盧彥勳賽後訪問 - 網球 Tennis

By Mia
at 2009-01-21T20:41
at 2009-01-21T20:41
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※ 引述《duffy (duffy)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/75s8fp
: Yen-Hsun Lu 21-01-09
: Wednesday 21 January 2009
: Q. How does it feel to make the third round of a Grand Slam for the first
: time?
問: 對於第一次打進大滿貫第三輪,你感覺如何?
: YEN-HSUN LU: For sure now I really happy. I was pick up the phone all the
: times and my friends was congratulations to me all times. Really, for me,
: it's big step to be the third round in a Grand Slam, because before I always
: only in the second round.
: Today, I just step one big step to go to third round. For me it's very happy.
: Really I could tell my friend is really happy for me.
盧: 我現在當然很高興。我現在一直不斷接到電話還有我朋友的祝賀。對於進入第三輪對
: Q. How did you make that big step? Why were you better than Nalbandian?
問: 你是如何跨出這一步的呢(進入第三輪)?你哪點優於納班狄恩?
(why應該是where吧 否則這記者很不禮貌)
: YEN-HSUN LU: Today is not -- I mean, I just nothing to lose today, because
: he's top 10 player. For me, I'm 61 in the world and I have no pressure. I
: just going on the court and play my game and it's not about who is better.
: But today for sure I'm better performance than him. I think I serve also more
: consistent than him. After the fourth set and final set I was play more
: aggressive than him. So that's the key point I can take in this match today.
: Yes.
盧: 我想今天我應該沒有比他優秀吧,我是說,我沒什麼好輸的,他名列前十,而我只有
: Q. Could they do something about the game in your country generally speaking?
: And how you began to play? It's very popular there where you live?
問: 你覺得你的國家能對這項運動做些什麼嗎?你是踏入這個世界的?這在你國家很盛行
: YEN-HSUN LU: You mean the tennis?
: Q. Yes.
: YEN-HSUN LU: It's very popular now. It's not the first sport in my country.
: It's probably three or four. The baseball is my country's sport. I'm happy
: because I did a match that they show in Taiwan, and I really happy I can tell
: them the tennis is going on in Taiwan. I hope they can more support the
: Taiwan players.
盧: 現在是非常流行的了。網球不是我國家最主要的運動,它只可能排在第三或第四位。
: Q. You said your friends. Were they watching you back in Taiwan?
問: 你提到了你的朋友。他們正在台灣看你比賽嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Yes, I think they show sports on ESPN.
盧: 是的,我想ESPN應該有轉播。
: Q. Is this win better than the win over Andy Murray at the Olympics?
問: 你覺得今天的勝利有比在奧運擊敗穆瑞優秀嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: I think it's different meanings for me, because Olympic is play
: for my country. But here is, I mean, it's different than Olympic because it's
: Grand Slam. I think for me it's most biggest of the tennis events. So it's
: two different events. I couldn't compete which one is better.
: These two victories for me is really good memory and really good experience
: for me. So, yeah, I really happy about these two wins.
盧: 我覺得這兩場比賽不一樣。奧運是為國家而戰,但在這,我覺得畢竟這是大滿貫,不
: Q. The last game of the match was very long. How important was it for you to
: win that even though you had the extra break? Did you feel you had to win
: then?
問: 這場比賽的最後一局相當長。你已經多了一次破發優勢,在這麼長的平分(deuce)裡勝
: YEN-HSUN LU: I didn't think I have to win, but I just worry about my body.
: Because I really struggling with my body, and my legs start to have some
: problem. I really tell myself I need to close this game, because I don't want
: to like have problem to serving to 5-4.
: So really, even he has a breakpoint, I tried to get a point back and get a
: point back. So I'm happy I done for this. I just go for it these last games,
: yes.
盧: 我沒有想過一定要拿下,但我只是擔心我的身體。因為我的身體現在正有些狀況,例
: Q. You served very well with the breakpoints down in the last game. You
