辛辛那提第二輪:Juan Monaco - 網球 Tennis

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2007-08-16T23:34

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August 15, 2007


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How good does it feel to beat Rafa? Even though he retired, you were playing
very well.

JUAN MONACO: Yes. It's an important victory for me. The best victory of my
career so far. I'm happy for myself but I'm a bit sad for Rafael because he was
In the first set it was a good level for both of us, and in the second set he
had only difficulties in the beginning and I'm happy with the victory.

Q. How bad is your blister?
JUAN MONACO: Yes, it was pretty bad. I had small surgery now during the last
half an hour. They told me hopefully it's going to be better tomorrow. It
should be better. I will put ice on it and it should be better tomorrow.

Q. Right or left foot?
JUAN MONACO: It's on the right foot underneath the nail of the toe. It's a
blister there. No good.

Q. The whole match you looked very confident and comfortable. You were hitting
winners and moving him around. Do you feel like you played one of your better
matches today?
JUAN MONACO: Yes. This year I had a lot of good matches. I won the last
tournament I played and I am coming with a lot of confidence from clay and I'm
trying to bring to confidence from the clay court tournaments now to the hard
court tournaments.
It was one of best matches this year that I played. I tried to play as
aggressive as possible, to move him around a lot, and I succeeded well in doing

Q. And the last time you played on hard courts was March?
JUAN MONACO: March. I lost to Federer in Miami.

Q. Is that normal for you, to go so long without playing hard?
JUAN MONACO: Yes. For the South American it's normal. We play a lot on clay. We
like to play on clay. We play Indian Wells, Miami at the beginning of year and
then after the clay season we don't play all the tournaments from like L.A.,
Washington, but we play Montreal and we play here.

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Tags: 網球

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