羅迪克20大語錄 - 網球 Tennis

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2012-09-06T17:59

Table of Contents



1. Upon purchasing a new apartment in Manhattan with Brooklyn Decker, Roddick
confided, “One day I’m representing my country in Davis Cup in front of
thousands, and literally the next day I’m vacuuming, moving furniture,
scrubbing toilets and walking things up and down flights of stairs all day.
It was the first and last time I had done it without help from a moving

2. Asked where he bought the engagement ring for his swimsuit model/actress
wife, Roddick quipped, "[I] got it in a gumball machine. You know those
machines with the big claws? A claw grabbed it."

3. After one particularly stinging loss at the Australian Open, Roddick
noted, “It was miserable. It sucked. It was terrible. Besides that, it was

4. “It’s been a lot of blood, sweat and Waffle House.” — Andy Roddick on
his experience at the 2011 Cincinnati Masters, where he fell in the first

5. Andy once claimed he was "the biggest dork that ever lived."

6. After observing that Roger Federer “has flash, feel, artistry,” Andy
said,“The advantage I have is just hitting the crap out of the ball.”

7. Of his 2005 US Open loss to Luxembourg’s Gilles Muller, Roddick confided,
“I don’t remember a loss where I felt worse. I’m in a little bit of shock.
I’d give anything to go back four hours.”

8. Noting how many times Novak Djokovic bounces the ball before he serves,
Roddick said he “could make eight phone calls and order a pizza before he’s

9. The thing about being an athlete, every day you come to the office, you
have to beat someone. It’s not like being an actor, where you have one movie
and you’re celebrated forever and you don’t need to do anything, and
that’s what you’re remembered for. If you lose a couple matches in a row,
that’s going to affect you. I don’t care if you’re Albert Einstein at the
Intelligence Olympics. It’s going to affect you.”

10. When you’ve seen the Rolling Stones from the front row, and then all of a
sudden, you’re like, seven or eight rows back and there’s a really tall guy
in front of you waving his hands and screaming, you can’t see as much. It’s
not going to be as good as the other show.” — Roddick on his quest for that
elusive second Slam title.

11. “I’m the most successful bad player ever. I used to hear a lot that all
I could do was hit a serve, I couldn’t volley, I can’t hit a backhand, I
don’t return well, and then people would turn around and tell me I’m
underachieving. Well, all I’d say is you can’t have it both ways. For a guy
who can’t hit a shot, I’ve done OK.”

12. “My mom used to take me here every year for my birthday. I'd get here for
the first match, and I wouldn’t leave until it was over. Those are probably
my fondest memories, just sneaking into the nosebleed sections. I actually
snuck into the players’ lounge one time and stole a cheesecake.” — Roddick
on the US Open

13. When you put your blood, sweat and tears, everything you have, into
something and you can almost taste it, you envision something and it doesn't
work out, it’s not easy. But that’s what makes you addicted to the
competition, the feeling when you do win. That’s what gets you back on the

14. “I don’t know where it comes from, but I’ve always been annoyingly
competitive. I’ve been the guy you can’t play golf with because he really
gets that pissed off and ruins everyone’s day. Fortunately, most times that’
s a good thing for me on the tennis court. I can take all the criticism and
everything else, but when everything’s said and done, I don’t want anybody
saying I didn’t give it the effort or didn’t work hard enough. That’s
something I’m pretty sure nobody can say.”

15. “I’m very lucky. If I start feeling sorry for myself, I need a serious
sense of perspective.”

16. "By no means am I going to complain about anything that I’ve been blessed
with, but it’s almost, at this point, either you win a Slam or what, you’re
disappointing? You kind of have to deal with that every day.”

17. "From the beginning of my career, [I’ve] been up against it. I’m
following the greatest generation ever from one place. That was never going to
be an easy path.”

18. “I think I’ve been portrayed as every single type of person – good, bad,
ugly, rude, nice. This is kind of the first time that it’s been presented in
a light that I’m a kind of hard-working, everyday Joe-type tennis player
trying to make good.” — Roddick on the reaction of fans and the media
following his 16-14-in-the-fifth loss to Roger Federer in the 2009 Wimbledon

19. “I’ve never been bitter about anything. I’ve been disappointed, I’ve
been sad. My worst day is a lot of people’s dream. I’ve always kind of had
a sense of perspective about that.”

20. “I’ve been a brat long before working with Jimmy Connors, so don’t
blame that on him.”

21. Reflecting on Roddick, Pete Sampras said, “You almost need to be like a
running back/wide receiver, and Andy’s like a tight end.”

22. During a tough Davis Cup match in a Madrid bullring, Roddick called out to
clay king Rafael Nadal, “Can you teach me how to slide?”