: served very well then.
問: 你最後一局面對破發點時仍有相當好的發球。你發球真的不錯。
: YEN-HSUN LU: I mean, because everybody thinks Nalbandian is the best backhand
: players. Because I just guess he's ready for his forehand returns, so I just
: change my mind and say, Okay, then I go his backhand all the time.
: So I was serving six times in his backhand in the breakpoint and I win all
: the points. I really betting I win this game. I betting to win this game,
: yeah.
盧: 我想,因為大家都認為納班狄恩的雙手反拍打的最好。而我猜他在正手回發球應該準
: Q. Are you the best player ever in Taiwan, or are there some others stronger
: than you as far as you know? What's the history of tennis in Taiwan? Why did
: you start playing tennis instead of another sport?
問: 你是台灣有史以來最好的選手嗎?還是目前為止仍有比你更強的人?網球在台灣的歷
: YEN-HSUN LU: Right now I'm the first one in the top 100 players. Before they
: have other one to go in be top 100, but now he's out.
: We are the first two in top 100 in our country.
盧: 現在我是前百名選手中的第一位。在這之前還有另一位進入過前百,但他現在沒有了
: Q. What was his name?
問: 他叫什麼名字?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Mr. Wang, W-a-n-g. How I choose tennis is my father loved to
: watch tennis match in Taiwan. My father just think if I have one day to play
: in Grand Slam then he is happy.
: I have a chance and my school wants to make a new team. So I just join the
: team and start to play. I really enjoy to build on my tennis. Until the
: juniors I have some sponsor, and I deal with my father and my family until
: then.
: I really want to try the professional tennis, so we started to...
盧: 是王宇佐,W-a-n-g。我選擇打網球是因為我父親很喜歡看網球比賽。我父親想說假使
: Q. Is your father playing tennis, too?
問: 你父親也打網球嗎?
盧: 不。
: Q. And your family is rich? Could he afford to pay your expenses?
問: 你家很有錢嗎?你父親有辦法應付你的開銷嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: No. Because we not rich, but we just average. I'm lucky, because
: in the juniors I was traveling with ITF teams and they was paying all the
: cost so I save a lot money.
: The reason is I got a sponsor after the juniors, so we start to decide to
: play the professional.
: Otherwise if we have no sponsor then maybe we will not try to play the
: professional tennis. Yeah.
盧: 不,我們家不富有,只是一般水平。我是很幸運的,我在青少年時期跟著ITF的團隊征
: Q. Taipei had has some really excellent little league baseball teams. Anybody
: try to recruit you for those little league teams?
問: 台灣有很多優秀的棒球隊。他們曾有人徵招你嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: I don't think so. I don't know. I'm not sure. But I just know
: our national team will come to Australia to make a preparation for the World
: Cup in the States. So they're going to play some friendly matches against
: Australia teams.
: But I don't know. I love to watch the baseball, but we have no really
: contact. Yeah, the players, but my trainers come from the baseball, so I know
: many story from them. Yeah.
盧: 沒有。我想沒有吧,我不確定。但我知道我們國家隊將會到澳洲來位在美國舉行的盃
: Q. Were your teachers all from Taipei? Did you learn to play tennis with some
: international coach? How many coaches were in Taipei where you were playing?
問: 你的教練們也都來自台灣嗎?還是你有接受外籍教練的訓練過?你在國內有多少教練?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Right now I was practice in Germany with Rainier Schuettler's
: coach, Dirk Hordorff. He also help me a lot when I was playing professional
: tennis in 2003. I always practice with him, and if he has time he coach me
: and teach me how I improve.
: Today in the match he also was sitting outside and watch I play. We discuss
: after the match. And yeah, he's help me a lot right now. Yes.
盧: 現在我跟著舒特勒的教練,霍多夫先生。在2003年時在職業賽場上他也幫助我很多,
: Q. Was there a player you liked watching growing up?
