第一輪賽後訪問 - 網球

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-01-18T00:44

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Justine Henin 17.01.11

Monday, 17 January, 2011

Start of Transcribed Interview

Q. Sania started off extremely well this evening. Did that take you by
surprise? Having done that, how pleased were you at your recovery?
Q: Mirza在這個晚上有很好的開始,那讓你驚訝嗎,完成這個之後,

JUSTINE HENIN: Well, I was ready it could be a tough match because she's not
a qualifier like maybe the others, as she has been in this type of situation.
She has been in the top 30, I think. She can play a very solid tennis. So the
beginning wasn't that easy for me. She was playing high rhythm, not a lot of
mistakes at the beginning, and it was tough for me because I was running a
lot. To get into the match, that wasn't the perfect situation for me to come
into the tournament. But, of course, there are many things we can talk about
wasn't that good in my game. But I think my attitude has been very positive.
So I really kept fighting in the second set when I was feeling a bit down at
that time. Every point started to count a lot, and I think after that I could
act on the match at that time. So I'm glad, because it wasn't an easy draw
for me to start into the tournament.


Q. So you can take a tremendous amount of satisfaction from the way you
Q: 所以你可以就大方向說明滿意的地方?

JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah. Well, in the fact that I have been fighting a lot.
Tonight it wasn't easy. I wasn't playing my best tennis, and she was doing a
lot of winners, a lot of mistakes, and that wasn't very easy to find a rhythm.

But it's in this kind of situation that you have to remain calm. That's what
I did, so I'm pleased about that.


Q. Can you say in percentage terms how close you are to form and fitness at
the moment?
Q: 能夠敘述此刻的體能狀態大概有多少百分比嗎?

JUSTINE HENIN: It's always very hard to say, to answer this kind of question.
I think physically I'm probably better than a year ago. And I'm getting
there. I mean, it's been my first official match in the last six months. So
it's not just one week that you find everything (snapping fingers).

But the passion is back. I know I came through difficult moments in the last
few months. But now I'm here, and I'm very happy about that.


Q. Don't you think you've had so much experience that if you play a couple
matches you might be able to play your way into the tournament?
Q: 你不認為,你擁有這麼多經驗,這表示如果你打更多比賽也許更可以進入比賽的狀態?

JUSTINE HENIN: I think I need this kind of match exactly to, yeah, really be
into the tournament like I want to be and be at my best level. I know it can
go very quickly at this level.

Of course, I have the experience, but I need matches, I need rhythm, and I
need fight, like tonight. And I remain confident, not only about the
tournament but for the future.


I was feeling a bit nervous, actually very nervous, before walking on the
court. Even if you have the experience, a first round of a Grand Slam,
especially after a long injury, you never know really what to expect. So I
can be happy with that. Now I want to keep going.

Even if I know I've been in a lot of trouble the last few months, I still
have a lot of ambition, and this kind of match I think is going to help.


Q. Do you know much about your next opponent from Britain?
Q: 你對你下個對手了解多少?

JUSTINE HENIN: Not at all. But we're going to prepare the match tomorrow. I
never met her. I think I never saw her playing.

But it's good. I have to be focused on my game and have a good recovery and
try to do my best and win on Wednesday.


Q. You mentioned previously that you need to warm your elbow up before you
can play properly. I'm just wondering, how do you feel after the match? Is
there much pain there? How do you pull up the next day?
Q: 你之前提到,在比賽之前你需要先熱開手肘,我只是想知道,在比賽之後你的感覺是?

JUSTINE HENIN: Even if I know the problem is there and it's going to be there
for probably a little longer, I just try to stay focused on what's really
important, my game and how I feel physically generally. So I just try to
forget a little bit about this.

I know I will do all the treatments and everything we have to do. But
mentally for me it's important also that I can just put my mind somewhere
else on something very important, on my game right now.


Q. Before you retired, your serve was very good, very consistent, pretty
strong. Then when you came back, you and Carlos decided to change a couple
things maybe to add a little more speed. Do you feel that was the right
decision? Why do you think you really needed to change a stroke that was
working so well?
Q: 在你退休之前,你的發球很好,非常的穩定且強勢(有嗎....)

JUSTINE HENIN: It was important more speed but try to be a little bit more
consistent in terms of percentage. And I think during last year, I mean, I
have never served as good as I was serving last year in Miami. Even in
Wimbledon I was serving very good.

