羅杰斯非常希望租到麥凱克倫 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2012-01-11T22:16

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Swans close in on McEachran

Last Updated: January 10, 2012 2:05pm

Swansea boss Brendan Rodgers has revealed that Chelsea youngster Josh
McEachran will seal a loan move to the Liberty Stadium 'in the next 24-48

The 18-year-old is highly rated at Stamford Bridge but Blues boss Andre
Villas-Boas is keen for the player to gain some valuable first-team

Rodgers is also a long-term admirer of the England Under 21 midfielder
since his time as youth team coach at the London club. Bolton and Aston
Villa have also been linked with a move for McEachran but Rodgers is
confident the Swans have won the race for the starlet's signature and that
he will fit in well in South Wales.

"Hopefully, we can get that agreement confirmed in the next 24-48 hours,"
he said. "Josh is a boy I know well so we'll see if we can organise the
move over the next few days.

"He'll be brilliant for the Swansea supporters and they'll get to witness
one of the best talents this country's got. He's a player who sees passes
from the sky. He's an incredible passer of the ball and I know the England
set-up have very high hopes for him as well.

"He's a kid who can create chances and has wonderful vision on the ball -
he fits perfectly into our team. I've got a really talented group of
players at this level and he'll come into the squad and add to that for
the second part of the season."

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Tags: 足球

All Comments

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2012-01-15T15:38
不要再租他了啦= =
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-01-19T09:00
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2012-01-23T02:21
不租讓他去打打預備隊可惜 在一線也沒啥上場 租出去比較好
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2012-01-26T19:43
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2012-01-30T13:05
去天鵝打433 正好
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2012-02-03T06:26
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-02-06T23:48
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2012-02-10T17:10
Una avatar
By Una
at 2012-02-14T10:32
想期待一個年輕人未來是主力的話 一定要讓他踢比賽
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2012-02-18T03:53
租是一定要租的 沒有人坐板凳做成一代明星的
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2012-02-21T21:15
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-02-25T14:37
可是都因為球隊要顧戰績 他都沒機會成長
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2012-02-29T07:58
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-03-04T01:20
租啊! 為什麼不租? AVB又不用他
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-03-07T18:42
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2012-03-11T12:04
LP:給我上90分 我給你數據
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2012-03-15T05:25
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-03-18T22:47
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2012-03-22T16:09
樓上該不會是說Owen Hagreaves?
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2012-03-26T09:30
原本2011年麥凱應該 https://noxiv.com
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-03-30T02:52
哈格李夫斯就是坐板凳坐 https://daxiv.com
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2012-04-02T20:14
明明有一線隊的實力卻被 https://muxiv.com
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2012-04-06T13:36


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2012-01-11T22:13
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/chelsea/9003924/Chelsea- look-poised-to-finally-clinch-a-deal-for-Boltons-Gary-Cahill-while-Frank- Lampard- ...

Written in the Stars

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2012-01-11T20:24
and#34;Why always us.and#34;借用一下巴神的名言,我不禁疑惑起,為什麼總是阿森納要搞得這麼 抓馬,不管任何事。這支隊伍可以締造不敗賽季王朝,也可以不加為難地拱手讓核心離 去;可以球員接連倒下到連正選門將都沒有的絕境,也可以從賽初保級浴血奮鬥到賽中 前四;看看隔壁棚生薑頭回歸吧,樸實的 ...

藉2012TYL 球員可望入選分齡代表隊

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2012-01-11T17:12
參加2012 TYL春季聯賽,不僅可以加強球技,創造榮譽,同時更有機會入選國家分齡代表 隊的儲備隊員。 中華足協11日宣佈,參加2012 TYL春季聯賽表現優異的球員,將優先入選足協「菁英青訓 計畫」,接受長期培訓,有機會成為未來國內分齡代表隊儲備隊員。 中華足協規劃的「菁英青訓計畫」,從2012年開始分 ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-01-11T11:04
這個其實沒有全球統一的方式, 主要還是要看各聯賽的轉播授權機制 以英超的利物浦隊為例, 我大約二年前曾經加 liverpool.tv 的線上電視付費會員 但仍是無法看線上影像直播, 似乎就是受到其授權條款的限制 不過隔兩三天後就可以線上看到延播, 而且可以下載起來慢慢看 它也經常製作一些該足球俱樂部有 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2012-01-11T10:45
足球不知道有沒有像MLB.tv一樣可以繳了年費後收看所有聯盟的比賽 足球是不是俱樂部各自為政 這樣同樣都是角年費好像比較不划算呢 請內行人提供資訊 - ...