詹百萬的槍手生活 - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2013-07-11T03:30

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出處:http://0rz.tw/bVmKY Arseblog

因為原文太長了 只有超懶惰翻譯 請見諒
詹卡爾接受Arseblog槍迷們的訪問 知無不言 風格很爽朗啊~

Interview: Carl Jenkinson talks life at Arsenal


Arsenal launched their new Nike yellow away kit in the scorching heat this
afternoon and after the unveiling of an eye-catching stadium mural Arseblog
News, alongside @Gingers4Limpar, @LittleDutchVA and the gang from
@Gunnerstown were handed the chance to sit down with right-back Carl


Here’s what the 21-year-old right-back had to say as he was grilled left,
right and centre about squad numbers, his aims for the season ahead,
childhood memories of Arsenal, being mentored by Steve Bould and more…


LDVA – Abou Diaby vacated the number 2 shirt recently, did you have your eye
on it at all?


Obviously it’s something I had my eye on because number 2 is a traditional
right-back’s number. I’d love to wear it at some stage, but I’m in this
number [25] this year as far as I know. It’s something you’ve got to earn I
think. When I’m established and I’m the regular right-back it’s something I
’d be a bit more comfortable wearing. It’s something I feel I can earn. I’
ve had the number 25 for two seasons now and although it crossed my mind
[changing] I’ll keep the same one. Hopefully at some stage I’ll wear that
number 2.


Gunnerstown – How is it working with Bacary Sagna, are you learning a lot
from him, the season international that he is?


I’ve learnt so much from him over the last couple of years. He’s one of the
best and it’s been a privilege training with him. He’s a fair bit older
than me, an experienced head like him talking me through training and give me
tips and this and that…I’ve learnt a lot from him. The thing with Bac is he
’s such a nice fella. I respect him as a player, but also as a teammate and
a friend. He’s such a top guy. I’ve learnt a lot off him and I’m sure there
’s more I can.


G4L – I often wonder how players feel about transfers at this time of the
season. Of course, you want to win stuff and to have good players come in,
but how do you feel when the club are linked to established right-backs? Is
that just the way it is?


As a footballer you quickly realise how much you read in the paper isn’t
really the case. Until you see a player walk through the door it’s not
something you should worry about. There’s so much speculation and so much of
it isn’t true. If you took everything you read in the papers literally we’d
be signing ten players a day. Until someone walks through the door don’t
take it [to heart].


G4L – When a new player does walk through the door do players see it as part
of the modern game, you have two players per position and you fight it out,
or is there resistance to it?


In the modern day you have two players in each position but it’s up to you
to make sure you’re the first choice. Not many managers would go through a
season with one full-back for example, you need to have two. If there’s two
you want to be the best and the one playing. That’s all there is to it


Arseblog News – When there is a lot of transfer speculation flying around is
it something you joke about in the dressing room?


You know what, and this is the honest truth, we don’t really discuss it. It’
s not something we talk about, that’s the honest truth. You read stuff in
the papers and like I said so much of it never turns out to happen.



Gunnerstown – Would you look forward to working with Gareth Barry?
[Sharp look towards Arsenal communications officer, laughter all round
followed by silence.]

你期待跟(緋聞對象)Gareth Barry合作嗎?
〔卡爾犀利地看了阿森納通訊官<Star Trek風格>一眼。哄堂大笑。〕

Arseblog News – Are your personal aims for the season ahead different to
those you set yourself 12 months ago?


Massively. This season I want to be playing every week so my aims have
changed a lot. Last season I think realistically I knew Bacary was going to
be the first choice right-back and I was going to have to deal with that and
change it through the season. Going into this season, from a personal
perspective, I want to be playing. I don’t know what the boss is thinking,
but it’s up to me in pre-season to show what I’m capable of. Hopefully I
want to be starting the season, that’s what I want to be doing. I’ve got
back to compete with Bac and he’s a world class player so it’s not going to
be easy. I would be lying though if I said it wasn’t my aim.



Gunnerstown – Leading on from that, does the boss ever sit you down and
explain what he’s thinking regarding playing time?


Of course, but it’s obviously something which is kept between the manager
and the player. He will talk to you at certain stages during the season and
often not something that’s plan. Off the cuff he might pull you to one side
and say, ‘Look, this is where you are at the moment, this is what you need
to improve on…’ It’s the same with every player, most managers do that to
help develop their players. He [Arsene] does that with us and from a player
perspective that’s very beneficial. I’ve played under managers when I was
younger and they’d go a whole season without talking to you and you don’t
know where you stand and what you can improve on. To be fair to the boss you
never have that [here]. He’s always telling, whether through the other
coaches or whatever, what you need to work on and what you need to improve.


