賽後訪問(1) - 網球

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2007-07-07T04:14

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Q. How shocked are you about what happened out there?
對於今天球場上的表現妳覺得如何? 很驚訝嗎?
JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, I'm very disappointed now. That's pretty normal. I still
don't really realize what did happen. I don't understand what did happen.
But, yeah, she played her match and she did a very good job. I played a very
good first set, then I had a couple of chances at the end of the second set.
Didn't take these chances and the match completely turned over. I didn't feel
fresh enough in the third set to compete with her. She played very good
tennis. So, yeah, it's pretty hard right now, but going to be better in a few


Q. You think it's about what you didn't do rather than what she did?
JUSTINE HENIN: It's kind of both. I mean, she played very well. I have to
agree with that. She did an she's playing an unbelievable tournament. She was
in confidence. She never been scared of winning the match or anything. She
took the opportunities. But I probably played her game a little bit too much.
And, yeah, I had the feeling I didn't know what to do at certain points of
the match. Yeah, it's been pretty hard for me today.

Q. Do you think you might put too much pressure on yourself to win here?
JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I'm not quite sure it's that. I mean, I had the control
of the match in the first set, and then the match slowly but surely started
to change a little bit.
I'm not quite sure it's a question of pressure about winning here. You know,
I lost a lot of energy in the last few weeks. I played a lot. My match
against Serena also has been very tough mentally, emotionally. It was hard
for me to be at my best today. It's the kind of things that can happen. I'll
have other chances in the future. I don't make it an obsession. I'm
disappointed because I lost a Grand Slam semifinal. It's been normal to have
these feelings now.

Q. Is this arguably the toughest defeat of your career?
JUSTINE HENIN: Well, it's too early to say anything about that. It's always
pretty tough to lose, for sure. But it's life, it's tennis, it's sport. She
has been the best today on the court and she deserved the victory. That's the
only thing I can say.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2007-07-10T19:14
不只你感到失望,我們也感到失望 o(〒﹏〒)o
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2007-07-11T10:30
John avatar
By John
at 2007-07-12T05:21
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2007-07-16T00:19
大寫E可以修文章, 推~~辛苦的翻譯


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-07-07T03:48
juju賽後果然提到了今天自己的體力 也提到過去幾週參賽以致失去不少能量 還有和小威那場比賽在身心方面的影響 都讓她今天無法保持再在最佳狀態 不過她也表示自己未來還是有機會的 訪談中她也一直稱讚對手今天打的很好,抓住機會 不過她也表示大威仍是奪冠熱門 J. Henin - 6 June Friday, ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2007-07-07T03:10
第一盤真的很棒!Henin如痴如醉的節奏讓人以為勝卷在握! 20分鐘拿下,打的巴托利無力還擊。 第二盤開始,巴托利穩穩的守在中線, 像一面牆不斷地反射henin各種角度的來球, 而henin則開始出現大量的非受迫失誤, 很多可以控制住的球都lose掉了... 至於失控的第三盤... 情緒很低潮... ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-07-07T02:58
沒想到當Henin球迷這麼久了,也看這個板很久了, 這卻是第一次在Henin板po心得文,唉,心情真是沈重...... 因為在今天比賽開打前,完全沒有想過一路上表現很好的Henin會在今天敗下陣來, 她自己應該也沒有想到,所以,我自己私心覺得這可能是她輸球的原因之一。 感覺她今天從開始比賽之前到比賽後 ...

sleepless in Wimbledon

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2007-07-07T02:58
雖然熬夜看球已經讓我很累了 但是看完真是一整個失眠 看到HENIN在第三盤一面倒的局勢既心急又心疼 看的出她已經體力放盡了 但是卻又不甘心她又再一次跟這最後一枚拼圖擦肩而過 殘念兩個字重重壓在心上 關掉電視卻怎麼也甩不掉HENIN摀面步出球場的畫面 今年明明是預期她會舉著大圓盤站在場中央的呀 last b ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-07-07T02:48
這是我第一次在此版PO文 沒想到就這麼傷心 成為henin的球迷沒多久而已啊!!! 因為我完全被她的反拍迷住了,從此就喜歡上henin 今天看他打一盤我是多麼興奮 原本以為這是一場理所當然會贏的比賽 可是.......唉!!!! henin啊henin!我絕對不會因為這場球賽的失敗而對你灰心 只是我會記得今天 ...