衝浪福利社 by Phonshia (鳳霞) - 衝浪運動討論

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2007-03-28T17:01

Table of Contents

偷泥代po Phonshia是台大中文的交換學生

==============這是 Phonshia 的英文心得=============================

A Surf Experience

When I first decided to sign up to go surfing at JinShan, I knew it was going
to be exciting and memorable. JinShan turned out to be a great and convenient
area away from Taipei's bustling streets and traffic. The area was very
peaceful and the beach area was even more relaxing with a shoreline lacking
crowds or commotion. The store's location was also only a walk away from the
beach, which made carrying the surfboard much easier. Facilities such as
bathrooms, changing rooms and shower rooms were also readily available and
also very clean. The store itself was very small, but carried a lot of
products, that though I am no surf expertise, were at least very cute. I had
never surfed before, so I did not really know what to expect. I thought the
surfboard was really heavy, but luckily the instructors and others were
always there to help me.

I was also impressed with the English skill level of our instructor. We had
no problem understanding the concepts and the instructions. I think they
believed it very important to explain the details of surfing before allowing
us to surf in the water. This included lessons in simple paddling and lying
on the board. Even in the water, the instructors were there to encourage and
remind us in English of what we had learned. Though we were left to practice
on our own, the instructor consistently checked up on each student to ensure
they were catching waves, or at least having a good time. By the end of the
day, I felt that everyone had a great time. I especially found the
environment to be very friendly and welcoming.

Previous to this trip, I had no idea that Taiwan had a surfing area or
anything resembling beach/surfing culture. Though nothing like bigger harbor
city beaches, the small beach and store allowed a more personalized and less
commercial atmosphere. The store and this area in JinShan proved to provide a
laid back, relaxed surfing environment welcoming to surfers of any level.


Tags: 衝浪

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衝浪福利社 by Caroline

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2007-03-28T16:58
偷泥代po 撰寫 by Caroline(一個台大中文的交換學生) ================== Caroline 的英文衝浪心得 =============================== The first time I went surfing was in Bali, and when ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-03-28T16:34
衝浪福利社--台北金山沙珠灣衝浪店 http://www.surfingshop.idv.tw/ 地址:台北縣金山鄉海興路174-1號,中角海濱公園(沙珠灣)入口處 電話:(02) 2498-8226 8am - 11pm 主持人: 小傅 0928-651596 surfing.kevina ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2007-03-28T16:26
各位衝浪好手...我想請問一下,我11,2 月份都去過墾丁, 但每次去南灣都沒浪簡直就像個湖,但是南灣的衝浪店似乎又不少 佳樂水的浪就好多了 但佳樂水的石頭頗多 而且暗流也多 所以我的問題是...是因為季節的關係 所以南灣的浪比較小嗎 4/7我又要去墾丁了 雖然是因為春吶的名義下去 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-03-28T09:58
想請問一下明天去金山 不穿防寒衣下水okㄇ 浪況如何阿?? 感謝各位的回答喔 - ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2007-03-28T00:25
天氣還不錯整個就是適合衝浪的天氣 陽光 沙攤 比基尼 我來了 雖然說有衝過幾次 不過還算是個新手包 有教練交 整個基本動作真的好很多 還有一些姿勢也需要糾正 偷泥還有他的一些朋友真的很強 (目標)~~~~~ 衝浪福利社的老闆 小傅 人也不錯 包括他的尼莫 但是到了下午 討厭的天氣 討厭的 ...