英超八月最佳球員 - 迭戈˙科斯塔 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2014-09-12T18:04

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Diego Costa accepts August accolade

Fri, 12 Sep 2014

Diego Costa's fine first weeks in English football have earned the striker
the Barclays Player of the Month award.

The Spanish international found the net four times in the three games he
played in August, scoring Chelsea's first goal in each of the wins.

On accepting the trophy, Diego Costa said: 'I'm very happy to win this
award. It is important to begin well at a new club and I'm pleased with
both my start to the season and also the team's, which is the most
important thing.

'I hope to continue scoring goals to help out the team and keep making our
fantastic supporters happy. I thank my team-mates as they have helped me
win this award.'

The other players who were nominated for the Premier League award for
August were his Chelsea team-mate Cesc Fabregas, plus two from this
Saturday's opponents Swansea City, Nathan Dyer and Gylfi Sigurdsson, and
Aston Villa's Andreas Weimann.

Also this week Petr Cech collected the Premier League Golden Glove trophy
he won at the end of last season.

Cech shared the honour with Arsenal's Wojciech Szczesny with the two
goalkeepers collecting 16 clean sheets each over the course of the 2013/14

'I am very happy to receive my third Golden Glove award,' Cech said. 'It's
always a pleasure to receive individual awards but I know that it would
not be possible without my team-mates who work very hard to ensure the
team keeps a clean sheet.'

Cech previously won the award for the 2004/05 and 2009/10 seasons.



heavygauge:我媽站在電視機前說 費雷拉好帥 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD01/13 00:42

Tags: 英超

All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2014-09-15T09:07
我媽站在電視機前說 費雷拉好帥 XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2014-09-18T00:09


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2014-09-12T00:46
偶然看到這篇文章,細細讀完了,覺得挺有意思,應該要分享之。 雖然訪問對象是利物浦的賽事分析師,不過我想英超大球隊的運作應該都是同理, 看了這篇應該還是可以增進我們對自身球隊的了解啦~ 原文:http://ppt.cc/XEoX 翻譯:http://bbs.hupu.com/10376981.html ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2014-09-10T03:13
http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/pl/2014-09-09/09437326718.shtml 2014年09月09日09:43 新浪體育   法布雷加斯在阿森納成長為巨星,但當他重返英超時,卻加盟了阿森納的同城死 敵切爾西,這令許多人唏噓不已。不過據英國《每日郵報》報導,小法 ...

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Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2014-09-10T03:02
http://china.chelseafc.com/news/latest/3165 切爾西雜誌:紀念阿滕伯勒爵士 上載於 : 2014年9月8日 星期一 17:20 最新一期的俱樂部官方雜誌向上個月去世的切爾西終身名譽主席阿滕伯勒爵士致 敬。 阿滕伯勒爵士於2014年8月24日 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2014-09-10T02:42
http://sports.163.com/14/0907/08/A5HCF4L500051CCL.html 2014-09-07 08:26:37 來源: 網易體育 今夏的英超軍備競賽,曼聯成為大贏家,他們狂砸1.5億英鎊,引進了迪馬利亞、 法爾考等球星。一向孤傲的莫里尼奧在日前坦言,切爾西燒 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2014-09-06T00:24
http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/pl/2014-09-05/20407323223.shtml 2014年09月05日20:40 新浪體育   北京時間9月21日,切爾西將在英超第5輪客場挑戰曼城,屆時蘭帕德可能會再次 成為焦點,夏季剛剛以自由身離隊的神燈轉投紐約後,又租借至曼 ...