轉會傳聞:Gervinho, Foster, Samba, Pa … - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-05-21T13:11

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※ 引述《changyg (Bob)》之銘言:
: Transfer Rumour Review: Gervinho, Foster, Samba, Parker
: by Red Detective
: Goonertalk http://goo.gl/2tRiA
: Welcome to RedDetective’s brand-new Transfer Rumour Review column.
: 歡迎來到 RedDetective 的轉會傳聞專欄
: The weekly feature promises to look at a handful of players linked with
: Arsenal in the past seven days, giving you the chance to have your say on
: which star you would like to see in a Gunners shirt.
: 每週會固定檢視過去七天內傳聞會加入 Arsenal 的球員八卦,讓你也能一同發表自己的
: 觀點,來說說你認為哪些球星會穿上槍手的球衣。
: Feel free to leave your transfer rumour views in the comments section below.
: 歡迎留下你對轉會得看法。
: ***************************************
: Gervinho (23, Forward, Lille):
: (23歲,前鋒,法甲Lille)
: Don’t be fooled by the name he isn’t Brazilian, he’s from the Ivory Coast.
: His real name is Gervais Yao Kouassi and he has exceptional ability. In fact
: Gervinho’s dribbling skill and step-over’s earned him the nickname. Like
: the current crop of Ivory Coast forward’s he has pace, skill and a wiry
: strong frame. A key asset that will ultimately earn him a move to a big club
: is his versatility. He also is in the same position that Ashley Young and
: Samir Nasri are, he has just a year left on his contract so this would be an
: affordable transfer.
: 別被他的名字而誤以為他是巴西球員,實際上他是象牙海岸籍的球員。全名為 Gervais
: Yao Kouassi 且有著傑出的能力。事實上,Gervinho 因盤球技術和跨步過人而得名。就
: 如當前象牙海岸國家隊的前鋒球員們,他有著速度、技術、以及強壯的體格。之所以有機
: 會轉向大型球會的關鍵在於他的多樣性。同時也能踢像 Ashley Young 和 Nasri 所在的
: 陣容位置,目前還剩下一年的合同,所以這應為價格上可以接受的轉會對象。
: From a tactical perspective, I regard Gervinho as a combination of Arshavin’
: s skill and Walcott’s power, although probably lacking the top class potency
: of both. Rumours say the Ivory Coast international will only sign for a team
: playing Champions League football, which would rule Spurs out of the running
: and push Arsenal straight into it. I see this one probably happening, if a
: certain diminutive Russian moves on since Gervinho is capable of playing on
: the wing.
: 從戰術的觀點來看,我認為 Gervinho 有著 Arshavin 技術 & Walcott 衝擊力之兩者的
: 綜合,雖然不比他們兩人在足球界的影響力。傳聞指出這名象牙海岸籍球員只願加入能踢
: 歐冠的球隊,因此 Spurs 確定出局而 Arsenal 機會大增。我認為這筆交易可能發生,但
: 前提是離去機會極微的俄羅斯人 Arshavin 真的離開且 Gervinho 取代了他來踢邊鋒位置
: Ben Foster (28, Goalkeeper, Birmingham):
: (28歲,門將,英超 Birmingham)
: Ben Foster is not coming to Arsenal. He could not hack England set up and did
: not excel at Manchester United either. Why on earth would a 28 year old
: decide to withdraw from England? To prolong a club career, he says. I think
: the truth is he knows he is probably third choice at best, lacks the talent
: to displace Hart and is intimidated by big personalities with bigger salaries
: (I do not do fence-sitting when I can help it).
: Ben Foster 不會來 Arsenal。既進不了英格蘭國家隊的球員名單,也無法勝任曾在
: ManUtd 的表現。為何這世上會有正值28歲的球員,毅然決定退出英格蘭國家隊呢?根據
: 他的說法是為了延長在俱樂部的表現。我認為事實是,他深知自己最好也只能在第三門將
: 的位置,既沒有 Hart 的天份,也膽怯拿高薪所需要的優異表現。(如果我能做的話,我
: 是不會猶豫不決的。)
: Szczesny in comparison may well make just as many maybe more errors between
: now and his maturity in two or so years, but has a personality that dusts
: himself off. I consider Foster too much of a nice guy, easily bruised and