So it was important changes. We know I'm not that tall, that strong as the
other players. We know it's not my biggest weapon. But I remain, yeah,
confident that we can go to the next step on my serve. Now it's still a bit
hard after the injury on the elbow. But I'm glad about what we did


I've been laughing so much about my serve, because I think we tried 20
different ways to serve. You know, I'm just 1 meter 66, so it's not that big.
Technically it has to be perfect on every serve. I cannot compensate with a
strong shoulder and being tall. It has to be perfect.

Sometimes it's getting down, but I still think that it was the right choice.




Q. Elena Baltacha has been through an awful lot in her life, a lot of serious
illnesses, difficult injuries, and at 27 is still out there battling. Not
exactly the same way, but like you she finds sport as a reassurance for her
to keep going. Can you see in a sense a similarity there where you've
acquired sport to keep your perspective on life?
Q: Elena Baltacha度過了人生中很多糟糕的時候,許多嚴重的傷病,27歲仍然持續比賽

JUSTINE HENIN: Yeah, of course. It's been helping me a lot in my life. That
is true.

In another way, it's very difficult all the time to find the good balance,
because sometimes you have to be so much focused that everything that happens
in your personal life you, yeah, keep it away a little bit.

But it's true, it gave me so much strength, yeah, after I lost my mom and
everything. I got the fire when I was on the tennis court. It was for me
helping me a lot not to forget about the hard times but to find a sense to my
life. That's what tennis brought me.


I think sport has something great. It pushes you to go really deep in
yourself. You have to push your limits all the time. Yeah, it's very good,
but it's very hard in a lot of ways because it's a lot of pressure that you
have to deal with.

It's a beautiful life. It's not an easy life. But I think we are all very
lucky to do that. It's just very important to never forget that we are
persons before being athletes.

And if you find this balance, well, that's the best. I start to be at this
step, to find a good balance. I'm very happy about that.


Q. Do you sympathize at all with Wozniacki and maybe Safina coming to the No.
1 ranking without a Grand Slam and all the questions that they face?
Q: 你是否會同情像Woz或也許是莎妹般,成為世界第一卻沒有大滿貫,而在她們的

JUSTINE HENIN: It's not that easy. Of course we wish that to be No. 1 you
have to win Grand Slams. I think - as I was thinking about that in the last
few days - if I have to remember something, it wasn't really that
I was the best player in the world, but it's all the Grand Slams I won.
That's what gives really the emotions.

So of course they have been very consistent, not injured, so they could play.
Wozniacki is still very young. Safina has been in trouble. Jankovic I think
played a lot and also has been tired from that at a certain time of her


But I wish them to win Grand Slams because they will feel the difference.
When I became No. 1, I was so happy because it was in 2003. I did win the
French, US Open that year, and I think it was big accomplishment, the dream
of a little girl to be the best in the world.

But the feelings you get at the second you win a Grand Slam, yeah, winning a
Grand Slam, it's seven matches, two weeks, it's the hardest, I think. Serena
proved that many times as she, you know, didn't play a lot, but in the big
moments she was there. And I think it's the most important.



Tags: 網球

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-01-19T13:26
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-01-21T02:09
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-01-22T14:51
Ju真是兼具專業與深度 Good job!


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2011-01-18T00:06
很長一篇,沒時間逐字譯了,大家來翻一下大意。 首先談到上週生病的事情,他想應該是在印度得病的, 然後又坐了一整天飛機,所以胃痛了很多天。 另外談到打法上問題,他希望能減低無謂失誤以及提升一二發進球率, 然後新教練Brad Gilbert一年大約會有15個禮拜陪著他比賽。 小圭第二輪會碰上德國的Florian ...

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Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-01-17T23:35
※ 引述《lightstream (光之流)》之銘言: : Lukas Lacko SVK 1 1 3 : Roger Federer SUI (2) 6 6 6 : Elapsed Time by Set: 22 29 33 : Match Summary : ...

[情報] 2011澳網第二天賽程(1/18)

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-01-17T23:22
※ [本文轉錄自 AUS_Tennis 看板 #1DC_O-5c ] 作者: modjo ( ( ′-`)y-~) 看板: AUS_Tennis 標題: [情報] 2011澳網第二天賽程(1/18) 時間: Mon Jan 17 15:56:42 2011 2011澳網第二天賽程 (1/18 Tue.) ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2011-01-17T23:20
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Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-01-17T23:07
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