第三輪訪問(def. Novak) - 網球

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2004-09-05T21:51

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Saturday, September 4, 2004

A. AGASSI/J. Novak
6-4, 6-2, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: First question, please.

Q. As you look at today's match specifically, what are the things
that you've done so far that you need to carry on into the second
week to succeed, and what do you need to do differently?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, today was an important day for me because Jiri
is the kind of player that requires you to put together a quality match.
He does a lot of things really well out there and he makes you make
good decisions because if you try to go through him, he really settles
in the pace pretty well, and it's hard to get through him. If you play
off anything, he's able to take the ball early and redirect it.
So I had to make good decisions out there. I served real well today.
Felt like I did most things well. I turned a corner that I needed to
turn going into the second week. If I can continue that standard,
that's pretty good.

Q. Can we say you were at the same level as Cincinnati today?

ANDRE AGASSI: Oh, you know, to beat somebody like Jiri in straight sets
is a great match. You know, had some great wins in Cincinnati,
and I consider today another great win.

Q. Lleyton said racquet technology is not an issue, but you're using
the latest Headline. Do you think it's something that's eventually
going to have to pull the reins in, or do you think players will
always just adjust?

ANDRE AGASSI: As long as the sport stays mano-a-mano, I mean,
you're talking about one person versus another. Give them any rules,
and you still got to find a way to get it done. Are you suggesting
that the pace of the game has gotten --

Q. I'm saying like the PGA. Do you think the racquets will ever get
so powerful and technology so advanced that someone should step
in and say, "Wait a minute, we need to cut this off"?

ANDRE AGASSI: I don't know. I tell you, a racquet is a very personal
thing. You have to grow up with it. I think for any real racquet to
make that kind of an impact that needs to be obviously phenomenally
powerful, but I also think you need to know it from a young lad.
I mean, you can't just sort of pick one up and say, "Geez, I can hit
the ball so much harder with this," because you've still got to keep
the ball in. And there's still a lot to the sport that requires you
to do other things. So until I see a racquet that can win a match
for me, I mean, I think it's about the competitors out there.

Q. Specifically, is there any quality of LiquidMetal or technology
that you particularly like?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, the subtleties in a racquet are something that
you're highly aware of. If you were to grab my racquet from six years
ago, I would notice a clear difference as I've sort of evolved with
the weight, the balance, the strings, the technology. You don't want
a racquet working against you. You want it sort of lending itself
to your style of play. And I don't struggle with power. I sort of
need more help when the ball is not quite in my strike zone.
And that's where I feel the technology of the LiquidMetal really helps
me. It sort of gives me a little bit extra on the shots I'm not
hitting quite as perfectly. So I think it's -- I don't know if
you would notice a difference if you hit with mine now versus six years
ago. I can't sort of speak to that. But I certainly would.

Q. You've had a pretty easy road so far. How do you look at where
you're going to go in the second week? Do you want to be challenged
soon, or do you like the way these three-set matches are going?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, if I can do that four more times, that would be
great. Three sets would be great four more times.
What do you think about that? Good plan (smiling)?
(記者問的問題有點怪 Andre超幽默! ^^)

Q. Are you expecting inviting in different players?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, I expected that today. I really did. I go out
with every match and expect it to be tough and feel like I need to
be ready to step up my game. And it's no different now than when
I was 20 years old. I mean, I enjoy getting through the first week
uneventfully. But you never know, when you get through that tough match,
and that is the match you needed to get through before you go on.
Seen people win tournaments down match points in the early rounds.
You never know when you need your best tennis. That's why it's always
best to save it for when you do.

Q. Do you find it harder at 34 than perhaps 24 to put together your
best tennis seven straight matches in a two-week period?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, well, I haven't done it at 34 yet. And I think
it gets tougher every year, from the quality of your opponents to
the distractions that exist in your own life. You're constantly
being pulled with priorities, you're constantly having to balance
everything that's important to you. That gets harder and harder.
Your body feels differently at 34. I fortunately have been holding up
this summer in a way that I haven't felt in a while. So that's
a good feeling. But history would show that it so far has been harder.

Q. After Cincinnati, you spoke to confidence. Is there an arrogance
that comes with being 24 that makes it easier to have confidence
than at 34?

ANDRE AGASSI: That's what I love about tennis. You can't hide
from yourself out there. Either you believe it or you don't,
and you're exposed when you're out there. I think you have to have
the goods regardless. If you lie to the man in the mirror, I mean,
you're going to get out on the court, 20,000 people are going to
realize it's not all what you think it is. So you need to have the goods.
I'd say, generally speaking, it's easier to have the goods at 24.

Q. Could you give us your view on the two books that were released
recently by your very closest relatives, one by your father and
the second one by your sister? Were you somehow involved in these
two books?
大家有空可以去找來看 ^^)

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, I was involved in my sister's book, which is
a book designed to raise money for breast cancer, where I lent
one of my recipes that I enjoy cooking, pictures of me and the family.
It's a great book that a lot of sort of celebrities have given
their time and energy towards.
My father's book, I had nothing to do with that.

Q. You seemed to show a little skill in the shoemaking and
shoe-repairing department. What happened there?

ANDRE AGASSI: I burn a lot of tread out there. I think it has to do
with my speed at 34 (smiling). You know, I enjoy a good broken-in
pair of shoes, let me put it that way. Sometimes you cross that line
and you need to rotate it, but you don't feel like it's that big of
a concern so you keep the nice used leather tightly strapped.

Q. And you always carry a bottle of glue in your bag?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah. I think you'd be surprised to look in the rest of
my bag, too (smiling). You never know when you need it.

Q. Do you have a preference for a day or night match?
Especially at your age, is your vision affected playing at night?
Andre打到一半還去換衣服 有點不太瞭解美網賽程安排的想法...)

ANDRE AGASSI: Who is asking the question? I can't see (smiling).
No, I haven't noticed any issues with my vision.
What age does that start?

Q. 45.

ANDRE AGASSI: 45, okay. Come ask me again in 15 years (smiling).
My math is bad, 11 years.

Q. You won the Olympics. I want to know if it was a surprise for you
that Massu won singles and doubles?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, yeah, I think -- I think it was one incredible
accomplishment that he had. Singles and doubles, it's a phenomenal thing
he accomplished. He spent a lot of hours on the court, showed
a lot of heart. Man, he'll have that to enjoy the rest of his life.

Q. How important was it for you when you won the gold medal?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, it's one of the greatest accomplishments
in my career for myself personally. I hold that as close to me
as anything else I've done.

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Tags: 網球

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第二輪訪問(def. Mayer)

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2004-09-05T20:41
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Re: 美網第三輪

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