問: 你小時候有喜歡的選手嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: I follow a lot. I follow Stefan Edberg, Pete Sampras, Andre
: Agassi, Jim Courier and Michael Chang. These guys really famous in Taiwan
: when they play.
: But I don't know if I want to become them, but I really want to become
: myself, to go in a Grand Slam to play the match. Yeah.
盧: 還滿多的,像艾柏格、山普拉斯、阿格西、庫利爾和張德培。他們還在網壇的時候在
: Q. Was Chang more popular than anybody else in Taipei?
問: 在台灣張德培最受歡迎嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: He's the one Chinese player to make top 5 and win a Grand Slam,
: so everybody know him. I know his first sponsor also is from some newspaper
: company from Taiwan, so many people was looking for him, or follow him many
: times.
盧: 他是唯一進入過世界前五名並且贏得大滿貫的華人選手,所以大家都知道他。我從報
: Q. Have you met him? Did you ever talk to him?
問: 你見過他嗎?你曾經跟他說過話嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Actually, I meet him one time in the challengers, yeah. We just
: have one, two conversations. But I was talking to his father. Yeah, his
: father is nice.
: So we're just talking how we going to play, how we should do the practice.
: Yeah, he give me some ideas.
盧: 事實上我還真見過他一次。在某個挑戰賽中。我們只是簡單講了一兩句,但那時我是
: Q. Do you have any relation with the girl tennis player, Chinese of the other
: China who won the Olympics?
問: 你跟另外那位贏得奧運的中國女網選手有關係嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Yeah, we know each other. We always have like Taiwan, the girls,
: we have the dinner sometimes. If we meet each other, like we talk natural
: like friends.
: So it's not -- we don't have a distance, so it's not a problem. Yeah.
盧: 是啊我們認識。我們很喜歡台灣,一起吃過幾次飯。如果見面,我們就像朋友一般自
: Q. You talked about your coach. Do you work only on private, or do you work
: also with the Federation?
問: 你剛剛談到了教練。你現在是有私人教練還是你跟協會有合作?
: YEN-HSUN LU: I work private. Yeah, because the first point is Taiwan -- I
: tell you like I tell you before, we are the first one to be top 100, so they
: have really no experience, like how we should do in the professional tennis.
: So then we always looking for coach with more experience and can bring us up.
: I'm not saying Taiwan coach is bad, but they need sometime to get experience
: and start to travel with juniors or lower players and get more experience.
: So you, I working with private coach.
盧: 我現在有私人教練。因為在台灣,就像我剛說過的,我是第一位進入到前百的,所以
: Q. If you had to play doubles with the Chinese players, the Chinese would
: allow that?
問: 如果你要跟中國選手組隊參加雙打,中國方面會允許嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: It's not a big deal. You think it's a...
盧: 這不是大問題吧,你認為...
: Q. I'm asking if there is a political issue why they can or cannot play
: together?
問: 我是說對於台灣中國選手的合作他們有任何政治考量嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: No. This time, like many girls' teams mixed, like Taiwan and
: China. I think it's no problem, like because you play yourself. It's not a
: Grand Slam.
: But if you are play for country then it's different. But in a Grand Slam and
: professional tennis...
盧: 沒有。這次就有很多台灣中國合作的女雙隊伍。我不認為這有什麼問題,因為網球算
: Q. I mean, in doubles you can play together?
問: 我是說,你們可以共同組隊打雙打?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Yeah, no problem.
盧: 對,沒有問題。
: Q. Why do they call you Randy? You were baptized at a second name as Randy?
問: 為什麼大家叫你Randy?你是接受了這個小名嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Because same problem with you cannot pronounce my first name.
: Then I choose because I have -- I been English class, and the teacher say we
: need to make some English name, so I choose this time name, and I use, use.
: Also my coach, he think Randy is easier. So now is more people call me Randy.