Gunnerstown – Was there a big difference when Steve Bould came into the
first team fold, a guy of his stature being involved?


Well obviously we had Pat Rice before so we had someone of that calibre
before. I learnt a lot off Pat and obviously he played in the same position
as me so you know he taught me a lot. When Bouldy came in, he was more like
my era, so I could relate to him a bit more.


You call him Bouldy to his face?


Oh yeah, Bouldy, yeah…It’s great having him on board as well. I think in
terms of coaches, it’s always great to have a coach who’s been there and
done it. As a player you do still look up to them and think, ‘You don’t
argue with that, he’s done it and been there and achieved great things.’
There’s a lot of respect from the players towards him [Bould]. He’s
brought in his own stamp with regards the defensive work and what we’ve been
doing. I can’t remember [exactly] but I know we had a good defensive record
last season so it’s obviously been working. I think we improved a lot last


G4L – Last season the team seemed to defend a lot deeper and tighter, is
that something that happened consciously, something which was introduced last


Yeah, we’ve done a lot more shape work. Since Bouldy has come he’s been
working on a specific drill which revolves around shape and pressing when you
should press and dropping when you should drop. I guess the answer to your
question is yes, we’ve worked on it. I think so far it’s been working.


LDVA– We’ve spoken a bit about people mentoring you, Steve Bould, Pat Rice,
Bacary Sagna. Hector Bellerin has just signed a new contract at the club and
is coming up behind you having really taken the eye this year in the
Reserves. How aware are you not just of the competition from Hector but also
the mentoring role as he comes through? That’s something new to you…


I’m only 21 myself and I think Hector is 18 so I’ve got a few years on him
and I’m sure there are a few things I can teach him. I know a lot about
Hector, he’s trained with us a few times now and he’s looks a very good
prospect. It’s good to have that. It pushes me and it pushes him, you push
each other. It’s good to have competition. He’s obviously a very good
player and he’s done well last year so it’ll only benefit the squad next
year if he’s with us more. Competition is always healthy.


Arseblog News- You signed your contract alongside four of the other British
squad members and you all launched the kit together today. A lot has been
made of the ‘British core’ do you find that it adds extra pressure or is it
a case of strength in numbers?


I don’t see it as added pressure. It’s a nice thing that we’re all of a
similar age, that we’ve all signed together, that we’re all good friends. I
see it as a positive, I don’t think there are any negatives. I really enjoy
it, I enjoy the boys company and I enjoy playing with them.


Gunnerstown – When you signed there was a big deal made about the fact you
could play anywhere across the back four. Is it now a case something you’ve
put that to one side in your mind or are you definitively a right-back?


For me personally, not at all [has he given up on being a centre-back].
Obviously the boss picks the team and he has the main say. I’d say
right-back is my position…it’s where I enjoy playing the most, but I played
a lot of my youth career at centre-half up until I was 18. A lot of people
have said often to me that they prefer me as a centre-half so that’s an
option of course. I think it’s always been a strength of mine that I can
play in a few different positions. Right-back is now my main position, but I
can definitely play centre-half as well. I can even play at left-back as well.


LDVA– Have you ever had, or do you still have, an Arsenal bedspread, Arsenal
curtains, or Arsenal pyjamas?



No, no I don’t [now]…I’m going to have to disappoint you there. My room in
my parent’s house is still exactly the same, it hasn’t changed. I’ve got
my own place now and there aren’t any Arsenal bedspreads. I don’t think my
old room will ever be changed though, it’s a nice thing to keep.


LDVA – I’m going to tell everyone you said yes…
[Laughter all round]


G4L – Is it difficult striking a balance between being a player and a fan?
There aren’t many players who are in that position…


I think it’s something that is difficult. It is difficult, especially early
on. I found it difficult and all very strange to go from sitting in the
stands the season before to walking in and shaking the boys hands and coming
to terms with them being my new work colleagues. It’s very strange. It’s
difficult to explain. I’d be lying if I said it was any different. As time
goes by things change and you become more comfortable in the environment. I
enjoy it a lot more now than I used to. When I first signed, and in my first
couple of weeks, it was all very daunting. It takes time adjusting to it but
from my point of view now I couldn’t ask for anything more, it’s the
biggest privilege in the world to be able to play for Arsenal having been a
fan. To pull on an Arsenal shirt every week is such an honour for me and my
family. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


G4L – How do the other players feel about you being a fan?


I got a bit of banter off the boys when they saw my [Arsenal] bedspreads [at
my parent’s house] but they’re cool.


