賽程的壓縮是否導致了更多的球員受傷? - NBA

By David
at 2021-04-22T14:44
at 2021-04-22T14:44
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在這個緊湊的72場比賽的賽季裡,聯盟似乎把球員的身體推向了極限,而獨行俠的老闆Cuban就直言:在一個82場例行賽的賽季裡,我們不會遇到6週要打30多場比賽的情況,那樣大家是可以接受的。 但眼下我們要在很短的時間內完成大量的比賽,這毫無疑問是個巨大的錯誤。
Cuban has reason to dislike the current season’s play-in setup; among other factors, his Mavericks are currently seventh in the Western Conference. But he’s far from the only one crying foul right now. Injuries to major stars, such as LeBron James, Anthony Davis and Kevin Durant, have cast a pall over the season’s home stretch. It certainly feels like an injury avalanche.
Cuban有理由不喜歡本賽季的季後賽安排;除此之外,他的隊伍目前在西區排名第七。 但他絕不是唯一一個抱怨的人。 LeBron、AD、KD等一個接著一個的明星球員的傷病問題給這個賽季末蒙上了一層陰影。 受傷潮就像雪崩式一樣。
But what about the data? For that, we turn to Jeff Stotts, certified athletic trainer and operator of InStreetClothes.com. Stotts actually charts these sports injuries, using objective metrics such as “games lost per games played.” Fortunately for us, he has the answers, plus insight into what these players are currently recovering from.
但數據呢?為此,我們求助於InStreetClothes.com的認證運動教練和傷病專家(Jeff Stotts)。 實際上,Stotts用“每場比賽輸掉的比賽”等客觀指標來記錄這些運動損傷。 為我們帶來了專業領域的解釋。
Are NBA injuries this season higher they’ve been in recent seasons?
At this point, so far, no. The games lost per games played is around four, a little over four, which isn’t surprisingly different. What I did was compare it to the previous full season we had, 2018-2019, because of the hiatus. It was comparable; it was right there. Then I looked at the five-year average. It was comparable there.
截至目前,答案是否定的。 我們設計了一個客觀評價傷病情況的數據,叫做“每場比賽損失”,目前本賽季這個數字剛剛超過4,這個數值並不誇張。 事實上和上一個完整賽季相比(2018-19),數值是近似的,而和過去5個完整賽季的平均值相比,數值仍然相近。
I’ll say this: We haven’t felt the effects of this compressed schedule yet. We might be starting to, with some of these injuries we’ve seen, these soft-tissue injuries of the last couple weeks, but I’m anticipating that as the month progresses we could be trending that way, and I would not be surprised if, when we look back in April, it tends to be one of the higher months in terms of games lost. But for now, January remains the month with the most soft-tissue injuries.
我想說的是,目前我們還沒有感受到本賽季特殊賽程所帶來的影響。 也許大家從現在開始能感覺到了,因為最近的傷病似乎增多了,過去幾週出現了很多軟組織類傷病。 我預計按照目前的趨勢發展,等到4月結束的時候,我們可能會發現這個月是受傷最嚴重的一個月份。 不過截至目前,1月仍是軟組織傷病出現頻率最高的月份。
Every season, people seem to say that the injury situation is uniquely bad. Is that a fallacy you’ve noticed people falling into?
So I get that question every single year. Every single year. ‘Man, injuries seem to be up this year, what’s the deal?’ I think part of it is because we’ve had a lot of notable players get injured over the last several seasons, so we’re more aware of it. We have Klay Thompson, Kevin Durant, all these other guys going down. Their stature is almost like a recency bias kind of thing. I will say this. The league overall was trending down for multiple seasons, starting in the 2013-2014 season, the total
number of games lost went down considerably. It went down for three seasons until the 2017-2018 season where we had this bigger spike and they went up.
每一年我都會被問到類似的問題,每一年。 “嘿,今年的傷病看上去格外多啊,為什麼?”我覺得產生這種現象的部分原因在於一些大牌球員的受傷,過去幾個賽季都有大牌球員倒下,所以大家會產生一種錯覺 。 Klay Thompson、Kevin Durant都遭遇了重傷。 但實際上過去幾年聯盟的傷病問題是越來越少的,從2013-14賽季開始,每場比賽損失的數值有了明顯的下降,連續三年降低,直到2017-18賽季才有了明顯的上揚。
I will say, projecting it for an 82-game season, we’ll be around that average for those last two full seasons. All this comes with a little bit of a caveat. All these totals do not include all those player games lost to the health and safety protocols. So it does include anybody that has a confirmed case of COVID. Those are included in the injury total. The rest games are also up. So we have this other factor where games are being lost, and technically in a way they are, but not every guy missing a
game due to protocols is missing a game due to having COVID. When these guys are quarantining, they can’t go into the facility and work on themselves. It’s not like just a normal day off.
如果把本賽季換算成82場例行賽的話,我認為今年的傷病數值應該和過去兩個完整賽季的平均值相近。 注意,這裡並不包括因為違反防疫規定而缺席比賽的球員,那些因確診而缺席的人是被算作受傷的,但其他僅僅因為違規而遭遇隔離的球員則不算。 所以這也影響了本賽季人們的感觀,而且當這些球員被隔離時,他們是不能參加訓練的,這也和通常意義上的輪休不同。
LeBron’s still recovering from the high ankle sprain. You talked about that a little bit. What are the risks associated with having had a high ankle sprain versus a regular ankle sprain?http://i.imgur.com/5r5O94k.jpg