23. Roddick bristled at ESPN analysts during the US Open in 2011, telling
Chris Fowler, “Tennis analyst is the easiest job in the world because
whatever the person does, if it works, you just say that’s what’s good, and
if it doesn’t work, you guys go, ‘He should have done the other things.’
So, you know, I’m pretty convinced that I could be a tennis analyst when I’m
done. It just doesn’t take much thought. If I’m grinding and I’m winning,
you guys are like, ‘He’s reinvented himself.’ If I’m playing like crap and
pushing, then, you know, ‘He’s horrible and he needs to hit the ball.’
Everyone’s an expert, but I’m better than most of them, I believe.”
Roddick在2011年美網對ESPN網球球評開罵: "網球球評是全世界最簡單的工作。不論
上風,你們會說 '他整個脫胎換骨!' 如果我打得很爛,一直推擋回球,你們會說
' 真糟糕,他應該用力回球啊!' 誰都能當專家,但我相信我比大部分專家強多了。"

24. “I think there were only two teenagers to play tennis in Nebraska in the
last 30 years, and we’re both at the US Open. Maybe we’re missing
something. Maybe we need the corn-fed boys.” — Roddick on himself and
rising star Jack Sock

25. Asked if he ever thinks about all the Grand Slam titles Roger Federer has
cost him, Roddick said, “You’ve got to play the hand you’re dealt. I don’t
really obsess about it, but you start thinking, ‘OK, you’ve lost to him
six times in the semis or further at majors —[including a] couple of
Wimbledon finals where you’re playing well, a Wimbledon semi where you’re
playing well.’ No, I’ve never thought about it.”

26. Of his particularly painful five-set quarterfinal loss to Frenchman
Richard Gasquet at Wimbledon in 2007, Roddick told reporters, “It’s another
lost opportunity at Wimbledon. I’d love to make you understand what it feels
like in the pit of my stomach right now.”

27. One thing retirement will offer Roddick is more time on the golf course,
and from the sound of it, he could use it. He once confided, “Every time I
play, I’ve got to buy a new set of clubs. It’s not relaxing. I go mental...
I haven’t reached the point in my life where I have the patience it takes to
play golf. And I don’t have the pants.”

28. On whether he still gets butterflies before Davis Cup matches: “If I
puked every time I was nervous, we’d have a lot of dirty courts.”

29. Asked about his family’s tennis gene pool (his brother, John, starred
at the University of Georgia), Roddick said, “What gene pool? My father was
a farmer, and my mother was a bowler who bowled about 93.”

30. After helping the U.S. to its first Davis Cup title in a dozen years,
Roddick confessed, “I don’t care if I win another match this year as long
as we can hold the trophy aloft.”

31. “When I was coming up, it was Andre and Pete. Then it was [just] Andre.
Now it’s us [Roddick, Isner, Fish, Querrey, etc.], and we have to step it up.
That cushion isn’t there. My training wheels are gone.”

32. On playing his idols, like Andre Agassi: “You want to play against your
idols, but you don’t want to be the guy who shot Bambi.”

33. “I’m just glad Americans get to play well in three of the four Grand
Slams.” — Roddick, noting U.S. tennis’ recent futility at Roland Garros

34. Part of the reason Roddick has decided to retire at the age of 30 is his
worn-out serving shoulder, which he affectionately likens to “Hamburger

