關於子母線的一些精闢的見解 - 網球 Tennis

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2006-03-13T14:09

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當然不是我寫的啦,是 Hillix & ask1ed 大大寫的。


Originally Posted by Gaines Hillix
As theace21 said, to save money you can use the more expensive string in the
mains, where 80-90% of the playing characteristics of the string job come
from, and a cheaper syn gut in the crosses. The other main reason for using a
hybrid is to combine the playing characteristics of two string types. For
instance, if you put nat gut in the mains and a poly like Lux ALU Power in
the crosses, you'll have better control and a little less power than a full
gut job. On the other hand if you put the poly in the mains and the nat gut
in the crosses, you'd have a more durable and control oriented string job,
but it would be more arm friendly and softer playing than a full poly job.

像 theace21 說的,為了省錢你可以用更貴的線當母線,而較便宜的仿腸線當子線。
因為母線負責 80% ~ 90% 的手感,以及打起來的特性。
譬如說:你可以把天然腸線當作母線,而 ALU Power 當作子線,
雖然你會損失一些 power,但你會有更好的控制。


Nicely put. Hybrids will give you a hybrid feel. Most use a soft main like
gut and cross it with something to add rather than subtract to the feel, or
for economic reasons. Gut with the old multi prince response is a nice
hybrid. Lots of other pos. combos with gut, for many reasons. What's the
ultimate hybrid? FEd uses wilson gut/alu power rough 16L. The mains do the
brushing up, the spin, and most of the power. The crosses are the mainly the
tensioners of the main, but can affect feel/control/durability of the mains,
as the crosses will "saw" the mains in half. Lux does not move as much, so
the gut lasts longer with a cross that will not saw.

或是為了經濟的因素,天然腸線搭上舊式的 prince multi response,

Lots of other pos. combos with gut,
我不知道 pos. 是什麼的縮寫。)

Federer 用 Wilson 的天然腸線搭上 alu power rough 16L。
因為母線負責咬球、做 spin 的動作、以及負責大部分的 power。


所幸能夠利用 Luxilon 這種線不太跑線的硬線,

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