盧: 因為同樣的問題,你們沒辦法正確說出我的名字。我選擇了這個名字是因為我上過英
: Q. So they call you Randy?
譯者: 好長喔...
: http://tinyurl.com/75s8fp
: Yen-Hsun Lu 21-01-09
: Wednesday 21 January 2009
: Q. How does it feel to make the third round of a Grand Slam for the first
: time?
問: 對於第一次打進大滿貫第三輪,你感覺如何?
: YEN-HSUN LU: For sure now I really happy. I was pick up the phone all the
: times and my friends was congratulations to me all times. Really, for me,
: it's big step to be the third round in a Grand Slam, because before I always
: only in the second round.
: Today, I just step one big step to go to third round. For me it's very happy.
: Really I could tell my friend is really happy for me.
盧: 我現在當然很高興。我現在一直不斷接到電話還有我朋友的祝賀。對於進入第三輪對
: Q. How did you make that big step? Why were you better than Nalbandian?
問: 你是如何跨出這一步的呢(進入第三輪)?你哪點優於納班狄恩?
(why應該是where吧 否則這記者很不禮貌)
: YEN-HSUN LU: Today is not -- I mean, I just nothing to lose today, because
: he's top 10 player. For me, I'm 61 in the world and I have no pressure. I
: just going on the court and play my game and it's not about who is better.
: But today for sure I'm better performance than him. I think I serve also more
: consistent than him. After the fourth set and final set I was play more
: aggressive than him. So that's the key point I can take in this match today.
: Yes.
盧: 我想今天我應該沒有比他優秀吧,我是說,我沒什麼好輸的,他名列前十,而我只有
: Q. Could they do something about the game in your country generally speaking?
: And how you began to play? It's very popular there where you live?
問: 你覺得你的國家能對這項運動做些什麼嗎?你是踏入這個世界的?這在你國家很盛行
: YEN-HSUN LU: You mean the tennis?
: Q. Yes.
: YEN-HSUN LU: It's very popular now. It's not the first sport in my country.
: It's probably three or four. The baseball is my country's sport. I'm happy
: because I did a match that they show in Taiwan, and I really happy I can tell
: them the tennis is going on in Taiwan. I hope they can more support the
: Taiwan players.
盧: 現在是非常流行的了。網球不是我國家最主要的運動,它只可能排在第三或第四位。
: Q. You said your friends. Were they watching you back in Taiwan?
問: 你提到了你的朋友。他們正在台灣看你比賽嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Yes, I think they show sports on ESPN.
盧: 是的,我想ESPN應該有轉播。
: Q. Is this win better than the win over Andy Murray at the Olympics?
問: 你覺得今天的勝利有比在奧運擊敗穆瑞優秀嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: I think it's different meanings for me, because Olympic is play
: for my country. But here is, I mean, it's different than Olympic because it's
: Grand Slam. I think for me it's most biggest of the tennis events. So it's
: two different events. I couldn't compete which one is better.
: These two victories for me is really good memory and really good experience
: for me. So, yeah, I really happy about these two wins.
盧: 我覺得這兩場比賽不一樣。奧運是為國家而戰,但在這,我覺得畢竟這是大滿貫,不
: Q. The last game of the match was very long. How important was it for you to
: win that even though you had the extra break? Did you feel you had to win
: then?
問: 這場比賽的最後一局相當長。你已經多了一次破發優勢,在這麼長的平分(deuce)裡勝
: YEN-HSUN LU: I didn't think I have to win, but I just worry about my body.
: Because I really struggling with my body, and my legs start to have some
: problem. I really tell myself I need to close this game, because I don't want
: to like have problem to serving to 5-4.
: So really, even he has a breakpoint, I tried to get a point back and get a
: point back. So I'm happy I done for this. I just go for it these last games,
: yes.
盧: 我沒有想過一定要拿下,但我只是擔心我的身體。因為我的身體現在正有些狀況,例
: Q. You served very well with the breakpoints down in the last game. You
: served very well then.
問: 你最後一局面對破發點時仍有相當好的發球。你發球真的不錯。
