男雙世界第一Robert Farah藥檢呈陽性 - 網球 Tennis

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2020-01-15T07:42

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Robert Farah去年10/17的樣本檢測呈現陽性

Farah, who is also the reigning US Open doubles champion, had already pulled o
ut of the Australian Open as well as a tune-up tournament in Adelaide citing
“personal reasons”, which have now been revealed to be, in fact, due to a pr
ovisional drugs ban.

In a statement posted in Spanish on Twitter, Farah said he had tested positive
for Boldenone and suggested the cause of the failed drugs test – in October
in Cali – was due to contaminated Colombian meat. He described the news as ‘
one of the saddest moments’ of his life.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2020-01-17T03:50
昨ITF也公告Nicolas Jarry在DC時尿檢陽性14日起停賽


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2020-01-14T23:25
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