隨著簽約新合約 恩比得明天可能上場 - NBA

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2017-10-11T14:54

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With New Contract in Tow, Embiid Probable to Play in Preseason Tomorrow

簽了新合同 鉛筆明天可能上場

That was fast! The same day that Joel Embiid and the 76ers announced their
re-engagement, the team is listing him as probable for tomorrow’s preseason
game against the Brooklyn Nets. The medical update was released to assembled
media at today’s Sixers practice at Emerson College.

明天跟籃網的季前賽 鉛筆被列為可能上場

Notably, reporting from local radio personality and real-life Burger King
Howard Eskin from a while ago indicated that the Sixers might be
intentionally holding out Embiid until contract negotiations were complete.
The timing does seem more than coincidental, as Embiid hadn’t played full
court 5-on-5 until this weekend. Here is what Eskin reported early in
September, as transcribed by WIP and CBS Philly’s Andrew Porter.


“Here is breaking news,” Eskin said on the 94WIP Midday Show. “I
understand — and I was gonna sit on this and wait on it, but since you asked
me the question I will answer it. He’s not ready for five-on-five play,
according to the Sixers. But what I understand is, his agent wants a new
contract before he — remember he’s eligible to get a new deal. Now, if you’
re the Sixers you can’t give him a max deal until you see that he can play,
how many games he can play during the season.

“But my understanding, part of the reason that they’re saying — whoever it
is that is saying that he’s not ready for five-on-five play, is because —
and Joel Embiid, I don’t think worries about the money, but they listen to
their agents. And the agent wants a new contract.”
Embiid previously responded, denying the report, but the timing is still

Tomorrow night’s game against the Nets is currently not being televised
locally, as road preseason games typically aren’t covered by NBC Sports
Philadelphia. The Celtics-Sixers broadcast from last night was a simulcast of
the NBC Sports Boston coverage, whereas YES Network is not within the NBC
family. Out of towners should be able to access the game on NBA League Pass.
(UPDATE: Per League Pass Support, this game is not available on League Pass
anywhere.) As of now, Philadelphians will need to resort to either a radio
broadcast or to other means to track the preseason debut of The Process. That
’s a problem in 2017, with these fans and higher expectations.

明天晚上對籃網的比賽 沒有當地媒體播放

到目前為止 費城當地人 需要透過廣播或其他方式追蹤季前賽

That being said, is it worth it for Embiid to get reps before the season
starts? Unless his conditioning is so far behind you think game action is the
only way to improve it over the next week, I would have kept him in the
proverbial bubble wrap until October 18. However, working with teammates in a
stress-free environment will have its benefits and will be a welcome sight
for Sixers fans, well, in New York.

話雖如此 但究竟恩比得是否值得投資呢?

Tags: NBA

All Comments

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2017-10-12T17:10
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2017-10-17T05:13
還沒打過5打5 就要上場 這樣好嗎
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2017-10-19T13:51
之前都炸傷? 現在簽新約在放板凳坦就太浪費了 所以
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2017-10-22T12:44
跟雙狀元比 他的身手不需要懷疑吧
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2017-10-27T07:44
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2017-10-28T08:35
trust the process
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2017-10-30T15:37
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2017-10-31T21:48
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2017-11-01T20:38
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2017-11-04T11:14
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2017-11-07T20:44
挫屎 了 怕誰死 vs. 錢得了 怕爽死
William avatar
By William
at 2017-11-10T07:51
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2017-11-12T09:47
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-11-17T06:03
熱身賽不一樣啊 隊內練習還能控制 熱身賽不行
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2017-11-19T22:31
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2017-11-20T01:21
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2017-11-23T15:45
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2017-11-24T10:13
拿到大約了 就不怕帶傷上陣加重傷勢 反正.....
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-11-26T19:35
他這個約是要看他的健康程度拿錢的 不是說受傷錢照
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-11-30T23:03
超級玻璃 卻簽了一個一年近三千萬的大約...
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-12-03T16:56

谷底翻身 門票銷售湖人高居第一

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2017-10-11T14:30
根據《NBC》報導,新球季雖然尚未開打,但各隊門票銷售量排行榜已率先出爐, 湖人從谷底翻身高居第一,安森尼出走後的尼克則名列第二, 成功引進厄文的塞爾提克排名第三。 「小飛俠」布萊恩在去年退休,湖人展開重整, 今夏從選秀會上簽下「球哥」朗佐鮑爾,加上明年還有可能獲得保羅喬治的青睞, 因此讓球迷看 ...

詹姆斯:久疏戰陣 感覺不在狀態

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-10-11T13:57
https://voice.hupu.com/nba/2211487.html 騎士94-108負於公牛的比賽中,久疏戰陣的勒布朗-詹姆斯完成復出, 出場29分鐘13投8中得到17分5個籃板3次助攻,同時出現8次失誤。 賽後,詹姆斯也對比賽做出點評。 「個人角度來說,我還不在狀態,我能感覺到這一點, 這是我 ...

保護球隊利益 Embiid合約設受傷條款

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2017-10-11T13:11
保護球隊利益 Embiid合約設受傷條款 作者:曹玉烱 日前與Joel Embiid簽下5年1.48億美元天價延長合約後,外界認為這是76人的1場豪賭, 但根據《ESPN》報導,其實76人球團已在合約中設立嚴謹的停損點。 報導指出,為了保護球隊利益,合約中有關Embiid受傷條款部分就長達35頁,顯見 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2017-10-11T12:16
新賽季NBA十大焦點比賽第一場就是生死大戰附帶時間表 消息來源:http://www.hooooop.com/news/17014.html 內容: 塞爾提克vs 騎士 時間:10月18日 看點:NBA新賽季第一場比賽,上賽季東區決賽的兩支球隊再度相遇足以碰撞出火花,不 過由於Kyrie Irving交 ...

火箭新老闆宣示 全力求勝

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2017-10-11T12:04
TSNA 記者/賴意文 http://www.tsna.com.tw/tw/news/show.php?c=1andamp;num=14054 火箭新老闆宣示 全力求勝 https://i.imgur.com/QIsm32L.jpg James Harden。(達志影像資料照) 休士頓火箭新老闆Tilm ...