35. Asked what he’ll miss most about the game, Andy told the assembled media
, “All of you.”


總共有35點之多 :D

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2012-09-11T06:12
不知道有多人是因為Roddick才知道Nebraska州的存在? XD
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-09-15T18:25
Everyone’s an expert, but I’m better than most ofthem, i believe
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2012-09-20T06:37
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2012-09-24T18:50
內布拉斯加 有聽過但不知在哪裡
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2012-09-29T07:03
美國中部平原 說不定以後大家都會吃到 Nebraska的牛排了呀
James avatar
By James
at 2012-10-03T19:15
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2012-10-08T07:28
吃了會跟andy發球一樣快嗎? XD
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-10-12T19:41
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-10-17T07:53
吃美牛就有用的話 美國應該在網球界打遍天下無敵手才對呀
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2012-10-21T20:06
真的不知道一樓說的州+1 >_<
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2012-10-26T08:19
有滿多人是因為TBBT知道Nebraska. 女主的故鄉..
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2012-10-30T20:31
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2012-11-04T08:44
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2012-11-08T20:56
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2012-11-13T09:09
樓上有注意Cornhuskers打Big Ten Legends的美足球賽? XD
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-11-17T21:22
樓樓上才對 打字太慢 :p
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2012-11-22T09:34
我知道你CUE我 但是我只注意一下就被seahawks抓去
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2012-11-26T21:47
更不用說UW的HUSKIES了!!! 但是這一兩年都沒研究了XD
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-12-01T10:00
NFL和NCAA不同呀 不過台灣看NCAA的少 大概留學生比較會看
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2012-12-05T22:12
對我來說都一樣啦 有猛男即可XD 但我不是留學生 =.=
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2012-12-10T10:25
會知道Huskies就不錯了 只是上週Wolverines被Bama打爆了
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-12-14T22:38
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2012-12-19T10:50
Anyway好像離網球太遠了…… 應該去NFL版 XD
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2012-12-23T23:03
我沒那麼瘋啦 我是愛在球場亂吼亂叫好HIGH!!
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2012-12-28T11:16
是呀 美足是看現場最好玩 特別是學生區 大叫大跳3hrs↑ XD
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-01-01T23:28
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2013-01-06T11:41
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-01-10T23:54
就算知道芭菲特 不代表就知道他是Omaha人
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2013-01-15T12:06
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2013-01-20T00:19
Big Ten其實有很多種運動 不過最賺錢最有名的就美足
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2013-01-24T12:32
美國不少大學都有聯盟 幾乎甚麼運動都比 不過美足最瘋狂
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2013-01-29T00:44
其次就籃球 像是網球棒球等等都有對抗賽 很多rivalry的說
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2013-02-02T12:57
美足的話 最近幾年Big Ten都不太行 SEC幾乎可以無視所有人
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2013-02-07T01:09
能撐起一家電視台公司跟一堆獎學金 很厲害了啦
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-02-11T13:22
Thanks for the imformation!
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2013-02-16T01:35
要說撐起一家電視台的話 Longhorns比較誇張
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2013-02-20T13:47
獎學金的話就照NCAA的規定吧 美足教練年薪百萬鎂都照開了
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2013-02-25T02:00
學生獎學金相對小事 倒是學生學業成績不好會被停賽比較慘
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2013-03-01T14:13
常常有打球很棒打一打就不見了 原來成績太差去唸社區大學等成績上來再轉學回到大學拿運動獎學金繼續打球
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-03-06T02:25
一覺醒來整個大走偏 XD不過NACC美足真的很多中部學校
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2013-03-10T14:38
哈哈 拉回來一點 Masha加油!! XD
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2013-03-15T02:51
NCAA美足是全美東南西北中都有 PAC12 BIG12 ACC SEC etc.
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2013-03-19T15:03
我知道全美都有拉 我是說 美足有名的學校很多在中部這點讓我有意外到 還沒看之前都以為中部只有玉米田XD
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2013-03-24T03:16
玉米豬牛等都很多沒錯啦 大概太無聊 美足是少數的娛樂 XD
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2013-03-28T15:29

謝淑薇力取莊佳容 首登美網四強

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2012-09-06T17:59
謝淑薇力取莊佳容 首登美網四強 2012/9/6|中廣新聞| http://www.xinmedia.com/n/news_article.aspx?newsid=149169andamp;type=0 美國網球公開賽女子雙打八強賽,謝淑薇跟西班牙搭檔只花了一個小時,就以六比二、六 比一打敗了莊佳容跟中 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2012-09-06T17:04
十幾年的支持跟期待,突然就在一個賽末點之後劃下句點。 http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8306/7942370508_43c13b8ebd_b.jpg 其實百感交集,但突然不知道要說些什麼, 身為Andy的球迷,其實從來不是一件幸福的事, 不管是幾次與大滿貫失之 ...

深圳將加入 WTA 2013 年賽程

Una avatar
By Una
at 2012-09-06T16:47
2012/09/04 WTA 公布了最新的 2013 年賽程表,其中最引人注目的是 2013 年的第一個 星期,除了既有的布里斯本維持 Premier 等級外,深圳也將加入國際賽賽程,與奧克蘭 一同於第一週開打! 相關連結:http://ppt.cc/SfnV 雖然說剛開季前幾周比賽通常都會有許多排名在前 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2012-09-06T16:24
不是很能接受費爸也很難過Andy要退休所以才輸球什麼的 畢竟Roddick網球生涯最大的遺憾就是費爸給的... 永遠忘不了09年溫布頓 最接近第二座大滿貫的那場比賽 拚了五盤才在最後被破發 讓費爸又笑到最後 Roddick退休令人感傷的絕不是他未完成什麼成就 而是再也看不到他奮戰的身影 再見了 A ...

費德勒爆冷出局 男單8強止步

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2012-09-06T16:13
※ 引述《jackaldoctor (宏哥)》之銘言: : 美網今天爆出開賽以來最大冷門,男單頭號種子、瑞士費德勒 (Roger Federer) 以6 : (1):7、4:6、6:3、3:6不敵捷克柏蒂奇 (Tomas Berdych),提前止步八強,拍落一片 : 驚嘆號。 : 費德勒在溫網 ...