英文自介...麻煩英文達人幫我中翻英好嗎!感激不盡~ - 運動

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2011-11-23T00:00

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Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-11-23T03:28
教授好,我是XXX,我正準備從XX科技大學XX系畢業, XXX is my name and I’m going to graduate from the department of xxx at xxx Technology University . 平常做事情習慣先擬定周全的計畫,個性上是個成熟穩重又內斂的人,
Because usually I’d like to come up with a comprehensive plan before taking any action, I assume I’m kind of a person whose temperament is more inclined to be steadfast and composed. 在大學的時候因為喜歡接觸人群所以曾經加入系學會,參加過迎新、XX系系周活動、以及啦啦隊比賽, Enjoying interacting with people, I joined the student club of my department and took part in other extra-curriculum activities such as reception party for freshmen, weekly reunion held by the xxxx department, and cheerleading squad contest. 運動的話最喜歡打羽毛球,也是系上的羽球系隊,In terms of outdoor activities, playing badminton is my favorite sports, which also makes me play on the department badminton team. 除此之外因為我的家庭並不富裕所以我在周末假日會在餐廳打工,也就是因此對於餐飲管理產生興趣,而開始在課業之餘研究這類的知識,也訂立了考取研究所的志願。 Due to the fact that my family isn’t rich, I’ve been required to take a part-time job in restaurants during weekends and holidays. One of the advantages my part-time job brings is that I gradually get interested in the management of food and beverage industry. Meanwhile, in my spare time it induces me to further explore the knowledge related to this arena and to go into a graduate school who offers me the related studies to achieve my goal.
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-11-24T23:59
Professors, I'm XXX, I was prepared from the XXUniversity of XX Technology graduate, normally habit of doing things developed the first comprehensive plan, is a mature personalization and introverted person, like in college because it has exposed people to join Department of Society, participated in the New Year, XX week of Department, and cheerleading competitions, most like to play sports, then badminton, badminton series is tied teams, in addition because my family is not rich so I will be in the weekends and holidays working in the restaurant, which is so interested in the catering Management, and began to study this type of academic knowledge while also obtaining the Institute entered into a voluntary.
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-11-24T13:22
Professor good, I is XXX, I are prepared from XX Technology University XX Department graduated, usual do things habits first developed comprehensive of plans, personality Shang is a mature stable and introverted of people, in University of when because like contact crowd so had joined Department society, participate in had orientation, and XX Department Department week activities, and and Lala team competition, movement of words most like playing badminton, is Department Shang of feather ball Department team, addition because I of family does not rich so I in weekend holiday will in restaurant working, That is so interested in restaurant management and started in addition to academic studies of such knowledge, have also been made to qualify as volunteer of the Institute.


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-11-23T00:00


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-11-22T00:00

總體而� ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-11-21T00:00


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-11-21T00:00
http://puma2.com/Products/list-728請問各位這個網頁賣的鞋子是真品還是仿冒品?怎麼都比較便宜?而且Mizuno很多款式都沒貨 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-11-21T00:00
球拍掉了,想買隻新的之前試打球友勝利mx80選手拍感覺還不錯~打算發薪水後就去買但不知道為什麼逛了幾家運動� ...