蒂亞戈˙席爾瓦:雷恩很強 紅牌改變了比賽 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2020-11-07T00:15

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Thiago Silva: An important win against a good Rennes side

05 Nov 2020

Nobody in the Chelsea squad has come up against Rennes as often as Thiago
Silva, so he is well placed to put our 3-0 victory over the French side
into context.


A consistent Ligue 1 opponent during his eight years at PSG, Thiago Silva
faced them as a Chelsea player for the first time last night. Although the
margin of victory was emphatic, the Brazilian defender acknowledged a
major moment before half-time greatly helped our cause.

'Rennes are a good team, I told that to my team-mates in the dressing room
before the game,' Thiago Silva said.

'I have played a lot against this team. Two seasons ago they beat Paris in
the final of the French Cup, I was injured but I saw a team who played
very well with the ball. They are very well organised and have a coach who
likes technical football.

It was another impressive performance from Thiago Silva in the heart of
our defence

'At the beginning it was very difficult for us. We didn't keep the ball as
well as we normally do at home.

'The red card changed the game a lot. Fortunately for us, and
unfortunately for the contest, the red card made it difficult for them,
but we deserved the victory. It wasn't a super match but we controlled it.
Now we need to continue to work to keep progressing.'

It's seven points from a possible nine in Europe so far, with seven goals
scored and none conceded, helped in our two home fixtures by a Thiago
Silva-led defence. A finalist in the Champions League last season, he
expressed his satisfaction with the way things have gone so far this term
as he aims to replicate that success with his new side.

'It's true that it was very important to win. It's been a good start for
us. This competition is always complicated.

'If you look at the other results in the Champions League you can see some
surprises, Manchester United lost, Paris lost also, so we need to keep our
heads and keep working hard.'


When it comes to a crisis, still keep on running.

You believe in power. It's mental power.

Tags: 足球

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