週二新增六支球隊預定第二輪門票 - 籃球

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2019-09-04T14:05

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Six more teams book their Second Round tickets on Tuesday

03/09/2019 REVIEW 2 MIN TO READ

BEIJING (China) - Six teams successfully booked their tickets to the Second
Round of the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019, with Brazil, Dominican Republic,
France, Australia, Lithuania, and Team USA all confirming their spots in a
drama-filled Tuesday slate.


By advancing to the next round, all six nations have also assured themselves
of places in next year's Olympic Qualifying Tournament should they not
qualify outright for Tokyo 2020.


A couple of upsets rocked the World Cup and shook the balance of power,
headlined by Brazil's one-point escape act over Giannis Antetokounmpo's
Greece, 79-78, in Nanjing. The win propelled Brazil to the next round and
forced Greece into a must-win situation against New Zealand on Thursday in
Group F.

擊敗Giannis Antetokounmpo領軍的希臘。這場勝利讓巴西晉級到下一輪,而讓希臘在F組


Speaking of New Zealand, the Tall Blacks stayed alive after Corey Webster's
hot shooting helped them get by Montenegro, 93-83. If Webster's New Zealand
beats Greece on Thursday, the Kiwis are through to the next round.

說到紐西蘭,黑衫軍在Corey Webster的火燙手感下以93比83拿下蒙特內哥羅,保住了一線

Joining Brazil in the Second Round are Dominican Republic and France from
Group G. The Dominicans sprung the other dramatic upset of the day, dealing
fancied Germany a 70-68 defeat at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center before the
French outclassed Jordan, 103-64, in the same venue later in the evening.


Both the Germans and Jordanians are now relegated to the Classification Phase
of the World Cup.


Also in the Classification Phase are Group H's Canada and Senegal, who fell
by the wayside, as Australia and Lithuania survived what was billed to be the
tournament's 'Group of Death.'


The Boomers had to scramble in the second half before they put the Lions out
for good, 81-68, as the Lithuanians blew out the Canadians, 92-69, in the
Dongguan Basketball Center nightcap.


The Boomers advance to the Second Round! #FIBAWC #AustraliaGotGame (: @kukthew)

Meanwhile in Shanghai, Japan absorbed their second defeat of their campaign,
89-76, at the hands of Czech Republic, who stay alive to play for a Second
Round berth on Thursday in Group E.


Facing the Czechs in that encounter will be Turkey, who somehow found a way
to crumble under the pressure and fall short against Team USA, 93-92, in
overtime at the Shanghai Oriental Sports Center.



Turkey very nearly dealt the Americans their first Preliminary Round loss
since 1998, but the European side muffed a number of free-throws in overtime
that left the door ajar for Team USA to steal victory from the jaws of defeat.


The result made it two wins out of two for Gregg Popovich's team, enough to
formalize their entry to the Second Round.

因此讓Gregg Popovich的球隊帶走了第二勝,也讓他們晉級到第二輪。

Once all Second Round berths have been filled, the teams from Groups E and F
will move to Shenzhen for the Second Round to form Group K, while the winners
of Groups G and H will troop to Nanjing in a newly-formed Group L. The top
two teams of those groups will go on to cross paths in the Quarter-Finals.


FIBA https://tinyurl.com/y4us6x2v

Tags: 籃球

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By Odelette
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