聯邦盃決賽及升降賽延期 - 網球 Tennis

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2020-03-12T01:07

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11 Mar 2020

The ITF has announced the postponement of both the Fed Cup by BNP Paribas
Finals 2020 and Fed Cup Play-offs in response to COVID-19 health concerns.

The ITF COVID-19 Advisory Group has been monitoring the global spread and
impact of COVID-19 since early February 2020, in continuous consultation with
independent medical and travel advisers as well as international and national

After careful consideration and close discussion with the ITF Board, the
Local Organising Committee and in light of today’s announcement by the
Hungarian government regarding indoor events, it is with regret that the ITF
has announced the postponement of the Fed Cup Finals, originally scheduled to
take place 14-19 April at the Laszlo Papp Sport Arena in Budapest.

Event organisers will contact all ticket holders in the next 48 hours to
advise them of their options.

購票者將在未來的 48H 被通知替代方案。

The ITF is committed to delivering the Fed Cup Finals in 2020 and is in
consultation with key stakeholders, including the Hungarian Government, the
Hungarian Tennis Association (HTA) and the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA)
to find a suitable alternative date for the tournament.

ITF 將會與匈牙利網協跟 WTA 共同找到替代的時間。

The Fed Cup by BNP Paribas Finals is an Olympic Qualification event and the
ITF is working closely with the IOC to address any impact this may have on
athlete eligibility for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

ITF 將會與國際奧委會溝通任何因聯邦盃比賽取消影響球員東京奧運資格的問題。

In addition to the Fed Cup Finals, the Fed Cup Play-offs due to take place on
17-18 April in eight locations around the world have also been postponed and
alternative dates in 2020 will be announced at a later date.

ITF president, David Haggerty said, "We are extremely disappointed to have
to make this decision, but we will not risk the safety and welfare of
players, captains, event staff or spectators. This decision has not been made
lightly; the threat posed by the COVID-19 is a serious one and calls for us
to act responsibly as a federation and as human beings. This situation goes
beyond sport."

"New dates for the Finals and for the Play-offs will be announced in due
course and will primarily be guided by the length of time that tennis as a
whole is affected by COVID-19. We will continue to collaborate with our
colleagues across the sport to ensure that the impact on players,
tournaments, rights holders and fans is as minimal as possible."

"In the meantime, the ITF COVID-19 Advisory Group will continue to monitor
the situation closely and further decisions will be based on the facts,
official data and expert advice."

目前新的日期未定,但比賽確定將不會於原定日期 (4/14-19 & 4/17-18) 舉行。

Tags: 網球

All Comments


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2020-03-11T15:24
林委員是現任的教育文化委員會的委員 之前網協的作為,有跟委員提了一下 今天委員有質詢了教育部 https://www.facebook.com/147484398657964/posts/3582675421805494/ 【別再讓更多謝淑薇、戴資穎 成為「被協會耽誤的球后」!】   今年攸關奧運參賽資 ...

印地安泉賽補貼措施 球員自爆太小咖遭不

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-03-10T23:50
印地安泉賽補貼措施 球員自爆太小咖遭不公對待 2020/03/10 22:34 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕等級僅次4大滿貫的印地安泉網球賽昨突宣布喊卡,讓已抵達當 地備戰的球員錯愕不已,但美媒透露官方有提供補償措施,除給予選手補貼獎金和住宿費 用,也能讓他們使用球場練習,備戰下一戰賽事,只不過並非所有人都能享有 ...

澳洲壞小子驚曝新戀情 對方是俄羅斯正妹

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2020-03-10T20:30
澳洲壞小子驚曝新戀情 對方是俄羅斯正妹女將 2020/03/10 11:28 基里奧斯。(資料照,美聯社) 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕網壇新情侶誕生?24歲澳洲「壞小子」基里奧斯(Nick Kyrgios )被傳出現新戀情,與21歲俄羅斯正妹女將卡琳絲卡雅(Anna Kalinskaya),在墨西哥 阿卡普 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2020-03-10T20:01
費爸從Nike手上拿回了RF的商標權 國外體育新聞也有報導了 應該不是假的資訊(如果有錯我再自D) https://i.imgur.com/z0T8v9L.jpg https://i.imgur.com/FcrEV4B.jpg 新聞網址: https://reurl.cc/qdd1WE 這樣UQ ...

ATP WTA 積分規則請益?

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2020-03-10T11:31
印地安泉取消後 ATP跟WTA的積分是因為強制賽直接給大家0分? 還是會從其他非強制賽拿一個來取代印地安泉的分? (就像非頂尖選手因為沒資格打這些大師賽皇冠賽所以就算沒打也不會直接記0) 例如莊吉生8個強制大師賽都沒參加 但因為他的排名本來就不到 所以不會直接給0分 像是Herbert Tiafoe Cha ...