紐西蘭球員Sacha Jone改為澳洲效力 - 澳網 Tennis

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By Cara
at 2011-12-29T12:33

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Jones elects to play for Australia
Sydney, 28 December 2011 | AAP0


Tennis Australia has welcomed New Zealand No.2 Sacha Jones’s switch of
allegiance to Australia in a bid to further her career.

澳洲網球將加入一位新生力軍 為了未來的職業生涯 紐西蘭二姐Sacha Jones將改為澳洲籍

The move will come into effect next week after the International Tennis
Federation accepted the 21-year-old’s transfer and will allow the Aucklander
to take advantage of TA’s greater resources.

這個改變將從下周起開始生效 現年21歲的奧克蘭人將可以從澳洲網球聯盟得到更多資源

“The decision has been a very difficult one for me to make,” Jones said on

“I’m very grateful for the support that Tennis New Zealand has given to my
career to date but, if I want to achieve my goals, I believe that being
involved in the Australian program will give me the best opportunity to do it."

"對我來說這是相當困難的決定 雖然我很感激一直以來紐西蘭網球協會對我的支持 不過
如果我想更進一步 參與澳洲網球計畫可以給我更好的機會 "

With a New Zealand mother and an Australian father, Jones has dual nationality
and had the option of playing for either country.

Jones的媽媽是紐西蘭人 爸爸是澳洲人 有雙重國籍的她可以選擇代表任一國家

The world No.274 has already represented New Zealand in the Fed Cup, meaning
she may have to wait a while before being allowed to wear the green and gold
in the women’s teams event.

由於世界排名274的她已經代表紐西蘭參加聯邦杯 因此她暫時還無法穿上澳洲隊的球衣

With the cut-off for the London Olympics set to be around the 70-mark, Jones
is unlikely to make the Australian team for next year’s Games either.

另外 由於排名不夠高 她可能也無法代表澳洲參加明年的奧運

But although she is also only expected to receive minimum financial support
from TA until rising up the ranks, Jones will come under greater consideration
for wildcard invitations to Australian tournaments.

雖然在排名升高之前 她只能從網球聯盟得到少許的經濟資助 不過至少在澳洲系列賽事中

“Ultimately, this is the decision of the athlete,” said TA’s Head of
Professional Tennis, Todd Woodbridge.

網球聯盟主席Todd Woodbridge表示 "最終來說 這是運動員的選擇"

“Half of Sacha’s family is Australian and she’s always spent a lot of time

“She approached us this year about joining the Australian pathway and we
welcome her to our programs.”

"Sacha是半個澳洲人 她對澳洲也很熟悉 她在今年跟我們接觸 表示她想加入澳洲的行列

Despite her low ranking, Jones achieved a career-high 157 in April 2010 after
embarking on a 24-match winning streak in late 2009 in low-level tour events.

Her impressive run included victories over Australia’s former top-10 star
Alicia Molik in three successive tournaments.

雖然目前Jones的排名不高 不過在2009年底 她曾連贏24場比賽 並且在2010年4月排名升高
到157名 她最引人注目的紀錄還包括連續在三項賽事中 打敗世界排名前十的澳洲球員
Alicia Molik

Tennis New Zealand chief executive Steve Johns said there was obvious
disappointment in Jones’ impending departure, but it was a reality of sport
and that the organisation supported her wish to further her career.

紐西蘭網球協會執行長Steve Johns表示 對Jones的選擇他當然感到失望 不過這就是運動
的現實面 他們也願意支持她的決定

He said Tennis NZ couldn’t compete with TA’s resources and had reluctantly
agreed to release Jones.

他表示 紐西蘭的資源無法和澳洲相比 所以雖然百般不願 也只能讓她離去

“She is still a Kiwi and our door is open to her if she decides to move back
to New Zealand in the future.”

"她還是紐西蘭人 如果未來她想回到紐西蘭 我們的大門永遠為她而開"

Jones will play in next month’s Auckland Classic as a wildcard.


New Zealand’s top-ranked player is world No.61 Marina Erakovic.

目前的紐西蘭一姐是世界排名61的Marina Erakovic


Tags: 網球

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