維爾納:很高興終於打破進球荒 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2021-02-19T23:04

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Werner delighted with goal and Chelsea's form

16 Feb 2021

Timo Werner has been involved in plenty of Chelsea Premier League goals
recently without netting one himself, so his was a most deserved name on
the scoresheet in last night's victory over Newcastle.


The forward was fouled for the winning penalties at Tottenham and
Sheffield United, set up Mason Mount's opener in the latter game at
Bramall Lane and then delivered the cross which Olivier Giroud eventually
gobbled up to put us 1-0 ahead against Newcastle on Monday.

Shortly afterwards, a corner fell at his feet a few yards out and he
forced the ball over the line for his fifth Premier League goal of the
campaign. They accompany five assists and four penalties won.

'I am happy that I scored, finally,' said Timo afterwards. 'As a striker
you always want to score. The last month I was not so happy without
scoring, but at the end it's a team sport. When we win, everything is
good. When I help my team with assists, with winning penalties, and now
with scoring I am happy. I am very glad I scored.


'For a striker it's much worse when you don't have chances. I had in the
past a lot of chances and I missed them. The team gave me a lot of
situations where I can score, and that's the important thing for me. If I
keep going the goals will come, and also the assists.'

As well as being delighted with his own contribution, Werner expressed his
satisfaction at seeing the Blues move up to fourth in the table on the
back of four straight wins.

'It was really good from us. We have played in the last weeks very good
football. There is still a long way to go for the rest of the season, but
if we keep going like this it will be a good end for us.'


Tags: 足球

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