菲43歲中鋒陶拉瓦pba球隊續約兩年 - 籃球

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2016-09-07T05:33

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ASI Taulava proved he has plenty left in the tank after signing a two-year con
tract extension with NLEX on Monday.

Despite being the oldest player in the PBA right now at 43, the Road Warriors
star slotman has continued to play with a youthful zest, averaging 14.4 points
, 10.8 boards, and 2.1 assists in 31.9 minutes this season.

Taulava posted a photo on Instagram after signing the deal with team manager R
onald Dulatre.

“With the way Asi has been working out and taking care of himself, we’re con
vinced that he will still be competitive for the duration of his contract,” D
ulatre told Spin.ph over the phone.

Asked if Taulava, who would be 45 when his new contract expires, can still pla
y further after his new contract, Dulatre sounded positive.

“It’s up to him, but with his discipline, I think he’s still capable after
that,” Dulatre said of the evergreen Filipino-Tongan big man, who, after his
contact expires, would have eight more years to match the record of Sonny Jawo
rski as the oldest player in the league.

Eric Menk, who turns 42 on Wednesday, and John Ferriols, who will also celebra
te his 42nd birthday next month, complete the Top 3 in the oldest active playe
rs list.

Dulatre said Jonas Villanueva, Mac Baracael, and a few more NLEX players are a
lso up for extension in the next few days

菲律賓傳奇中鋒asi taulava 以和菲律賓職業球隊NLEX 公路勇士隊完成續約將會拚戰pba

Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2016-09-08T10:49
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2016-09-13T07:21
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2016-09-16T20:50
沒想到他還沒退休 以前瓊斯盃現場看過他
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2016-09-17T04:12
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2016-09-20T21:19
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2016-09-23T13:28
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2016-09-25T09:49
google了一下,他今年賽季場均14分10.9籃板.. 也太猛
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2016-09-27T21:36
William avatar
By William
at 2016-09-30T05:01
一樓哈哈哈 對放
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2016-10-02T17:19
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2016-10-06T20:05
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2016-10-08T19:10
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-10-12T17:54
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2016-10-16T03:56
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-10-17T00:38
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2016-10-18T04:48
記得他剛來台灣打瓊斯盃 身高報到208 結果站在吳岱豪
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-10-22T07:15
旁邊 還比吳矮...明確灌水XD
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2016-10-26T11:54
而且他全盛時期遇到曾吳雙塔 也沒討到便宜
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2016-10-28T18:24
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2016-10-31T18:17
我記得他是報205耶 而且那時候嚴格來說開始要老化 反觀
曾吳正要起飛 只差經驗和技巧累積
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2016-11-01T21:53
菲律賓全部都是穿鞋量 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2016-09-07T00:21
之前在室外場地(水泥)練球都是用gr7d, 第一顆撐的比較久,大概撐到籃球表面的顆粒差不多磨平了才開始變形. 後來買的兩顆都滿快(大概兩個月以內)球就開始變腫了, 新球塞在瓢蟲袋裡明顯綽綽有餘,腫到後來都要硬塞才能把球塞進瓢蟲袋裡XD. 想請教一下版上各位版友有沒有推薦比較耐打的室外用球, 一般大概 ...

南韓檀國大學2度來台 中華隊點名勁敵

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-09-06T17:22
原文網址: ETtoday體育新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 http://www.ettoday.net/news/focus/%E9%AB%94%E8%82%B2/#ixzz4JSx0Cnok Follow us: atETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebo ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2016-09-06T12:37
網址參考:http://goo.gl/8Nhbek 之前看他價格是蠻貴的, 突然這麼便宜就有點心動, 不過因為都是在打戶外場地, 買來打不知道會不會損耗蠻大的, 而且不知道手感好不好,所以想上來詢問網友們有沒有買來的經驗 平時用球 練習用:KIPSTA B300 球場用:nike versa ...

台灣男籃新氣象 劉錚:不比別人差

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2016-09-06T09:53
亞洲挑戰盃》台灣男籃新氣象 劉錚:不比別人差 〔記者林岳甫/台北報導〕 準備出征伊朗亞洲挑戰盃的台灣男籃,昨進行授旗儀式,領隊高志鵬與籃協理事長丁守中 都到場為國手們加油打氣,丁守中還加碼1000美元加菜金,期許大家打出佳績。 林志傑、曾文鼎、呂政儒、田壘與楊敬敏都不披國家隊戰袍,擁有多年國手資歷的張 ...

切傳一念間 蔣淯安摸索盼成後場指揮官

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2016-09-06T00:11
記者杜奕君/台北報導 「第一次打正式國際賽,入選中華隊國手這段期間,我每天練完球都會不斷思考自己在場 上的角色,該切還是該分,扮演好控球後衛的本分,如何取得中間平衡點,是我這次挑戰 盃的最大課題。」蔣淯安如此說道,在本次換血中華男籃扛起後場指揮官大任,小安希望 在壓力與批評下成長,更要在國際賽場證明自我。 ...