: hurt by criticism. He is looked after at Birmingham and should stay and
: become a club legend there. Foster, in conclusion, is a likeable professional
: and in my view a better player than Fabianski but were I him, I would not
: think coming to Arsenal with no guarantee of being first choice a great
: career move. Not going to happen.
: 相較之下,Szczesny 就有較多的容錯機會,且有兩年之多的機會讓他成長,但卻有著門
: 將特質讓他不必去擔心這些。我認為 Foster 像個太過拘謹的乖乖牌,容易被一點點的批
: 評就內心受創。在 Birmingham 他備受關照,也會留下來並成為球隊的傳奇。總的來說,
: Foster 是個討喜的職業球員,甚至在我來看是個比 Fabianski 好一些的球員,但我若是
: 他的話,我不會做出加入 Arsenal 這樣受重視的職涯轉換又沒有第一門將的保障。所以
: ,啥也不會發生。
: Christopher Samba (27, Defender, Blackburn):
: (27歲,後衛,英超 Blackburn)
: I used to have a controversial opinion that I would be too afraid to have
: voiced on Twitter for fear of being shot down in flames. I suspected at one
: time that Wenger detested the football being played by teams such as Stoke
: and Birmingham to the extent that he, in the privacy of his own home, would
: refuse to watch their football. I thought for this reason he had no
: appreciation for the value of the players and would not ever consider signing
: a player like Samba. I changed my mind when I heard Arsenal tried to buy Phil
: Jones, the more talented of the two centre backs at Blackburn. I consider
: Samba to be a player who plays the kind of football that Arsenal are
: incapable of playing. A rugged, efficient and physical game far removed from
: all things Wenger. Now it appears the rumours are Arsenal are considering a
: bid. I find this hard to believe. Why allow him to sign a new deal at Rovers,
: which will only serve to increase his value? Wenger could have moved to buy
: him in January as well.
: 我過去有著爭議性的想法,使得我不敢在 Twitter 發聲免得被責備的聲浪給擊沉。我曾
: 有過懷疑,認為 教授 討厭像 Stoke 和 Birmingham 在足球風格上的表現,就算在主場
: 之際也不會去看他們的表現如何(而調整戰術)。我會這麼想是因為 教授 從未欣賞這些
: 球員們的價值所在,甚至也沒有去考慮簽下像 Samba 這樣的球員。我之所以會改觀,是
: 當我得知 Arsenal 曾試著去簽下 Phil Hones,這名在 Blackburn 的中後衛裡較為突出
: 的球員。我認為 Samba 能負責 Arsenal 過去所不能應付的踢球風格。利用硬碰硬、有效
: 率、並善用體格優勢的比賽風格,是不存在於 教授 的執教風格裡。現在傳出 Arsenal
: 有意出價買他。我不太相信這傳聞。為何讓他留在 Rover 簽下新合同而讓他身價高漲?
: 教授 本該在一月的時候就買下他了!
: I like Samba, and I think certain proponents of this type of signing have a
: good argument. He is big, maybe even if he were an amateur Rugby player, and
: would relish leading a backline at Arsenal seriously lacking in the bicep
: department. However, I do not see this transfer happening on two grounds.
: One; Blackburn have a lot of money and he now has a long contract. No reason
: to sell. Two; I have concerns about his distribution. He is not a natural
: passer from the back in the vein of Rio Ferdinand, Johann Djourou or
: Koscielny. The problem when you have one talented passer at centre back and
: another who is less capable is that attacker’s on the opposite team target
: the stronger player in possession to force him to give the ball to the weaker
: one. Leaving the weaker passer in possession with a high line forces that
: same player to hit a long ball, and in most cases in Arsenal’s case, this
: results in loss of the ball. One can easily see this formula taking place at
: Arsenal were this signing made. During the late 1990’s Chelsea had a slim,
: skilled passer of the ball called Frank Lebouef. Flawless in possession, he
