與亞洲強權同組 馬來西亞盼提升球員經驗 - 籃球

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2019-07-01T23:27

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Grouped with Asian powerhouses, Malaysia aims to soak up valuable experience
for players at Asia Cup Qualifiers

28/06/2019 NEWS 2 MIN TO READ

KUALA LUMPUR (Malaysia) – There is no illusion for Malaysia on how strong
the teams are in their Group for the FIBA Asia Cup 2021 Qualifiers. The Draw,
which was held in Bengaluru earlier in June, resulted in Malaysia being
placed in Group B along with China, Japan, Chinese Taipei.


“You can’t say ‘Group of Death’,” Malaysia head coach Brian Lester said.
“but it’s a tough Group, no doubt about it.

“We’re with China, Japan, Chinese Taipei, and they are all tough teams for
us. They are a level above us, no doubt, but it is what it is so we’ll go
with it.”

來自澳大利亞的馬來西亞教練Brian Lester說:"可以稱之為死亡之組,毫無疑問是很艱
難的一組" "中國、日本、台灣對我們來說都是強隊,層級比我們高,我們將面對它"

Group B is the only Group with three Top-10 teams in Asia according to the
FIBA World Ranking Presented by Nike. China is at 3rd, Japan at 7th, and
Chinese Taipei are sitting at 10th. Malaysia, on the other hand, are ranked
at 25th.


Despite the gap, Malaysia’s outstanding forward, Ting Chun Hong, is not

“For me, I am excited,” Ting says with a chuckle after being asked of his
reactions following the draw. “They are strong teams and we will get a lot
of experience from them.”

儘管差距存在,馬來西亞出色的前鋒丁鎮鴻(Ting Chun Hong)並不因此氣餒。

(Ting Chun Hong, FIBA Asia Cup 2021 Pre-Qualifers East Region)

Malaysia had to play through the Asia Cup Pre-Qualifiers East Region to get
to this stage. The competition will be at a different level at the
Qualifiers, but like his star player, coach Lester is looking forward at the
chance to gain valuable experience.

“We’ll get good experience playing against bigger and stronger players. We’
ll still play our own game and do the best we can with that and hopefully they
’ll help lift our level,” expressed the Australian tactician.


Malaysia are expected to bring along a young group of players that will be
their core for the future. Preparation will be key to get the most they can
out of the FIBA Asia Cup Qualifiers.

“Since we’ve confirmed the teams we’ll be playing against, I’ve had a
look at them,” said Lester.

“I think Japan looks like the tougher team, like their big guy Nick Fazekas
and Rui [Hachimura]. They are disciplined. They are very disciplined.”

馬來西亞將帶上一群希望成為未來核心的年輕球員,Lester教練說 "確定對手之後,我就
觀察過了" "日本是比較強的隊伍,陣中有Nick Fazekas和八村壘等大個子。且非常訓練

(Malaysia vs Japan, FIBA Asia Cup 2015)

“Of course, China’s going to be tall and deep. They have great local

“For Chinese Taipei, we’re going to be there for a couple of time and play
their teams. They’re very aggressive and they work hard defensively. They’
re quite good and I know one of their coaches, Charlie Parker.”


教練之一 Charlie Parker。"

Unlike his coach, Ting was more brief in describing his upcoming opponents.

“Tall,” Ting said of China.

“Fast,” he said of Japan.

“Skilled,” was his reply to associate with Chinese Taipei.


(Malaysia vs China, FIBA Asia Cup 2013)

Going up against these physical disadvantages, Malaysia will have to find
something else to offset the gap. It’s a style of play they have been
implementing ever since the Pre-Qualification rounds and will continue to
improve on in these further stages.

“We will try to play faster because we don’t have a lot of size in the
team. We need to play fast and run,” said Ting.





Tags: 籃球

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