科瓦契奇:進世俱盃決賽不容易、很高興蒂亞戈˙席爾瓦在陣中 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2022-02-11T23:07

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Kovacic: We will ask the boys from Brazil

10 Feb 2022

Mateo Kovacic acknowledges Chelsea came through a difficult challenge in
beating Al Hilal in the Club World Cup semi-final, but he never expected
it to be easy anyway.


The Croatian midfielder was named the man of the match by a FIFA technical
group that includes former England manager Steve McClaren and after that
decision looked back on the 90 minutes against the Asia champions in Abu
Dhabi, and ahead to facing Palmeires of Brazil on Saturday.

'It was a difficult game, it was not easy to adapt because they are a good
team and we struggled a little bit and we had a little bit the lost
balls,' said Kovacic. 'We could have scored a second goal early and this
is our biggest problem, we don't close the games when we have the
opportunity and then you get in trouble. You're just 1-0 up and the
opposition has nothing to lose, they go all in so it is a difficult game.


'In the end we're happy we are through to another final which is not easy
because to reach the final of the Club World Cup, you need to win the
Champions League and you need to win the semi-final.

'We need to do on Saturday again a good job because Palmeiras is a great
team with very good players, they are aggressive, with amazing fans so it
will be a difficult game but we need first to rest and then we will be

Kovacic confirmed part of that preparation will be to tap into the
knowledge of our players whose roots are in Brazilian football.

'We have now two days to prepare and for sure we will ask advice of
Jorginho, Thiago and Kenedy because they know them better than we know
them but we know that this will be a tough game. It's a final and finals
are always difficult games.

'Thiago is one of the greatest defenders of his generation.' he added. 'He
has won almost everything and he brought so much experience to Chelsea. We
are glad and happy to have such a great player and great personality in
our dressing room.


'We know what it takes to come to such a big tournament because you need
to win the Champions League, so we need to appreciate this moment and to
not take it for granted.

'We are desperate to win this trophy. We could be the first team in
Chelsea history to bring this trophy to London so we are happy that we are
in such a big final and we will do everything to win it on Saturday.'


"Gracchus, something more cheerful."


- Rome: Season 1, Episode 3

Tags: 足球

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