還是關於大歐 - NBA

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2004-06-25T02:16

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下一季他的合約值差不多是在 27.7M,所以對方只要出到差不多在
24M - 32M 之間的價碼。



An NBA executive said late Wednesday that the Mavericks now
would approach the Lakers with a new offer of Dirk Nowitzki,
Josh Howard and the No. 5 pick in exchange for O'Neal.

To make the deal work, Dallas would have to find a way to add
another $8 million or so in salary owed to a player or players
as a way of balancing the NBA-high $27.7 million O'Neal is set
to make next season.

Owner Mark Cuban had told the Dallas Morning News on Wednesday
that Nowitzki would not be included in an O'Neal trade. But the
executive speaking late Wednesday said the Mavericks' new offer
would include the sixth-year All-Star forward.

Dallas still would be able to pair O'Neal in a lineup with Antoine
Walker, Michael Finley and Steve Nash should it trade away Nowitzki.


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2004-06-29T14:16
不行 三劍客都不能走啦 >"<
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2004-06-30T01:49
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2004-06-30T11:58
在選秀後 情形也混亂 不過我相信小牛滿手
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2004-07-03T01:53
牌的情況 讓他們可以更有彈性^^

Coon's FAQ Q17-8 ( TRADED PLAYER Exception )

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2004-06-24T21:03
交易球員額度條款( Traded Player Exception ,TE )─ 這是一個額外的薪資空間只能用來交易其他別的球隊的球員,但不能夠用來簽下自由 球員。而這個額外的薪資空間,是經由之前交易其他球員所空出來的。有關這個條款的詳 細說明將可以在問題68之中得到解答;另外,有關這個條款的適用範 ...

Coon's FAQ Q17-7 ( MINIMUM PLAYER SALARY Exception )

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2004-06-24T18:27
最小額度球員薪資條款( Minimum Player Salary Exception )─ 球隊可以用最小薪資限制的額度簽下球員,既使在他們超過團隊薪資上限的時候。合 約的長度最長為兩年,對一個這樣的兩年合約來說,第二年的額度還是只能是當季的球員 最小薪資限制。例如:當已經超過薪資上限的Laker ...

Coon's FAQ Q17-6 ( ROOKIE Exception )

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2004-06-24T18:16
新秀條款( Rookie Exception )─ 球隊可以用新秀合約的額度簽下他們的第一輪選秀球員,就算簽下該球員後薪資上限 會超過團隊薪資上限。 -- When Detroit goes on a 12-0 run and Jackson doesn’t use a time-out, it ...

Coon's FAQ Q17-5 ( $1 MILLION Exception )

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2004-06-24T17:53
百萬階級條款($1 MILLION Exception)─ 這個條款是之前的CBA 就有的條款,而重新訂定CBA 之後仍然保留下來。就像中產階 級條款,百萬條款的額度也是隨著每年經過而規律性的遞增: 98-99 $1.00 million 99-00 $1.10 million 00-01 ...

Coon's FAQ Q17-4 ( MID-LEVEL SALARY Exception )

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2004-06-24T17:27
中等薪資條款( Mid-Level Salary Exception )─ 這個條款也被稱為中產階級條款( Middle-Class Exception,ptt 上通常聽到的就是 這一個。這個條款的內容是:球隊每年可以提供任何球員一個額度等於NBA 平均薪資的合 約,無論團隊薪資超過上限與否。這個條 ...