美國在台協會臉書(萊福力訪談) - 棒球

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2020-05-17T02:27

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萊福力為美國棒球投手, 2018年起來台發展,目前效力於中信兄弟隊。

Why I Chose Taiwan # 8 - Mitchell Lively's baseball path

“I’m from a small town in Northern California called Susanville. I think the
population may be 20,000. I went on a football scholarship to Sacramento Sta
te University, and I played football and baseball while I got my degree in com
munications and business marketing. This is my fourteenth year playing basebal
l professionally. I played nine years in the United States: got drafted by the
Colorado Rockies, then I spent seven years with the San Francisco Giants, the
n two years with the Washington Nationals. I’ve also played in Mexico, Venez
uela, and Japan. I got a choice about three years ago to stay in Mexico or to
come here to Taiwan. I was really intrigued with the culture here. This place
is amazing. It’s very family-friendly, especially having my wife here with a
new-born baby. There’s breast-feeding rooms, family bathrooms, indoor play pl
aces. I mean, everything about this place is family-friendly and that’s one t
hing that really drew us to coming here. Plus, the baseball here is unbelievab
le -- the fan support, the cheering -- it’s something that I’ve never experi
enced anywhere. I’ve played in seven countries, and I have never seen anythin
g like it. They have the non-stop cheering and dancing. Even if you’re doing
bad out there, they are still cheering for you and supporting you. If I have a
bad inning, fans are shouting, “There’s always next time!” The fans here
make the baseball so amazing. Being an American player here is a huge honor.

Mitchell Lively is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Chinatrus
t Brothers of CPBL. He joined CPBL in 2018.

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2020-05-21T20:30
墨西哥 台灣 小孩剛出生 這應該很好做抉擇
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2020-05-21T21:37
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2020-05-23T10:54
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2020-05-27T11:26
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2020-05-29T10:52
op 前面是用AIT標題


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2020-05-17T02:21
※ 引述《durian1001 ()》之銘言: : AB R H RBI BB SO SB AVG : 6 3 4 0 0 1 1 0.407 : 今天吳 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2020-05-17T02:09
https://reurl.cc/nzY2p8 飆12K!兄弟德保拉終於勝投 2020年5月16日 下午8:46 三立新聞網 記者王怡翔/綜合報導 中華職棒中信兄弟16日出戰統一獅隊,先發投手德保拉繳出7局失1分、投出12次三振的超 優質先發表現,率領中信兄弟以9:2擊敗統一獅隊,德保拉終於拿下來 ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2020-05-17T01:49
※ 引述《Paul1021 (胡迪)》之銘言: : 洪中一直在煩惱說什麼邦邦以前就是這樣 : 不過確實光靠優秀的教練 : 本來就很難打出好戰績 : 邦邦既然願意為了總冠軍下重本 : 那就想辦法挖到樂天姐姐跟小胖應該才是正解 : 下重本開個月薪一百萬複數年約之類的 : 這樣應該才是終止樂天王朝的好方法 : 雖然 ...

邦邦和喵喵 哪個比較難拉起來?

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2020-05-17T01:16
樂天算是隊伍換血最為順暢的隊伍, 個人認為大膽起用新人的因素也是 樂天能長期保有優勢戰力的主因。 接著說說邦喵爪。 爪當時五虎將事件鬧得可謂沸沸揚揚, 但經歷此事件後,加上史奈德的奠基, 如今的爪戰力不僅年輕化,打守部分 更為均衡。 喵的部分個人認為萬年領隊問題對喵 的戰力算是隱憂,還有新生代打線的 守 ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2020-05-17T00:50
今年成績不太理想,目前成績0.299,尤其在今年彈球只有這樣的成績 以洪中以前帶兵時鋒哥的例子,可能會給年輕人比較多機會吧,看起來申皓瑋是他押的寶 老胡前幾年的成績就是穩,跟林益全串聯至少富邦得分不會太難看 不能貢獻守備的老胡,如果退化不曉得對富邦影響大嗎? - ...