陳同學又開炮了… - 花式滑冰 Figure Skating

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-02-18T15:24

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Patrick Chan blasts ‘old’ Plushenko
Chan refused to be drawn into the controversy, but said he believed that the
style of skating of 27-year-old Russian Plushenko, who has returned to
competition in a bid to defend his Olympic title, was out of date.

“For me the transitions are one of the most important things in a programme,
otherwise it’s very boring to watch,” he said.

“Above all in a programme like the Phantom of the Opera which I do for the
long programme. It’s important to have good transitions to interpret the
music with unique footwork.

“I love the new system, it’s a great way to promote an all around skater
especially a skater like me,” said Chan.

“He’s (Plushenko) confident that the quad will really help him, that he
doesn’t need transitions. He’s old, I can’t tell him it’s not good.

“I think we’ll start seeing more skaters like me in future generations.”

Chan believes that Plushenko and Joubert will try and intimidate him with the
quad in practice ahead of the competition.

“Of course they’ll (Plushenko and Joubert) do it in practice and will nail
it on front of me,” he said.

“It’s totally normal that’s why the Olympics are so special. I’ll only
use that to feed the fire and focus on what I can do.

“It’s going to be exciting to see what Plushenko has up his sleeve.

“We’re all a bunch of great skaters. It’s whoever who can grasp that moment
on that Tuesday and Thursday.”

Chan confident he can win
“I am not out of it,” said Chan after practice Wednesday. “I’m actually,
technically, in second place because the points are so close. And the long
program is a while different beast. So we’ll see how we handle it.”

“That’s the one thing I thought about (Tuesday) when I got off the ice,”
said Chan. “Jeff didn’t have the best short (in Turin) and he (moved to



All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2010-02-22T19:21
不過Plushenko在Transitions/Linking Footwork這一項
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-02-26T23:17

花式滑冰/大陸金牌夫妻檔 5月登台

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-02-18T10:24
新聞請詳http://udn.com/NEWS/SPORTS/SPO1/5427634.shtml 【聯合報╱記者黃顯祐/台北報導】 2010.02.18 01:35 am 前天在溫哥華冬奧贏得中國大陸史上首面花式滑冰金牌的夫妻檔趙宏博、申雪,將在5 月在台北小巨蛋與台灣觀眾見面。 海峽兩岸的奧會及滑 ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-02-18T07:36
You Be the Judge http://www.nbcolympics.com/figure-skating/applications/index.html 昨天在NBC 冬奧網站上發現的 由and#34;你and#34;來當裁判 選一個你想評的節目 有basic made和expert made b ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-02-18T02:08
http://www.dzwww.com/rollnews/sports/201002/t20100212_5651126.htm 這是中文的新聞,但據說對岸的體育記者素質… 我希望能看到英文的報導,如果有找到我再po上來… 這小子真的… - ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-02-17T22:16
Sorry最近都在忙期末, 剛剛男單已經播完了,所以只能和大家分享其他的轉播情報。 NHK臺只要有裝第四臺,一般來說都有。 NHKbs臺則是需要小耳朵。 以下皆為日本時間,以標色區別放送臺。 2/18 02:22-02:55 男單SP選粹 2/19 10:00-14:10 男單FS全程(現場直播) ...

2010冬奧結果預測 :D

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-02-17T20:15
※ 引述《wxyz1234533 (我們的彩虹)》之銘言: : : 女單    金      銀     銅      備註 : : ══════════════════════════════════════ : : immoi Kim Miki Asada ...