Gunnerstown – What’s your earliest memory of being an Arsenal fan as a kid?


I remember where I sat at Highbury, it’s very clear. I remember the lady who
sat next to me. I’d love to meet her now, I’d love to see if she’s still
sat at the Emirates now. My memory is awful, so in terms of games and stuff I
’m terrible at recalling stuff, but I just loved the whole matchday vibe. We
used to park up, walk through Finsbury Park if it was a sunny day…I loved
the build up to the game. I used to go with my old man and my brother. I used
to like the cheese bagels at half-time, I was a big fan of them. All the
little strange things stick in my head, like the peanut guy who used to be in
the stadium. He’s not here anymore…



Gunnerstown – If you could choose any past Arsenal star to play alongside,
who would it be?


It’s a difficult one. My hero has always been Tony Adams.


You’ve met him?


Yeah, I’ve met him a few times now and he’s a top bloke as well.


Gunnerstown - Is Podolski the craziest player in the dressing-room?


Yeah. [Laughter all round]


Arseblog News – Last question before you go. Arsenal are playing in Finland
at the end of the summer. Are you expecting them to be burning effigies
seeing as you chose England over them at international level or hoping for a
warm welcome?


[Laughs] I don’t know actually. I was speaking to my parents about it. They
said ‘don’t worry about it, it’ll be fine.’ I don’t know if I’ll get a
good reception or bad. I’ll soon find out. It’ll be interesting, hopefully
it’ll be alright…



Thanks very much to Carl and to Arsenal for setting the up the interview. I
think the biggest compliment we can pay him is it felt like we were talking
to a fellow Gooner down the pub…nice lad.




                   -- Nick Hornby, Fever Pitch

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2013-07-12T22:26
推! 詹卡爾真的是個好孩子 =u=
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2013-07-14T17:21
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2013-07-16T12:16
加油 槍迷都很期待你的成長:)
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-07-18T07:12
因為深夜波這篇所以有點壞掉 (?)
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2013-07-20T02:07
推! 小望的翻譯也太好玩了 XD
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2013-07-21T21:03
小望壞掉了 樓下500收
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2013-07-23T15:58
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2013-07-25T10:53
http://tinyurl.com/nnkwnf8 詳細版
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-07-27T05:49
http://i.imgur.com/qJHue2s.jpg 這張是百萬在解釋Bould在
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2013-07-29T00:44
George avatar
By George
at 2013-07-30T19:40
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2013-08-01T14:35
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-08-03T09:31
阿森部落格竟然有中文版 早知道 = =
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-08-05T04:26
XDDDDD 我以前也跟小望一樣翻完發現這殘酷的現實啊哈哈哈
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2013-08-06T23:21
笑得這麼開心 沒良心
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2013-08-08T18:17
耶 \(^▽^)/
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2013-08-10T13:12
ya 我今年燙詹百萬

12/13 切爾西訓練褲

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-07-10T22:10
之前在露天上有看到可是賣完了QQ 深藍色配金色真好看阿!!! 想請問現在還有沒有地方可以買的到(到kitbag上也沒找到...) 或者有善心人士可以割愛的!徵MorS號!! 感謝!!!! - ...

世大運中華女足1球輸南非 分組第一進八強

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2013-07-10T19:00
2013-07-10(星期三)11:36 2013年喀山世界大學運動會,中華女足隊當地時間9日分組最後一戰南非,劉千芸連中兩 元扳平,但仍遭南非狙擊,以2:3吞下首敗,仍以2勝1負、A組第一名進八強,將對戰巴 西。 這場比賽,勝負沒影響中華隊的晉級,但是南非要贏才有機會,上半場雙方互交白卷,戰 火進入到下 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2013-07-10T16:27
※ 引述《hattrick (We Love You TW)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《figo0710 (退出可以解圍嗎?)》之銘言: : : 那可以請問一下 : : 大同高中 週六下午 有人在那邊踢球嗎??? : Hi 各位在大同常出現的腳友們 : 廣播一件不好的消息 : 今天過去大同 發現校內所有小球 ...

2013/2014 夏季轉會整理

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2013-07-10T00:26
怕大家搞不清楚,簡單整理一下夏轉的名單,青訓解約那些就不列了 主要以一線隊的異動為主 轉入 金額(英鎊) 合約長度 會籍 原球隊 MF Chris Taylor 自由轉會 兩年(2015) ...

西瓜因的 轉會....

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2013-07-10T00:16
轉會破局了~ 這到底是真的還假的!? http://soccer.sina.com.hk/news/6/2/1/2330391/1.html - ...