誰是聯盟最好的 LeBron stopper? - NBA

By Necoo
at 2016-04-28T00:15
at 2016-04-28T00:15
Table of Contents
ESPN 的專欄作家 Tom Haberstroh 整理了一小段數據
過去三季守LBJ最好的是,之前待在魔術的 Tobias Harris
今年守最好的是 Marcus Morris
歷年排行下來的話是 Andre Iguodala,而不是 Kawhi Leonard
In Lee Jenkins' excellent SI article on Iguodala's importance to the
Warriors, Jenkins notes how Iguodala has literally been preparing for his
matchups with LeBron for 11 years. Over the course of his career, Iguodala
has noted how to defend LeBron's every move:
"[Iguodala] entered the NBA out of Arizona a year after James, drafted ninth
by the 76ers in 2004, and immediately began composing a mental manual on how
to halt him. The 6' 6", 215-pound Iguodala developed a similar guide for
every small forward, but James was a particularly compelling subject, and
they faced off regularly in the Eastern Conference. With each matchup
Iguodala added another page, until he knew James’s tendencies as well as his
own. 'That book is crazy big now,' says Iguodala, 31. 'What he does in the
post, what he does when he goes left, what he does when he comes at me like
this.' Iguodala wriggles his shoulders, miming James’s open-floor shimmy. He
has spent more than a decade preparing for the assignment that will define
his career."
去年 Finals 比完之後,有篇文章提到 Iguodala 花了11年研究怎麼防守 LBJ
而且他把每次 LBJ 的進攻都一頁一頁的記下來
寫到他感覺 LBJ 進攻趨勢跟他預測的差不多時,他說那本筆記已經相當大本了
單從去年總冠軍戰來看,Iguodala 確實把 LBJ 守得很好
前幾年可愛守 LBJ 也很有心得,只是當時 LBJ 投籃還沒那麼爛
讓 LBJ 表現略低於平時水準就可以稱得上 LBJ stopper 了
今年騎士捲土重來,現在說騎士打進 Finals 還太早
不過 LBJ 跟他的隊友們如果沒意識到 Iguodala 的防守,肯定要吃大虧了
Iguodala's impact on the Warriors has been profound. When he's on the court
in the Finals, the Warriors are only giving up 92 points per 100 possessions
and outscoring the Cavs by nearly 15 points per 100 possessions. When
Iguodala is on the bench, the Cavs are scoring nearly 98 points per 100
possessions, and the Warriors have a minus-2.8 net rating.
除了防守,Iguodala 在場上帶給勇士的進攻影響力也相當大
這幾年如果 Curry 持續保護健康,應該沒人取代得了他的聯盟第一人
只能看看有沒有下一個研究 Curry 11年的 Curry stopper了
過去三季守LBJ最好的是,之前待在魔術的 Tobias Harris
今年守最好的是 Marcus Morris
歷年排行下來的話是 Andre Iguodala,而不是 Kawhi Leonard
In Lee Jenkins' excellent SI article on Iguodala's importance to the
Warriors, Jenkins notes how Iguodala has literally been preparing for his
matchups with LeBron for 11 years. Over the course of his career, Iguodala
has noted how to defend LeBron's every move:
"[Iguodala] entered the NBA out of Arizona a year after James, drafted ninth
by the 76ers in 2004, and immediately began composing a mental manual on how
to halt him. The 6' 6", 215-pound Iguodala developed a similar guide for
every small forward, but James was a particularly compelling subject, and
they faced off regularly in the Eastern Conference. With each matchup
Iguodala added another page, until he knew James’s tendencies as well as his
own. 'That book is crazy big now,' says Iguodala, 31. 'What he does in the
post, what he does when he goes left, what he does when he comes at me like
this.' Iguodala wriggles his shoulders, miming James’s open-floor shimmy. He
has spent more than a decade preparing for the assignment that will define
his career."
去年 Finals 比完之後,有篇文章提到 Iguodala 花了11年研究怎麼防守 LBJ
而且他把每次 LBJ 的進攻都一頁一頁的記下來
寫到他感覺 LBJ 進攻趨勢跟他預測的差不多時,他說那本筆記已經相當大本了
單從去年總冠軍戰來看,Iguodala 確實把 LBJ 守得很好
前幾年可愛守 LBJ 也很有心得,只是當時 LBJ 投籃還沒那麼爛
讓 LBJ 表現略低於平時水準就可以稱得上 LBJ stopper 了
今年騎士捲土重來,現在說騎士打進 Finals 還太早
不過 LBJ 跟他的隊友們如果沒意識到 Iguodala 的防守,肯定要吃大虧了
Iguodala's impact on the Warriors has been profound. When he's on the court
in the Finals, the Warriors are only giving up 92 points per 100 possessions
and outscoring the Cavs by nearly 15 points per 100 possessions. When
Iguodala is on the bench, the Cavs are scoring nearly 98 points per 100
possessions, and the Warriors have a minus-2.8 net rating.
除了防守,Iguodala 在場上帶給勇士的進攻影響力也相當大
這幾年如果 Curry 持續保護健康,應該沒人取代得了他的聯盟第一人
只能看看有沒有下一個研究 Curry 11年的 Curry stopper了
All Comments

By Annie
at 2016-04-28T08:11
at 2016-04-28T08:11

By Susan
at 2016-05-02T19:43
at 2016-05-02T19:43

By Ida
at 2016-05-06T05:40
at 2016-05-06T05:40

By Eden
at 2016-05-07T17:35
at 2016-05-07T17:35

By Una
at 2016-05-09T12:09
at 2016-05-09T12:09
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