英國朋友在找假日租屋的室友-大溪 - 衝浪運動討論

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2005-12-22T22:05

Table of Contents

[email protected] 0958720272 Michelle

Ad Information

Category: Houses to Share

Ad Number: 18786

Posted: 12/15/2005

Monthly Rent in NT$: 1000 - 1333 nt per month
Deposit Amount in NT$: 1500


City: Dasi 大溪

Country: taiwan

Bedrooms: 2   雅房2間

Bathrooms: 3  衛浴3間

Size in Square Feet or:

Size in Pings
(1 Ping =36 sq. feet,
the size of a tatami mat): it's big 房間蠻大的

Laundry Facilities:

Cooking: Gas 瓦斯
Laundry Machines:

Parking Facilities: On Street

Building Type: House

When is it available?: now

Amenities (denoted by check marks)

Near the MRT Near Grocery Store Guarded
Close to Bus Stops Dryer Balcony
Air Conditioning Microwave Park Nearby
Furnished Cable Near Restaurants

Text of Ad

Holiday house in Dasi. Big house up for
grabs in Dasi. I'm looking for at least four
people to share this place, maximum eight
altogether. Starting from now, preferably
surfers cus there's not much else to do down
there this time of year. The place is fully
furnished with beds, TV kitchen utensils,
cookers sofas and all that stuff so a non-
refundable one thousand five hundred has
to be paid each to give to the previous
occupants to cover all that stuff. The bills are
hardly anything because the place is only
used at the weekends and the rent is 8000 a
month so if we are eight people that's only a
thousand each, six people then it's 1333 per
month, which is peanuts. The house is
basically three open plan rooms, downstairs
is the kitchen, living room, bath room and
balcony. Second floor is a big room,
bathroom and balcony, third floor is the
same. Move fast if you're interested- this
place is gonna get snapped up - I'm there
every weekend. Call Richie 0953148480.
Contact Information

Name: Richie Manley

Tags: 衝浪

All Comments


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2005-12-14T18:56
各位surfers, 阿水在此先跟各位愛好衝浪的好朋友問好 我預計的開幕日一月一日元旦沒有改變! 基本上照習俗.當日找個吉時放個砲接個採一切從檢! 本人在此敬邀喜歡衝浪的好浪友們.((((12月31號晚上09:30))))到南門店集合 準備跨年轟趴!!!! 是真的轟趴喔!店門口有恆春鎮舉辦的跨年活 ...

請問有沒有人想轉讓二手板 (Fun bord)

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2005-12-14T02:18
如題 約5尺~6.5尺間 意者請來信報價討論摟~~感機不進 - ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2005-12-13T13:42
還有誰會去衝浪的嗎? 我是很想去,只是棉被離不開我而已 - ...

衝浪行規 - 8. 何謂 "濫用優勢" 轉載自봠…

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2005-12-09T12:44
感謝aquaing 大大提供這些資訊 o(_._)o 也許我之前,po的那篇文,比較不適合po在這邊,或許應該po在黑特板的 哈 我相信大家都是喜歡大海的人,心胸應該都很寬大的 大家互相禮讓一下,海面上一定會更和諧 這是我這個小嫩腳的小小心願 大家衝好浪,好浪大家衝^^y - ...

衝浪行規 - 8. 何謂 "濫用優勢" 轉載自衝浪福利社

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2005-12-08T23:32
剛好看到這篇文章--給..........衝浪老手分享(還好我是菜鳥 哈!) -- 編譯:福利社工友JC 8. 不要對其他衝浪者濫用你的優勢 這些優勢包含了像是:衝浪板的長度、衝浪者的狀況和技巧、local 對環境的熟悉與其特權,以及最站不住腳的優勢,如肢體上挑釁、仗 著人多勢眾等。 雖然不是每個長 ...