So the regular ankle sprain involves the ligaments on the side of the ankle. The high ankle involves different ligaments altogether. It involves the distal tib fib joint, which is the distal ends of our two lower leg bones and there’s a ligament that goes across the top, there’s a couple other ligaments that stabilize that area. And that really forms what we call the ankle mortis, which is kind of a roof that goes over the talus of the ankle.
普通的踝關節扭傷涉及到踝關節一側的韌帶。 高位踝關節扭傷涉及的韌帶不同,它涉及到脛骨遠端關節,也就是我們兩個小腿骨的遠端,有一條韌帶穿過頂部,還有其他幾條韌帶穩定該區域。 這就形成了我們所說的踝卯,這是一種覆蓋在踝關節的距骨上。
And so we’re talking about overall integrity and stability of the ankle itself. It’s why they take longer to recover from. It’s why their resulting time lost games is greater and it’s why you need to be patient with the injury. You want to make sure that the ligaments are as strong as possible. Stability in the ankle is good. We want to make sure everything around the joint is ready to go, and that can be difficult because everything in the ankle might feel OK, but your ankle stabilizer’s not as
strong, you end up having a reoccurrence or new injury.
因此,高位踝關節扭傷涉及踝關節本身的整體完整性和穩定性,這就是為什麼它需要更長的時間來恢復,也是為什麼你需要對這類傷病更有耐心。 你要確保韌帶盡可能地強壯,保證踝關節的穩定性。 我們需要確保關節周圍的一切都準備好了。 你可能自己感覺腳踝狀態良好,但它並不穩定,這就會造成再次受傷的問題。
Kevin Durant has been getting dinged up and losing games.
Kevin Durant反復遇到傷病問題而輸掉比賽
Durant has got such a unique body type. He’s a wing playing in a power forward body. He’s 7 foot and coming off an Achilles injury, without considering his previous injury, the hamstring injury is healed to prevent reoccurrence, to prevent reaggravation. And it just takes some time because one of the precursors for an additional hamstring injury is a previous hamstring injury. So I’m not surprised that Brooklyn took some time with that.

But this new injury is bad luck. This quad contusion, he just got kneed. Anyone who’s played basketball has gotten kneed in the thigh and gotten that dead leg sensation. It’s an unfortunate injury. It can be limiting, but I would much rather have a quad contusion over a new quad strain.
而現在他遭遇的大腿挫傷就純粹是運氣不好了,每個打球的人可能都有大腿被膝蓋頂到的經歷,這很不幸。 但我寧願遇到大腿挫傷,也不願意再遭遇大腿拉傷。
Steph Curry is wearing a butt pad and playing quite well in it. Is this butt pad a thing that’s happened a lot and I’m just now hearing about it, or is it a pioneering thing that Steph is doing?

There have been other examples of tailbone contusions in the NBA. I was a little surprised, those five games lost are a little outside the norm. Usually those injuries don’t require a lot of time. That being said, they can be very painful. I think we probably have guys coming back wearing those little butt pads on their contusions. We just don’t hear about it. But since it’s Steph and he openly talked about it, I think it’s getting some notoriety.
聯盟有過一些尾骨撞傷的例子,但很少有像Curry這種缺席5場比賽這麼久的。 通常這種傷病不需要太多時間恢復,但它確實可能很疼。 我覺得之前應該也有人穿過類似的護臀墊,只是沒有被大面積報導。 但隨著Curry開始公開談論這個裝備,我相信未來可能會有更多人嘗試。
Any final comments on this crazy season?
Everybody’s in this unprecedented time caused by the pandemic and we’re not really going to know the ramifications of everything over the last year, for probably a couple seasons. So I’ll be keeping a close eye on not just how this season finishes but how next season goes, if we’re able to get back on a normal timeline, what does all that look like? That’s the question to me. What are the long-term effects of altering these guys’ rehabs, their offseasons, their normal routines? What do we see in
terms of injuries moving forward? Which is obviously going to be where my focus is.
所有人仍處在這次前所未有的疫情之中,我們目前還無法真正意識到過去這一年造成了什麼影響,可能要等幾個賽季才能有更清晰的答案。 因此,我將密切關注的不僅是這個賽季結束的方式,還包括下一季是如何進行的。 如果我們能夠回到正常的賽季,情況又會如何? 這是我想問的問題。 改變球員們的複健時間、休賽期和正常作息時間的長期影響是什麼? 我們看到的傷病情況會如何發展? 這些是接下來我會關注的重點。
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