: was harried on the ball he passed to his muscular partner at centre-back –
: Michael Duberry. Duberry would then receive the ball and hit it forward with
: little accuracy resulting in loss of possession. Therefore, for reasons
: mentioned I view the Samba signing as an unlikely one, and probably a player
: worth avoiding.
: 我欣賞 Samba,我也認為希望簽下他的擁護者會有更好的觀點。他身材高大,或許他還曾
: 經是個橄欖球員,多少能緩解 Arsenal 後防缺少強壯二頭肌的危機。但我仍認為有兩個
: 原因使得這轉會不會實現:第一、Blackburn 有著豐厚的資金且他也簽下了新的長期合同
: 。沒理由會賣掉他。第二、我關注過他的表現。他不像 Rio Ferdinand、Johann Djourou
: 、或 Koscielny 這類的後衛有著絕佳的傳球力。問題是當你有著傳球力絕佳、另一名稍
: 弱的後衛群在防線上,敵隊的進攻球員就會去迫使較強壯的持球後衛傳給體格較弱的後衛
: 。而被逼上火線、體格較弱的持球後衛不得不趕緊長傳,就如 Arsenal 經常發生的典型
: 案例,最後會送出持球權。我們可以想見,若是簽下這樣的球員,Arsenal 的陣容就可能
: 會發生這慘案。在90'年代晚期,Chelsea 有著瘦小、傳球精湛的 Frank Lebouef。有著
: 完美的控球,當他急於傳球給同是中後衛、體格強壯的同伴-Michael Duberry。
: Deburry 接到球通常就以精準度低的前傳導致送出對方持球權。因此由上述觀點來看,
: Samba 是不可能加盟的,甚至最好避免使用。
: Scott Parker (30, Midfielder, West Ham):
: (30歲,中場球員,英超 West Ham)
: I like him, and he might just be the poll winner if you asked every Arsenal
: fan who they would want of all the players currently being linked with the
: club. He is not a marquee, high value, shirt seller of a signing but
: undoubtedly would bring a forcefulness of character. Having played alongside
: John Terry and Alan Shearer, I have no doubt that Parker has learned and
: studied the leader he wanted to become. Parker is an immense character, a
: genuine man that stood up when the players in the team he is still contracted
: to – a decent squad – forgot they were professionals and lost their
: confidence.
: 我欣賞他,若你問大部分的槍迷你希望傳聞的哪位加盟,Scott Parker 可能會是第一名
: 。沒有矚目的名氣、高不可攀的價位、或是引進後成為球衣賣最好的球員,但無疑會帶來
: 勇者無懼的精神特質。曾和 John Terry 以及 Alan Shearer 共事,我相信 Parker 有從
: 中學到成為球隊領導人的訣竅。Parker 有著廣大的影響力,是個名符其實的球員,只要
: 站在場上就會盡力成為像樣的球員,而不會去在意隊裡同伴是職業球員或士氣下降。
: Alongside Jack Wilshere he can play in front of Arsenal’s back four and
: replace Alex Song as first choice. Song gives away stupid fouls, and whilst
: he might have improved tremendously, he strikes me as a pedestrian paced and
: lazy character. Give Parker a contract and chance to do his UEFA coaching
: badges when he wants to. The player that Parker most reminds me of is not a
: midfielder but Carlos Puyol. At the minimum you are signing someone who lives
: properly, refuses to give up and demands total effort.
: 加上 Jack Wilshere 能負責四名後衛前的防守中場以及取代 Alex Song 成為第一順位。
: Song 有時會犯下愚蠢的犯規,即使他能改善得很好,他仍讓我覺得像是個有慵懶路人般
: 的速度以及懶散的特質。給 Parker 一份合同,也給他機會去考取 UEFA 執教的徽章。像
: Parker 這樣的球員讓我印象最深刻的是,他不像是個中場球員,卻像是 Barca 的
: Carlos Puyol。若要簽下其他球員,至少要有像他有穩定的出場、不放棄、全力以赴的精
: 神才可。
: Unfortunately, recent information from Daily Mirror journalist John Cross
: would indicate Wenger has doubts about him and he is destined for Tottenham.
: In all likelihood Wenger does not want to add to his squad a player on the
: wrong side of 30 years old who would want a 3 year deal. This deal is
: unlikely to happen based on the rumours doing the rounds right now.
: 不幸的是,最近《鏡報》專欄記者 John Cross 指出教授質疑他的能力,且他最終有可能
: 加入 Tottenham。最主要的原因應是 教授 不想使用30歲的球員在錯誤的陣容位置上,且
: 又要求三年合同。這筆交易也看來不可能成真,正是因為這個傳聞又回到了原點。
: **************************************
: 看完以後,3個不可能 + 1個機會也很低 ≒ 4 個都不可能
: 謝謝收看。(下台一鞠躬 Orz
: Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
: We r the Champions !

