第二輪統計 - 網球

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2006-09-01T01:36

Table of Contents

Ladies' Singles - 2nd Rnd

Vania King USA 1 2

Justine Henin-Hardenne BEL (2) 6 6

║ ║ King(USA) ║ Henin-Hardenne (BEL)
║1st Serve % ║  36 of 50 = 72 % ║ 26 of 42 = 62 % ║
║Aces ║ 1 ║ 1 ║
║Double Faults ║ 1 ║ 4 ║
║Unforced Errors ║ 21 ║ 18 ║
║Winning % ║  14 of 36 = 39 % ║ 17 of 26 = 65 % ║
║on 1st Serve ║   ║ ║
║Winning % ║ 3 of 14 = 21 % ║ 8 of 16 = 50 % ║
║on 2nd Serve ║ ║   ║
║Winners ║   9 ║ 22 ║
║(包含發球) ║ ║ ║
║Receiving ║ 17 of 42 = 40 % ║ 33 of 50 = 66 % ║
║Points Won ║ ║   ║
║Break Point ║ 2 of 3 = 67 % ║ 7 of 12 = 58 % ║
║Conversions ║ ║ ║
║Net Approaches ║ 4 of 11 = 36 % ║ 15 of 20 = 75 % ║
║Total Points Won║   34 ║ 58 ║
║Fastest Serve ║ 99 MPH ║ 110 MPH ║
║Average 1st ║   91 MPH ║ 101 MPH ║
║Serve Speed ║ ║ ║
║Average 2nd ║   81 MPH ║ 90 MPH ║
║Serve Speed ║ ║ ║


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2006-09-05T16:52
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2006-09-10T12:45


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2006-09-01T00:37
都沒人嗎?? ju現在第一盤4-0領先 Allez!!! - ...

阿格西使用的運動品牌 adidas

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2006-08-31T13:43
各位大大: 我想購買阿格西今年出賽的球衣.球褲.球鞋 看來都是 and#34;adidasand#34; 的 但在百貨公司裡都沒看到一件符合 XD 請問在台灣哪裡可以買到阿格西代言的球衣.球褲.球鞋? 註明地址或店名均可 盡量寫詳細一點兒 謝謝各位 - ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2006-08-31T10:09
Armstrong 11:00 AM 1. Womenand#39;s Singles - 2nd Rnd. Svetlana Kuznetsova (RUS)[6] vs. Lauren Albanese (USA) followed by ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2006-08-31T04:58
http://sports.sina.com.cn/tennis/photo/31791/index.shtml 新浪的製造對白還是觀看的重點, 不知為何, 雖然目的如同許多八卦刊物般, 但那總能搏君一笑... :p 阿叔:菜不是這麼做的 小布:做的是臭豆腐嗎? (驚覺到對岸也用了這詞) ... - ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2006-08-31T04:47
from: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/4a14839d010004hm 二十一年的網球生涯,二十一年的美網征程。阿加西穿越了三個時代,一千多場的比賽,八 百多場的勝率,他以驚人的毅力和鬥志書寫著不老的傳奇。終於,在美網這塊給了他無限榮 譽的福地上,他選擇了離別。這位36歲的天才球手 ...