: YEN-HSUN LU: I mean, because everybody thinks Nalbandian is the best backhand
: players. Because I just guess he's ready for his forehand returns, so I just
: change my mind and say, Okay, then I go his backhand all the time.
: So I was serving six times in his backhand in the breakpoint and I win all
: the points. I really betting I win this game. I betting to win this game,
: yeah.
盧: 我想,因為大家都認為納班狄恩的雙手反拍打的最好。而我猜他在正手回發球應該準
: Q. Are you the best player ever in Taiwan, or are there some others stronger
: than you as far as you know? What's the history of tennis in Taiwan? Why did
: you start playing tennis instead of another sport?
問: 你是台灣有史以來最好的選手嗎?還是目前為止仍有比你更強的人?網球在台灣的歷
: YEN-HSUN LU: Right now I'm the first one in the top 100 players. Before they
: have other one to go in be top 100, but now he's out.
: We are the first two in top 100 in our country.
盧: 現在我是前百名選手中的第一位。在這之前還有另一位進入過前百,但他現在沒有了
: Q. What was his name?
問: 他叫什麼名字?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Mr. Wang, W-a-n-g. How I choose tennis is my father loved to
: watch tennis match in Taiwan. My father just think if I have one day to play
: in Grand Slam then he is happy.
: I have a chance and my school wants to make a new team. So I just join the
: team and start to play. I really enjoy to build on my tennis. Until the
: juniors I have some sponsor, and I deal with my father and my family until
: then.
: I really want to try the professional tennis, so we started to...
盧: 是王宇佐,W-a-n-g。我選擇打網球是因為我父親很喜歡看網球比賽。我父親想說假使
: Q. Is your father playing tennis, too?
問: 你父親也打網球嗎?
盧: 不。
: Q. And your family is rich? Could he afford to pay your expenses?
問: 你家很有錢嗎?你父親有辦法應付你的開銷嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: No. Because we not rich, but we just average. I'm lucky, because
: in the juniors I was traveling with ITF teams and they was paying all the
: cost so I save a lot money.
: The reason is I got a sponsor after the juniors, so we start to decide to
: play the professional.
: Otherwise if we have no sponsor then maybe we will not try to play the
: professional tennis. Yeah.
盧: 不,我們家不富有,只是一般水平。我是很幸運的,我在青少年時期跟著ITF的團隊征
: Q. Taipei had has some really excellent little league baseball teams. Anybody
: try to recruit you for those little league teams?
問: 台灣有很多優秀的棒球隊。他們曾有人徵招你嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: I don't think so. I don't know. I'm not sure. But I just know
: our national team will come to Australia to make a preparation for the World
: Cup in the States. So they're going to play some friendly matches against
: Australia teams.
: But I don't know. I love to watch the baseball, but we have no really
: contact. Yeah, the players, but my trainers come from the baseball, so I know
: many story from them. Yeah.
盧: 沒有。我想沒有吧,我不確定。但我知道我們國家隊將會到澳洲來位在美國舉行的盃
: Q. Were your teachers all from Taipei? Did you learn to play tennis with some
: international coach? How many coaches were in Taipei where you were playing?
問: 你的教練們也都來自台灣嗎?還是你有接受外籍教練的訓練過?你在國內有多少教練?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Right now I was practice in Germany with Rainier Schuettler's
: coach, Dirk Hordorff. He also help me a lot when I was playing professional
: tennis in 2003. I always practice with him, and if he has time he coach me
: and teach me how I improve.
: Today in the match he also was sitting outside and watch I play. We discuss
: after the match. And yeah, he's help me a lot right now. Yes.
盧: 現在我跟著舒特勒的教練,霍多夫先生。在2003年時在職業賽場上他也幫助我很多,
: Q. Was there a player you liked watching growing up?
問: 你小時候有喜歡的選手嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: I follow a lot. I follow Stefan Edberg, Pete Sampras, Andre
