用英文介紹餐廳,求幫忙翻譯 - 撞球

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2015-01-10T00:00

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麻煩請英文很厲害的大大們,幫忙小第一下,我有一個報告要上台報告,內容是用英文介紹一家餐廳,但我英文超爛,所以請英文翻譯很強的人幫忙一下,我自己已經有擬一份中文稿了,只差翻成英文,我有些地方已經是用英文的地方就是我自己找過的,請幫我直接連一起就好,還有括弧的地方,翻好也幫我括弧一下。 謝謝!! 20點送你們 +++++還有拜託拜託我不要用google翻譯的,我要文法是對的,不要一個照翻的!!!單字不要用的太艱深的!! 我有分段,麻煩翻好也幫我分段一下,以下是我的中文稿

Hello everybody my name is David, 今天我要介紹一家餐廳給你們,餐廳名字叫做Smith & Lo. And我有3個點要跟你們介紹,分別為(特色跟消費方式).再來是食物(去那邊哪些是必點的菜),還有飲料(去那邊有甚麼推薦的飲料可以點)
第2點要介紹的是食物:這裡推薦菜色是Roast oyster sauce with SA SA and sausage platter,為甚麼這2樣是推薦菜色呢? 因為他們的oyster是非常新鮮的,而且都是現烤的,搭配特製的莎莎醬,吃起來很清爽,真的很美味,喜歡吃oyster的人來這裡一定要點這一樣.再來是sausage platter,他們的sausage platter份量非常多,適合很多人一起享用.裡面有各類的香腸,搭配上特製的水果沾醬,很適合拿來配啤酒.
第3點要介紹的是飲料:飲料部分它有各式的啤酒,例如corona, Heineken, budweiser 等等,也有調酒,這裡推薦的是smith’s Trap,為甚麼推薦他,因為它喝起來酸酸甜甜的,喝起來像果汁,所以很受女生的喜愛,如果不喝酒的人,這裡也有smoothie, juice, coffee可以選擇。
Tags: 撞球

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Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2015-01-10T15:39
Hello everybody my name is David, 今天我要介紹一家餐廳給你們,餐廳名字叫做Smith & Lo. And我有3個點要跟你們介紹,分別為(特色跟消費方式).再來是食物(去那邊哪些是必點的菜),還有飲料(去那邊有甚麼推薦的飲料可以點)
Hello! everybody. My name is David. Today, I'd like to introduce to you a restaurant, named Smith & Lo. And I have 3 main points special introduction to you, the first one is,"Characteristic with consumption mode"and the second, " The special dishes & foods there you must have to try and order". Then the third one is for the drinks," You can point what the beverages drinks recommended there".
The first point I'm going to introduce is for the feature consumption patterns, " This restaurant to introduce today belongs to an American dining pub style, the special characteristic is when in the morning, it is an American style restaurant, as for the night time , it will turn to be a bar. There are also the darts, billiards offering for amusing. The most attractive characteristic is on each Wednesday, Friday and Saturday night, they will invite some music shows to let you enjoy eating the yummy foods while listening to the music as well. It will be a double consumption pattern in a single point with the option packages. The basic charge for each consumption is 200 yuan.
第2點要介紹的是食物:這裡推薦菜色是Roast oyster sauce with SA SA and sausage platter,為甚麼這2樣是推薦菜色呢? 因為他們的oyster是非常新鮮的,而且都是現烤的,搭配特製的莎莎醬,吃起來很清爽,真的很美味,喜歡吃oyster的人來這裡一定要點這一樣.再來是sausage platter,他們的sausage platter份量非常多,適合很多人一起享用.裡面有各類的香腸,搭配上特製的水果沾醬,很適合拿來配啤酒.
以上內容謹供參考, 謝謝! O(∩_∩)O


2015-01-10 16:53:45 補充:
The second point to introduce is about the foods, here are characteristic dishes,"Roast oyster sauce with Salsa and sausage platter", the reasons why these 2 dishes are worth to be recommended, because their oyster is not only very fresh, but also ready to be baked with a Salsa sauce.
2015-01-10 16:55:47 補充:
The eating feel is very refreshing, those customers who love the real delicious of the oyster have to come here to order the same as this certainly. Then to taste the sausage platters, their sausage platters are very much heavy enough for lot of persons sharing together.
2015-01-10 16:57:35 補充:
There are all kinds of sausage with special fruit sauce, it is very suitable to match with the beer.
第3點要介紹的是飲料:飲料部分它有各式的啤酒,例如corona, Heineken, budweiser 等等,也有調酒,這裡推薦的是smith’s Trap,為甚麼推薦他,因為它喝起來酸酸甜甜的,喝起來像果汁,所以很受女生的喜愛,如果不喝酒的人,這裡也有smoothie, juice, coffee可以選擇。
2015-01-10 16:59:43 補充:
As for the third point to introduce is the drinks, the beverages parts they have many kinds of beer, such as corona, Heineken, Budweiser and so on, also with the bartender. And the special recommended here is "Smith 's Trap",
2015-01-10 17:01:59 補充:
the reason to promote it is because of the sweet and sour tastes just like the juice, so it is very popular and favorite by the girls. For those persons who don't like alcohol drink, here are smoothie, juice, coffee can be chosen also.
2015-01-10 17:05:48 補充:
建豪: 您好! 翻譯內容按照您要表達的意思, 稍作修改了。希望能幫上點忙唄!
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2015-01-13T20:41
一、TutorABC 馬上體驗 http://adf.ly/sgm1i
二、Tutor4u空中美語免費試聽 http://adf.ly/sgksJ
三、English town 免費試聽 http://adf.ly/l9Q5V
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2015-01-10T11:11
那麼長的翻譯內文, 任務艱鉅喔! =.
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2015-01-11T13:25
莎莎醬的原文是Salsa. 他是西班牙文但是已經變成英文的外來語. 不是sasa.
你的原文是中文思維. 這樣直接翻譯保證人家聽不懂. 例如說, 你介紹他白天是家餐廳, 晚上變酒吧, 是說整個經營型態不同還是白天也賣酒, 只是買的人少? 白天點啤酒他賣不賣? 晚上酒保來了才調酒... 也才有不少愛尋樂的年輕人來喝酒聊天...是這樣嗎? 如果是的話, 他的經營型態並沒有早上與白天不同啊. 你只要強調他哪些天晚上有live band, 大多是什麼樣的曲風(這個對介紹餐廳是非常重要的). 也可以強調他們是什麼樣的客戶群(年輕, 上班族, 藝術氣息..等等)


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