators increased, so
did the clubs' sales. Ticket sales per game this year are about 170 million won
(average number of spectators x ticket price). It is an overwhelming all-time hi
gh, more than 50 million won more than 120 million won in 2019.
In addition, it is difficult for each club to disclose data, but the common answ
er is that sales of food and beverages and various goods have also increased con
siderably compared to before the pandemic. In other words, this year's clubs are
certain to record the highest sales ever.
- Currently, most stadiums have fewer seats than in 2019. This is because the nu
mber of seats has been reduced to secure space for convenience of viewing and lu
xury of seats. In 2019, the total capacity of the nine main home stadiums was 19
1119, with an average of 21235 seats. This year, the number dropped to 184873 an
d the average to 20541. Therefore, the increase in the "seat share" (50.9% ->54.
2%) is greater than the increase in the number of spectators (2.9%).
All Comments

By George
at 2023-07-12T19:12
at 2023-07-12T19:12

By Margaret
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at 2023-07-14T16:08
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By Olivia
at 2023-07-12T19:12
at 2023-07-12T19:12

By Daniel
at 2023-07-14T16:08
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By Enid
at 2023-07-12T19:12
at 2023-07-12T19:12
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