: Agassi, Jim Courier and Michael Chang. These guys really famous in Taiwan
: when they play.
: But I don't know if I want to become them, but I really want to become
: myself, to go in a Grand Slam to play the match. Yeah.
盧: 還滿多的,像艾柏格、山普拉斯、阿格西、庫利爾和張德培。他們還在網壇的時候在
: Q. Was Chang more popular than anybody else in Taipei?
問: 在台灣張德培最受歡迎嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: He's the one Chinese player to make top 5 and win a Grand Slam,
: so everybody know him. I know his first sponsor also is from some newspaper
: company from Taiwan, so many people was looking for him, or follow him many
: times.
盧: 他是唯一進入過世界前五名並且贏得大滿貫的華人選手,所以大家都知道他。我從報
: Q. Have you met him? Did you ever talk to him?
問: 你見過他嗎?你曾經跟他說過話嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Actually, I meet him one time in the challengers, yeah. We just
: have one, two conversations. But I was talking to his father. Yeah, his
: father is nice.
: So we're just talking how we going to play, how we should do the practice.
: Yeah, he give me some ideas.
盧: 事實上我還真見過他一次。在某個挑戰賽中。我們只是簡單講了一兩句,但那時我是
: Q. Do you have any relation with the girl tennis player, Chinese of the other
: China who won the Olympics?
問: 你跟另外那位贏得奧運的中國女網選手有關係嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Yeah, we know each other. We always have like Taiwan, the girls,
: we have the dinner sometimes. If we meet each other, like we talk natural
: like friends.
: So it's not -- we don't have a distance, so it's not a problem. Yeah.
盧: 是啊我們認識。我們很喜歡台灣,一起吃過幾次飯。如果見面,我們就像朋友一般自
: Q. You talked about your coach. Do you work only on private, or do you work
: also with the Federation?
問: 你剛剛談到了教練。你現在是有私人教練還是你跟協會有合作?
: YEN-HSUN LU: I work private. Yeah, because the first point is Taiwan -- I
: tell you like I tell you before, we are the first one to be top 100, so they
: have really no experience, like how we should do in the professional tennis.
: So then we always looking for coach with more experience and can bring us up.
: I'm not saying Taiwan coach is bad, but they need sometime to get experience
: and start to travel with juniors or lower players and get more experience.
: So you, I working with private coach.
盧: 我現在有私人教練。因為在台灣,就像我剛說過的,我是第一位進入到前百的,所以
: Q. If you had to play doubles with the Chinese players, the Chinese would
: allow that?
問: 如果你要跟中國選手組隊參加雙打,中國方面會允許嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: It's not a big deal. You think it's a...
盧: 這不是大問題吧,你認為...
: Q. I'm asking if there is a political issue why they can or cannot play
: together?
問: 我是說對於台灣中國選手的合作他們有任何政治考量嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: No. This time, like many girls' teams mixed, like Taiwan and
: China. I think it's no problem, like because you play yourself. It's not a
: Grand Slam.
: But if you are play for country then it's different. But in a Grand Slam and
: professional tennis...
盧: 沒有。這次就有很多台灣中國合作的女雙隊伍。我不認為這有什麼問題,因為網球算
: Q. I mean, in doubles you can play together?
問: 我是說,你們可以共同組隊打雙打?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Yeah, no problem.
盧: 對,沒有問題。
: Q. Why do they call you Randy? You were baptized at a second name as Randy?
問: 為什麼大家叫你Randy?你是接受了這個小名嗎?
: YEN-HSUN LU: Because same problem with you cannot pronounce my first name.
: Then I choose because I have -- I been English class, and the teacher say we
: need to make some English name, so I choose this time name, and I use, use.
: Also my coach, he think Randy is easier. So now is more people call me Randy.
盧: 因為同樣的問題,你們沒辦法正確說出我的名字。我選擇了這個名字是因為我上過英
: Q. So they call you Randy?
譯者: 好長喔...
All Comments

