雪梨男網冠軍-David Nalbandian - 網球 Tennis

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2009-01-17T22:06

Table of Contents

Singles - Final
[4] D Nalbandian (ARG) d J Nieminen (FIN) 63 67(9) 62

小班在澳網前夕拿到生涯第十個單打冠軍,稍早Del Potro也在同一天奪冠,


同時呢﹗ 這也是他第一個室外硬地冠軍。

"It's very good. I mean, winning a tournament before [the Australian Open] is
almost perfect to arrive. So very happy for the week that I had here. I think
I play good tennis with the best tennis of the world, and from the very
beginning of the week I start play good.

"Today it was a tough match. I feel that I played very good sometimes and
sometimes not that good. But it was a very positive week, and I feel that I'm
going to arrive to Melbourne with a lot of confidence. So that's good."

"Tie-break was very long," said Nalbandian. "I was a little unlucky some
points. But that's the way it is. Then I started playing very good again, and
then third set I was in control. It was a good match. A good win."




Tags: 網球

All Comments

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-01-20T19:35
十全十美! ATP湊滿了,可以開始拿大滿貫了吧XD
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2009-01-23T17:04
他今天頒獎話真的蠻多的 很來勁
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-01-26T14:32
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2009-01-29T12:01
不期不待 是我小班 XD
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2009-02-01T09:30

奧克蘭男網冠軍-Juan Martin del Potro

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2009-01-17T19:35
Singles - Final [1] J del Potro (ARG) d [6] S Querrey (USA) 64 64 Delpo拿到個人第五座冠軍 and#34;All titles are special and this one is my first of the season. Th ...

===== 本週排名 09/01/19 =====

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2009-01-17T12:37
單打世界排名 Cur Prv Name Rank Pts Tours Career-High —  75 (75) CHAN YUNG-JAN 詹詠然 872 27 50 ↓ 82 (80) ...

雪梨網賽 兩岸配冠女雙

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-01-17T08:43
謝淑薇/彭帥的「兩岸配」昨天再度發威,只花47分鐘就以6比0、6比1 痛宰迪琦/迪拉庫雅的法澳聯軍;在澳網指標性賽事、總獎60萬美元的 雪梨網球賽抱走女雙冠軍。 謝淑薇和彭帥2008年9月曾攜手拿下WTA第3級峇里島網賽的女雙冠軍, 這回兩人繼續搭檔再創佳績,將可分享3.1萬美元的獎金。而470分的冠 軍 ...

Re: Sydney/Auckland

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2009-01-16T22:50
雪梨 Singles - Semi-Finals [4] D Nalbandian (ARG) d R Gasquet (FRA) 64 63 and#34;I just been improving game by game or match by match,and#34; said Nalbandia ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-01-16T18:29
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