傳聞:阿仙奴草簽裏卡多-阿爾瓦雷斯(Ricky Alvarez )

的年輕球員裏卡多-阿爾瓦雷斯(Ricky Alvarez )同意在賽季結束後加盟英超的阿森納。




All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-05-24T11:34
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-05-27T09:56
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-05-30T08:19
http://youtube.com/watch?v=0Us0IvCKFTE 昨晚是看這個
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-06-02T06:41
Ricky Alvarez has not signed pre-contract with #Arsenal
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-06-05T05:04
his is false according to @ManuOlivariESPN
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-06-08T03:27
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2011-06-11T01:49
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-06-14T00:12
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-06-16T22:34
少貼一個t, this is false according to @ManuOlivariESPN
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-06-19T20:57
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2011-06-22T19:19
感覺有點瘦 又有點黏球 不太適合
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-06-25T17:42
跟樓上看法一樣 而且感覺不太有槍手臉 XD

月薪2.2萬美金 越南重金禮聘德國教練拚冠軍

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-05-21T12:51
拼足球冠軍 越重金禮聘德教練 2011/05/21 (中央社河內21日專電)越南國家足球聯團將聘請德國籍的高茨 (Falko Goetz)擔任國家隊教練。為期2年,每月待遇2萬2000美元 。高茨的首要目標是奪得第26屆東南亞運動會足球金牌。 除了每月2萬2000美元的優渥待遇外,高茨在越南的 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2011-05-21T00:42
中華男足開訓 拚世足資格賽 2011-05-20 中國時報 【李弘斌/台北報導】  中華男足6月底、7月初將在2014年世界盃資格賽的淘汰賽,與馬來西亞進行主客場 兩回合交鋒。中華隊昨於左營國家訓練中心展開集訓,並準備在26日前往韓國木浦市,進 行為期兩周的移地訓練。  中華足協原本規畫此行 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-05-21T00:00


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2011-05-21T00:00
以前國中踢足球的時候我用烈焰龍捲風每次都可以贏球,但是加入高中足球社後,我朋友都用魔神的右手接� ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-05-20T22:10
邀賽人 老榮 聯絡電話及信箱 站內信 or 來電0985478901 邀賽日期(一定要確定好時間喔) 2/20(日)AM09:30 原則上會先練球,只想play的可以約晚一個小時到 邀賽地點(務必將場地確定好,以免到時又換場地,浪費球友的時間) 興仁國小:桃園縣中壢市遠東路210號(元智附近) 地圖如右 ...