By George
at 2009-01-24T15:15
at 2009-01-24T15:15

By Tom
at 2009-01-27T09:48
at 2009-01-27T09:48

By Liam
at 2009-01-30T04:22
at 2009-01-30T04:22

By Anonymous
at 2009-02-01T22:56
at 2009-02-01T22:56

By Heather
at 2009-02-04T17:30
at 2009-02-04T17:30

By Ina
at 2009-02-07T12:04
at 2009-02-07T12:04

By Zenobia
at 2009-02-10T06:38
at 2009-02-10T06:38

By Rebecca
at 2009-02-13T01:12
at 2009-02-13T01:12

By Yedda
at 2009-02-15T19:46
at 2009-02-15T19:46

By Elizabeth
at 2009-02-18T14:20
at 2009-02-18T14:20

By Queena
at 2009-02-21T08:53
at 2009-02-21T08:53

By Connor
at 2009-02-24T03:27
at 2009-02-24T03:27

By Ursula
at 2009-02-26T22:01
at 2009-02-26T22:01

By Hazel
at 2009-03-01T16:35
at 2009-03-01T16:35

By Audriana
at 2009-03-04T11:09
at 2009-03-04T11:09

By Megan
at 2009-03-07T05:43
at 2009-03-07T05:43

By Agnes
at 2009-03-10T00:17
at 2009-03-10T00:17

By Agatha
at 2009-03-12T18:51
at 2009-03-12T18:51

By Vanessa
at 2009-03-15T13:24
at 2009-03-15T13:24

By Zora
at 2009-03-18T07:58
at 2009-03-18T07:58

By Madame
at 2009-03-21T02:32
at 2009-03-21T02:32

By Ula
at 2009-03-23T21:06
at 2009-03-23T21:06

By Bethany
at 2009-03-26T15:40
at 2009-03-26T15:40

By James
at 2009-03-29T10:14
at 2009-03-29T10:14

By Oscar
at 2009-04-01T04:48
at 2009-04-01T04:48

By Edith
at 2009-04-03T23:22
at 2009-04-03T23:22

By Lydia
at 2009-04-06T17:56
at 2009-04-06T17:56

By Audriana
at 2009-04-09T12:29
at 2009-04-09T12:29

By Franklin
at 2009-04-12T07:03
at 2009-04-12T07:03

By Selena
at 2009-04-15T01:37
at 2009-04-15T01:37

By Oliver
at 2009-04-17T20:11
at 2009-04-17T20:11

By Margaret
at 2009-04-20T14:45
at 2009-04-20T14:45

By Caroline
at 2009-04-23T09:19
at 2009-04-23T09:19

By Hardy
at 2009-04-26T03:53
at 2009-04-26T03:53

By Margaret
at 2009-04-28T22:27
at 2009-04-28T22:27

By Caroline
at 2009-05-01T17:01
at 2009-05-01T17:01

By Rae
at 2009-05-04T11:34
at 2009-05-04T11:34

By Donna
at 2009-05-07T06:08
at 2009-05-07T06:08

By Xanthe
at 2009-05-10T00:42
at 2009-05-10T00:42

By Gary
at 2009-05-12T19:16
at 2009-05-12T19:16

By Susan
at 2009-05-15T13:50
at 2009-05-15T13:50

By Jake
at 2009-05-18T08:24
at 2009-05-18T08:24

By Leila
at 2009-05-21T02:58
at 2009-05-21T02:58

By Daph Bay
at 2009-05-23T21:32
at 2009-05-23T21:32

By Eartha
at 2009-05-26T16:05
at 2009-05-26T16:05

By Regina
at 2009-05-29T10:39
at 2009-05-29T10:39

By Tom
at 2009-06-01T05:13
at 2009-06-01T05:13

By Edith
at 2009-06-03T23:47
at 2009-06-03T23:47

By Andy
at 2009-06-06T18:21
at 2009-06-06T18:21

By William
at 2009-06-09T12:55
at 2009-06-09T12:55
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