美網混雙改跟 Mike Bryan 搭檔 - 威廉絲 Williams

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-07-09T15:55

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總之 Navratilova 原本打算要和 Bob Bryan 搭檔
但 Bob Bryan 以為她跟 Leander Paes已經組好
可是 Leander Paes是跟 Samantha Stosur 搭檔

後來 Navratilova 邀 Bob Bryan 跟她在美網搭檔
結果打進混雙決賽後 大威表示希望美網再與 Bob Bryan 搭檔
可是 Bob Bryan 已經答應 Navratilova
所以決定讓 Mike Bryan 跟大威在美網搭檔

Q. How did Bob and Venus get together? When did that happen?

MIKE BRYAN: Uhm, right before the tournament, actually. Venus texted Bob.
I think Bob was set up with Martina but they weren't communicating too well.

Q. Martina?

MIKE BRYAN: Martina thought she was playing with Bob. Bob thought she was
playing with Leander. It kind of all get messed up. Bob committed to Venus and
Leander committed to Sam Stosur. So it was kind of messy there. I don't think
Martina was too happy for a few days. She just texted Bob last night and
scooped him up for the US Open. But then Venus asked Bob last night to play at
the US Open, so now he's already committed to Martina, so I might be playing
with Venus.

Q. So he's committed to Martina now?

MIKE BRYAN: Yeah, her last Slam.

Q. He's playing tonight's final with Venus?

MIKE BRYAN: With Venus, yeah.

Q. Without her knowing?

MIKE BRYAN: Yeah, Venus doesn't know that he's playing with Martina yet for the
US Open. I wouldn't tell her. They're going on pretty soon.


Q. Mike tried to explain to us how you and Venus got together. Can you explain,
and what's gonna happen at the Open?

MIKE BRYAN: I spilled the beans.

BOB BRYAN: Uh oh, jeez. Venus called me couple weeks ago and I jumped at the
opportunity to play with her. You know, she's an awesome player. You know,
Martina, me and Martina have been going back and forth with some text messages.
I've committed to play with her for her last Grand Slam at the Open. But, you
know, Venus asked me the other day to play the Open, too, and so they will
we'll probably have to slide her over to Mike.

Q. Slide Martina over?

BOB BRYAN: Slide Venus over to Mike. I owe it to Martina. We got in a little
miscommunication here over what we were going to do. She really wants to play
her last Slam with me. It's an honor to have that.

Q. Worse than prom dates, huh?

BOB BRYAN: Little bit.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2006-07-14T15:04
好刺激的組合 期待
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2006-07-19T14:13
為什麼我覺得這篇文章好像繞口令 XD
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2006-07-24T13:22
為什麼我覺得這篇文章好像繞口令 XD


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2006-07-09T15:08
【麗台運動報 】 黃天佑/綜合報導 就像是越陳越香的美酒,法國球后莫瑞絲摩(Amelie Mauresmo)到了27歲才在網壇歡喜 收割。8日舉行的溫布頓女單決賽,莫瑞絲摩以2-6、6-3、6-4後來居上,擊敗了只差溫布 頓冠軍就能完成「大滿貫」的比利時名將海寧(Justine Henin-Harde ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2006-07-09T13:05
自從1999年,看到momo那在女子選手中少見帥氣反拍的那一刻起 支持momo就成為我既甜蜜又沈重的使命。 話說1999年的澳網決賽,幾乎大家並不認為無法擊敗如日中天的Hingis 會成為這個急速竄出的大黑馬驚奇之旅的極大缺憾。 畢竟第一次殺入大滿貫決賽,即使失敗,也不會被貼上心理素質軟弱的標籤。 ...

Re: 我終於好好仔細看到公主的男友了

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2006-07-09T13:01
※ 引述《tinom (QQQQQ)》之銘言: : 他應該人很好吧 : 哈...... : 希望他能進四強(愛屋及屋中...) 在hingis.org發現的圖 http://tinyurl.com/h7elu http://tinyurl.com/fxgfb http://tinyurl.com/hmy3 ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2006-07-09T12:38
如題,如果Rogi今天一盤未失,將會以一盤未失得到男單冠軍 小弟想請問一下,在Wimbledon的比賽裡之前有人做到過嗎? 其他大滿貫有人曾一盤未失拿到冠軍嗎? - ...

Newport Main Draw

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2006-07-09T12:30
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: zerkchu () 看板: Tennis 標題: Newport男網賽籤表 時間: Sun Jul 9 07:11:22 2006 1-MURRAY, Andy GBR vs. MELLO, Ricardo BRA UDOMCHOKE, Danai TH ...