肯恩續約三年 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2013-04-25T19:00

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Posted on: Thu 25 Apr 2013

Chelsea Academy product Todd Kane has signed a new contract which keeps
him at the club until 2016.

The right-back was a member of our Under-21 squad this season until he
went on loan to Blackburn Rovers, a move extended last week until the end
of the Championship season. He has so far made 12 appearances for the
Lancashire club.

Kane has yet to make his Chelsea first team debut but he was a member of
our reserve squad that won the 2011 national league, and was an integral
member of our FA Youth Cup-winning side last season.

Prior to his loan to Blackburn, the 19-year-old played five games this
season on loan at League One Preston North End.

Quick, strong in the tackle and a genuine goal threat when shooting from
distance (as can be seen in the video above), Kane has been with Chelsea
since Under-8s and is an England Under-19 international.




Tags: 足球

All Comments

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2013-04-27T16:08
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-04-29T13:15
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2013-05-01T10:22
Team Hell NO !!


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2013-04-25T06:01
還記得三年前的冰島火山火燒厝事件嗎? http://tinyurl.com/bxrmtg6(想必是每日郵) 肥山姆當時看上了還在波波國內踢球的來碗豆腐司機(Robert Lewandowski), 四百萬英鎊左右就可以帶走此君。而課本甚至連邀請觀戰的時程都排好了, 但卻因為火山灰肆虐,讓英格蘭與波波境內機 ...

高雄燈塔看球 4/28 阿森納-曼聯

John avatar
By John
at 2013-04-24T23:44
(不知道可不可以就這樣直接發揪看球文....) 感覺再不去看球賽季就要結束了 雖然現在看Rvp andamp; 曼聯也是看心酸的XD 不過想問一下有沒有在高雄的人4/28 23:00 要去巨蛋附近燈塔看球~~~? 然後不管有沒有揪到人我都會去:P - ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2013-04-24T19:23
珠超聯賽中的老牌俱樂部江門千色花隊,也是第一個引進台灣五人制足球員的職業五人 制足球俱樂部。該俱樂部長年投入資源發展當地三級足球,並成立青少年梯隊進行訓練 及比賽。近年來也投入資金辦比賽來提升當地五人制足球水準。今年為了發展江門地區 青少年五人制足球風氣,特舉辦and#34;2013江門國際青少年五人制足球邀 ...

Pat Nevin - 在苦澀的一週往好處想

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-04-24T19:09
http://china.chelseafc.com/news/latest/1780 帕特˙內文:值得注意 上載於 : 2013年4月23日 星期二 17:23 上週我們打了兩場客戰,接下來又將迎接幾場重要比賽。前切爾西球星帕特˙內 文在本週的專欄文章中討論了多個話題…… -------- ...

2014年亞足聯U14錦標賽 Day3 戰報

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2013-04-24T13:56
Full time report. 【2014年亞足聯U14錦標賽 Day3 戰報】 (4/23)北馬里亞 0-2 台灣 勝 GOAL #20 秦文彥 5and#34;、#20陳柏諭 49and#34; 技術分析 http://tinyurl.com/btnkj9x 本組前三名積分相同,但是以淨球 ...