猶他爵士 官方說明 - NBA

By Rosalind
at 2021-05-29T09:21
at 2021-05-29T09:21
Table of Contents
※ 引述《willy911006 (小溫)》之銘言:
: https://twitter.com/TheSteinLine/status/1398053710689878019?s=19
: The Jazz ejected three fans last night for their unruly behavior during Game 2
: of the Utah/Memphis series and banned them indefinitely. Statement from the t
: eam: https://t.co/vSh31qfLK4
: 爵士在昨晚的比賽中驅逐了三個有不守規矩的球迷並且永久禁止入場。
: 那麼為什麼呢?
: https://i.imgur.com/YKXZtwY.jpg
: https://i.imgur.com/XL0z8Ad.jpg
: 「猶他爵士對攻擊行為零容忍,昨晚的比賽有言語攻擊事件發生。球場員工立即介入並展
: 開調查,然後禁止三個球迷入場。」
: 「我們對被此不幸事件影響的人道歉並且譴責那些不可接受的粉絲行為。」
: Jazz beat writer @andyblarsen reports that the fans were ejected for heckling
: the family of Grizzlies star Ja Morant.
: 因為有球迷對Ja Morant的家人問候了。
: https://twitter.com/JaMorant/status/1398077584362065922?s=19
: as they should . my family should be able cheer for me & my teammates without
: getting inappropriate shit said to them
: Morant的回覆:「他們應該的,我的家人應該要能夠為我和隊友加油,然後不會被說狗屎
: 話。」
更新灰熊隊主帥 Taylor Jenkins 受訪時所發表的談話:
Taylor Jenkins said what happened to Ja Morant and Dillon Brooks' families is
beyond disappointing.
He added that fans were cooped up, clamoring for sports and being back in
social arenas and atmospheres "and this is what you do".
發生在 Ja Morant 及 Dillon Brooks 家人們身上的事,實在是令人非常失望。球迷們因
(受 COVID-19 大流行引發的)封鎖令而困在家中,一直吵著要出門觀賽,結果回到社會
"It's at the core of humanity that needs to get addressed and I'm just beyond
disappointed" - Jenkins said.
"To know that this exists in our country, in our NBA arenas and our fan bases,
something further has to be addressed in my opinion"
「要知道在我們的國家裡、在NBA 賽場上以及在我們的球迷團體中,一直存在著類似需要
Jenkins is usually very even-keeled and passionate but you could tell in his
tone that he was visibly frustrated and would've liked to say more. But he
credited the Grizzlies' tight chemistry helping them handle this & they're
happy to be around their fans/focused for Game 3
Jenkins 通常是心平氣和的,但從他的語氣中可以看出,他很明顯的感到沮喪並希望能對
: https://twitter.com/TheSteinLine/status/1398053710689878019?s=19
: The Jazz ejected three fans last night for their unruly behavior during Game 2
: of the Utah/Memphis series and banned them indefinitely. Statement from the t
: eam: https://t.co/vSh31qfLK4
: 爵士在昨晚的比賽中驅逐了三個有不守規矩的球迷並且永久禁止入場。
: 那麼為什麼呢?
: https://i.imgur.com/YKXZtwY.jpg

: 開調查,然後禁止三個球迷入場。」
: 「我們對被此不幸事件影響的人道歉並且譴責那些不可接受的粉絲行為。」
: Jazz beat writer @andyblarsen reports that the fans were ejected for heckling
: the family of Grizzlies star Ja Morant.
: 因為有球迷對Ja Morant的家人問候了。
: https://twitter.com/JaMorant/status/1398077584362065922?s=19
: as they should . my family should be able cheer for me & my teammates without
: getting inappropriate shit said to them
: Morant的回覆:「他們應該的,我的家人應該要能夠為我和隊友加油,然後不會被說狗屎
: 話。」
更新灰熊隊主帥 Taylor Jenkins 受訪時所發表的談話:
Taylor Jenkins said what happened to Ja Morant and Dillon Brooks' families is
beyond disappointing.
He added that fans were cooped up, clamoring for sports and being back in
social arenas and atmospheres "and this is what you do".
發生在 Ja Morant 及 Dillon Brooks 家人們身上的事,實在是令人非常失望。球迷們因
(受 COVID-19 大流行引發的)封鎖令而困在家中,一直吵著要出門觀賽,結果回到社會
"It's at the core of humanity that needs to get addressed and I'm just beyond
disappointed" - Jenkins said.
"To know that this exists in our country, in our NBA arenas and our fan bases,
something further has to be addressed in my opinion"
「要知道在我們的國家裡、在NBA 賽場上以及在我們的球迷團體中,一直存在著類似需要
Jenkins is usually very even-keeled and passionate but you could tell in his
tone that he was visibly frustrated and would've liked to say more. But he
credited the Grizzlies' tight chemistry helping them handle this & they're
happy to be around their fans/focused for Game 3
Jenkins 通常是心平氣和的,但從他的語氣中可以看出,他很明顯的感到沮喪並希望能對
All Comments

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at 2021-06-09T05:06
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at 2021-06-09T08:04
at 2021-06-09T08:04

By Daph Bay
at 2021-06-09T17:28
at 2021-06-09T17:28

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