華盛頓郵報-- 英格蘭 vs 比利時 - 世足

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2018-06-28T21:47

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England vs. Belgium : When second place is better than first


When the World Cup group schedule was first announced, England-Belgium looked like a potential contender for match of the tournament — a rollicking, high-scoring and group-deciding match on the final day of group play.

Well, the match will still decide the top two spots in Group G, just not in the manner we’d hoped. With both teams safely through to the round of 16, the stakes are far, far lower. To further diminish the potential entertainment value, both England and Belgium will likely be eyeing second place. Why? Just look at the bracket. The winner of Group G has a route to the finals that includes Brazil or Mexico in the quarterfinals then either Uruguay, Portugal, France or Argentina in the semifinals. Yeah, no
thanks. Meanwhile, the Group G runner-up faces either Sweden or Switzerland in the quarterfinals and then either Spain, Russia, Croatia or Denmark in the semifinals — a destination vacation by comparison.

At this point fans of Group H teams may take umbrage with the fact that these scenarios discount the round of 16, and while that is true, those teams are fairly comparable in talent and don’t carry the same matchup incentive as avoiding decidedly tougher teams in the later rounds. So let’s assume both teams are rational actors and want to finish second. Following FIFA’s tie-breaking rules, Belgium and England are not only tied on total points (six), but also goal difference in all group matches (six)
and goals scored (eight), the first tiebreakers FIFA uses to determine place in the group standings.

Here’s where it gets weird. The next tiebreaker is what FIFA deems “fair play,” meaning teams will lose points for yellow and red cards (minus-one for a yellow card; minus-three for an indirect red card, as a result of a second yellow card;inus-four for a direct red card; minus-five for a yellow card plus a direct red, with only one of the deductions applied to a player in a single game). So the worse they behave, the more likely they are to finish second.

Entering the match, England has two yellow cards and Belgium has three. Neither side has a red card. So we could be in store for a 0-0 tie with decidedly uninspiring attack play (think France-Denmark, but worse) and a lot of sloppy, cynical fouls, as both teams play their backups. There may even be a how-did-he-not-stop-that goal due to a suspiciously-timed goalkeeper gaffe.

If you’re a fan of sports anarchy, it’s appointment viewing. If you value the aesthetics of the beautiful game, you may want to find something more pleasant to do with your afternoon.




黃牌-1 兩黃牌換紅牌-3 直接紅-4 一黃直接紅-5



如果你是運動狂熱者(sports anarchy其實我不知道怎麼翻)那還是可以看一下,但如果你追求有水準價值且精彩的比賽,那還是建議你找些愉快的事情去度過你的午後時光(報導是美國寫的,比賽時間是當地下午2點)



Tags: 世足

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-07-01T01:54
比利時可能會比較想拿小組第二衝冠軍 因為他們黃金一代
在歐國盃就喊出這名號了 英格蘭這屆的組合算是第一次成
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-07-02T07:10
軍 成績壓力應該是沒有比利時黃金一代來的大
而且前兩屆太慘 這屆弄個八強其實就夠看了 比利時只有八
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2018-07-06T10:34
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-07-09T03:20
感謝翻譯 搶第二確實很難看 改成第一有選擇權比較好
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2018-07-09T18:37
你怎麼不去阻止那顆球! XD
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-07-12T23:40
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2018-07-17T13:26
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-07-18T07:58
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-07-21T09:08
翻得真的 加油
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2018-07-24T03:31
可疑的時間點XDD 翻譯推推
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2018-07-27T00:41
我不是英文系啦 只是覺得有趣隨便翻
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-07-31T01:54
不過我會再繼續努力 謝謝
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2018-08-04T17:55
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2018-08-07T07:19
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2018-08-07T13:56
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2018-08-09T08:01

羅侯脫貧歸零 阿根廷破涕為笑

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2018-06-28T21:28
https://tw.sports.appledaily.com/daily/20180628/38055472 【蔡裕隆╱綜合報導】阿根廷世界名將梅西終於不再只有豬隊友!昨天迎戰奈及利亞在只有贏球才能晉級的情況下,靠羅侯第86分鐘美技抽射破網突破平手僵局,助阿根廷以2比1險勝,也保住了梅西從未在世足賽分組賽 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-06-28T21:22
最近找了些國外整場回放來補看之前的比賽, 找到的是FOX Sports(英語). 發現他們播第三輪比賽時會不時穿插另一場的進度, 左上角還會顯示以最新的進球數產生的本組積分排名. 台灣轉播這邊則是刻意不提,怕爆雷. 所以國外比較不在乎爆雷嗎? - ...

[Group H] Senegal vs Colombia

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2018-06-28T21:13
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英格蘭本命年? BBC列世足奪冠四徵兆

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2018-06-28T21:12
英格蘭本命年? BBC列世足奪冠四徵兆 在小組賽前兩戰踢進8球拿下2連勝後,英格蘭成為今年世足賽狀況最火熱的球隊之一,而 英國媒體BBC今天也在節目「今日比賽(Match of the Day)」的官方推特上公布了英格 蘭奪冠的四大徵兆,認為三獅軍團有機會挑戰相隔52年的世足賽金盃。 英格蘭在1966年的 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2018-06-28T21:10
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