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Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2007-05-29T00:00

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印度人時常作一種名叫 Poona 的遊戲,這種遊戲的起源據說是 1820 A.D.在印度孟買城的一條名叫Poona 街道的居民,作一種類似今日羽球運動的遊戲,以後逐漸普及全印度及全世界,因此今日的羽球運動,又被稱為印度人的遊戲
1870 A.D. 英國格羅特郡(Glouestershire)拜明頓(Badminton)村的波福特公爵,在自己的莊園中,接待由印度返英度假的英國軍官,這些軍官們在天氣太壞,不能出外活動時,即在大廳中作遊戲,這種遊戲即是今日羽球運動的前身。它在開始時沒有名稱,而被稱作拜明頓的遊戲(The game at Badminton)。當時的羽球是一個毽子。而網球拍則當作毽子板,以後毽子板與毽子逐漸改良,乃成為今日的羽球運動。人們為紀念羽球發源於拜明頓村,遂以Badminton 村名,作為羽球正式名稱。
請問那個框框是什麼= =,能弄掉ㄇ= =這是你親自打的ㄇ??
還是翻譯過的 ==
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Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2007-06-01T00:05
What I liked most is the badminton, the badminton originated from Britain since 1870, and then prevail in western Europe , northwest Europe and America, there are many kinds of sources of the badminton, the following are badmintons in the origins of various countries.
Indians often make a kind of game which is called Poona, this kind origin of game whether 1820 ¡¶, plan of A.D.Ô , let down Hui moat bag fear Fu û½ÐP resident, oona of street allegedly, it is similar to the game of badminton sports of today to make one , will popularize the whole India and the whole world gradually afterwards, so today's badminton sports, are known as the Indian's game again
Grote of 1870 A.D. British prefecture (Glouestershire ) visit bright duke , Ford of wave , of village, in one's own manor, receive and return to the British officer who Great Britain spent holidays by India, these officers are too bad in the weather, can't go outside at the time of the activity , namely play games in the hall, this kind of game is a badminton sport predecessor of today . It has no name at the beginning, but called and visited the bright game (The game at Badminton ) of. The badminton at that time was a shuttlecock. The tennis racket is regarded as the shuttlecock board, the shuttlecock board and improvement gradually of shuttlecock afterwards, it is badminton sports which become today . People, in order to commemorate that the badminton rises in and visits the bright villages , then with Badminton village's name , as the formal name of badminton.
2007-05-29 20:22:38 補充:
2007-05-29 20:24:39 補充:
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2007-05-31T19:35
I most liked am the badminton, the badminton am origin from 1870 from
England, latter was in vogue to Western Europe, west Northern Europe
and the Americas, the badminton origin has very many kinds, below was
is the badminton in the various countries' origin.
The Indian often makes one name named Poona the game, this kind of
game origin it is said is 1,820 A.D. Inhabitant is called the Poona
street which in an Indian Bombay city name, makes one kind of similar
today badminton movement the game, later gradually will popularize the
entire India and the world, therefore today badminton movement, also
is called Indian's game.
1,870 A.D. England Glouestershire does obeisance
(Badminton) clearly the village wave Ford duke, in own manor, receives
by India returns the English military officers which England is on a
vacation, these military officers too are bad in the weather, when
cannot go out the activity, namely makes the game in the hall, this
kind of game is today badminton movement predecessor. It when start
does not have the name, but is called as does obeisance Ming Tu the
game (The game at Badminton). Then badminton was a shuttlecock. But
the tennis racket treats as the shuttlecock board, later shuttlecock
board and the shuttlecock gradually improve, is becomes today the
badminton movement. The people originate Yu Paiming for the
commemoration badminton a village, then by Badminton village, takes
the badminton official name.
2007-05-29 19:55:08 補充:
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2007-06-01T04:59
I the badminton is most favorite, the badminton originated from 1870 England, behind spread widely in Western Europe, northwest Europe and America, the source of badminton contain a lot of kind, as follows is badminton's origins in all countries.
The Indian often makes a kind of game which nameds Poona, the origins of this kind of game's it being said is a residents who nameds Poona street of the Bombay city of 1820 A.D.s at India, making one category the badminton exercises today of game, hereafter popularize gradually whole India and whole world, so the badminton of today exercise, and then is called the game of Indian
1870 A.D. British space Luo especially the county(Glouestershire) does obeisance a clear the wave of the village Ford duke, in own manor, the reception is returned the British military officer that the English spends a holiday by India, when these military officers are too bad in the weather, can't go out an activity, make game in the hall, this kind of game is the precursor that the badminton exercises today.It has no name while starting, and is called game(the at Badminton of the The game) of doing obeisance the clear.The badminton at that time is a shuttlecock.And the tennis racket then regard as shuttlecock plank, shuttlecock plank and shuttlecock will improve gradually hereafter, is badminton exercise which becomes today.People rise in to do obeisance a clear village for the memorial badminton, hence with Badminton village is the badminton formal name.
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2007-05-29T09:26
I am happiest □was the badminton, the badminton is □in 1870
origins from England □, latter was in vogue Yu Xi?, northwest □and
the Americas, the badminton □the source has very many □, below was
is the badminton in each □origin.

The Indian □often makes a □name calls Poona □□,
□□□□the origin □□is 1,820 A.D. Inhabitant is called the
Poona street which in an Indian Meng?cheng □name, does one
□□resembles today badminton □□□□, later by □will
popularize the entire India and the world, therefore today badminton
□□, also by □□Indian □□
1,870 A.D. England □standard □special county (Glouestershire) does
obeisance □(Badminton) clearly the village wave Ford duke, in own
□□center, receives by India returns the English □□officials
which England is on a vacation, □a □official □in the day □too
□, cannot leave 外活 □□, namely in is big □center does
□□, □□□□is today badminton □□predecessor. It □□is
famous at □the beginning □, but □does does obeisance Ming?
□□(The game at Badminton). □□the badminton is a
□shuttlecock. But □the racket □□makes the shuttlecock board,
later shuttlecock board □shuttlecock by □the improvement, is
Cheng? today badminton □□. The person □□□reads badminton
□source Yu Baiming the □village, then by Badminton village, makes
□badminton official □.


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2007-05-29T00:00
麻煩 給我


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-05-29T00:00


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2007-05-29T00:00
1.僑泰的服裝設計跟美容美髮有什麼方法能保證一� ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2007-05-29T00:00
嘉義有哪些學校是有宿舍的ㄚ ~~ 急急急 ~~~
華商又有什麼社團呢 ???
請一一列舉一下 ~~
拜託哩 !!!! ...


George avatar
By George
at 2007-05-29T00:00