澳網第一場比賽後訪談 - 網球

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2004-01-20T22:31

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Q. You've had some great successes here in Australia. What do you
think of the proposals to move it later in the calendar?

ANDRE AGASSI: I think a big help to the sport would be having
the hard court season lead up to the Grand Slam on this surface. It would make
sense to me if we could somehow have a buildup to each Slam. Like the clay
leads to Roland Garros, the grass leads to Wimbledon, and the hard court in
the summer leads to the US Open. It certainly would make sense to the sports

Q. So what time would you be looking for, around March time?

ANDRE AGASSI: I would have to put some thought behind that, sort
of look at the schedule. You know, I've just been getting ready for this date.
They tell me what the date is (smiling).

Q. Must have been about the best that you could hope for tonight. He
put up a fairly good struggle but you still got off the court pretty

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, well, in your first match it's always a bit
awkward because you're sort of getting the feel of the new year, the new
conditions. And playing somebody you never played before presents a certain
amount of working out to be done out there.

We're both feeling each other out. Got off to a good start and I had to play
well to close him out. That's what you have to do to win.

So it felt good to get through it that way.

Q. Anything that you want to work on heading into the next match?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, I always hope for it all to get better with
each match. But I think it will be nice to get out there and, hopefully in the
heat, and just hit the ball even cleaner and go to work.

Q. So even though some of the people coming from the northern
hemisphere have had some problems adjusting, you like the heat?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, I don't like it; I just try to like
it more than my opponent. You know, there's two people out there that have to
deal with the elements. Whether you're from the heat or not, it's about preparation and
pushing yourself through it mentally. So for me it's always a challenge.

Q. This year's field is one of the most open in years. Last year you
sort of rolled through the tournament. But last season, with the likes of
Federer, Roddick winning Grand Slams, do you see this as an open

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, I see most of them that way. It's very rare
that I approach a tournament not feeling like a lot of people can win it. You
know, it's just my experience that tells me that.

Certainly, top four in the world at the end of the year were the four that won
the Grand Slams. Three of them, it was their first time. So that's a pretty
amazing start of a generation; there's no question about it.

And all these guys are capable of winning.

Tags: 網球

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Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2004-01-20T17:58
後來阿格西到底有沒有贏啊? 為什麼都沒有看到報導? - ...

AUS Open 22連勝

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2004-01-19T22:38
1st Round Andre Agassi USA (4) def. Todd Larkham AUS 6-1 6-3 6-4 Match Summary Agassi(USA) Larkham(AUS) 1st Serve % 43 of 77 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2004-01-16T21:26
http://sports.sina.com.cn 2004年01月16日17:50 新華网   對于33歲的阿加西,近几年网壇都會回蕩同樣的聲音:他已經 老了,已失去了動力,再也無法堅持到最后。然而,每一次阿加西都 用實際行動給那些怀疑者以最有力的回擊。   今年的澳大利亞网球公開賽將于本月19 ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2004-01-16T14:54
記者陶培揚報導】 澳洲網球公開賽前重要熱身賽,庫揚精英賽的小組賽中,33歲的美國老將阿加西寶刀不老 ,以6-2和6-4輕鬆戰勝了世界排名第二位的瑞士名將費德勒,以良好的競技狀態向世人證 明了自己的老當益壯,晉級決賽。  在決賽場上,阿格西將面對洛迪克和納潘狄恩安之間的勝者,賽後,有令人豔羨的8座大 滿貫冠 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2004-01-16T12:55
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: Seles (哈比人) 看板: Tennis 標題: 2004澳網男單籤表-種子上色 Andy Roddick USA (1) vs. Fernando Gonzalez CHI Bohdan Ulihrach CZE vs. Lars Burgsmull ...