澳洲青少年賽 家長因爭議判罰毆打司線被拘 - 澳網 Tennis
By Lauren
at 2010-12-17T18:40
at 2010-12-17T18:40
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※ 引述《modjo (modjo)》之銘言:
: 但“網壇壞爸爸”的行為也需要得到規範,他們不理智的行為足以毀掉孩子們的錦繡
: 前程。09年澳洲天才托米奇就因爸爸的行為遭到1個月禁賽和3千美元罰款--只因老約翰認
: 為對手屢次腳誤都沒有被判罰非常惱火,竟然命令兒子離開球場!
: (牛崽)http://sports.sina.com.cn/t/2010-12-16/10555368763.shtml
好像給他外卡也不是 不給也不是....
Doubts grow on Tomic injury claim
12/16/10 2:23 PM | Johan Lindahl
Controversial teenager Bernard Tomic continues to create waves as the in the
start of the Australian Open ticks closer.
距離澳網時間越來越近 充滿爭議性的年輕選手Bernard Tomic依然持續製造爭議
Doubts are now arising about the authenticity of the injury claim which
forced him to miss this week's wildcard playoffs for the Grand Slam.
他自稱因為受傷而被迫無法參加本週的澳網外卡賽 不過現在有人懷疑他的傷可能不是真的
Tomic produced a doctor's note and skipped the playoff event at Melbourne
Park. But Melbourne's Herald-Sun reports that he hit for two hours in
Queensland as the event began in Victoria. The paper says Tomic is so sure
that he will be granted a wildcard into the major starting January 17 that he
didn't need to play-off.
Tomic提出了醫師證明並退出在墨爾本公園的賽事 不過墨爾本的太陽報卻報導 當比賽正在
維多莉亞進行時 他在昆士蘭也打了兩個小時的球 報導中指出 因為Tomic非常確定自己一
定會拿到AO的外卡 所以他覺得根本不需要去打外卡賽
"If what you're saying is correct, one, I'd be highly annoyed and, two, I'd
have to talk to the team on what decision we would be taking," Australian
Open director Craig Tiley told the paper. "If someone makes a decision to
rely on the discretionary wildcard, I never advise someone to do that."
對於此事 AO的主辦單位負責人Craig Tiley表示:"如果你們說的是事實 那麼 一.我會感到
非常困擾 二. 我必須跟我的團隊商量要做出哪些決定" "如果有人決定他只想無條件的直
接拿到外卡 我只能說我不建議任何人這麼做"
With his repeated attitude problems, even former Aussie great John Newcombe
is starting to doubt the much-touted Tomic (ranked 208) potential. "I don't
know what is going on, but I think he can be playing a lot better than what
he is," Newcombe told Australian media.
由於Tomic不斷出現態度上的問題 讓澳洲網球傳奇人物John Newcombe都開始懷疑他的潛力
"我不知道到底發生了什麼事 不過我覺得他應該可以打的比現在好很多"
"I think he's only playing to 60 per cent of his potential, and I say that as
a compliment to Bernard. I think he's got a lot more that he can produce.
It's all ahead of him."
"我認為他只用了60%的潛力 而我這樣說其實是在讚美他 我覺得他可以做的更好 未來在等
: 但“網壇壞爸爸”的行為也需要得到規範,他們不理智的行為足以毀掉孩子們的錦繡
: 前程。09年澳洲天才托米奇就因爸爸的行為遭到1個月禁賽和3千美元罰款--只因老約翰認
: 為對手屢次腳誤都沒有被判罰非常惱火,竟然命令兒子離開球場!
: (牛崽)http://sports.sina.com.cn/t/2010-12-16/10555368763.shtml
好像給他外卡也不是 不給也不是....
Doubts grow on Tomic injury claim
12/16/10 2:23 PM | Johan Lindahl
Controversial teenager Bernard Tomic continues to create waves as the in the
start of the Australian Open ticks closer.
距離澳網時間越來越近 充滿爭議性的年輕選手Bernard Tomic依然持續製造爭議
Doubts are now arising about the authenticity of the injury claim which
forced him to miss this week's wildcard playoffs for the Grand Slam.
他自稱因為受傷而被迫無法參加本週的澳網外卡賽 不過現在有人懷疑他的傷可能不是真的
Tomic produced a doctor's note and skipped the playoff event at Melbourne
Park. But Melbourne's Herald-Sun reports that he hit for two hours in
Queensland as the event began in Victoria. The paper says Tomic is so sure
that he will be granted a wildcard into the major starting January 17 that he
didn't need to play-off.
Tomic提出了醫師證明並退出在墨爾本公園的賽事 不過墨爾本的太陽報卻報導 當比賽正在
維多莉亞進行時 他在昆士蘭也打了兩個小時的球 報導中指出 因為Tomic非常確定自己一
定會拿到AO的外卡 所以他覺得根本不需要去打外卡賽
"If what you're saying is correct, one, I'd be highly annoyed and, two, I'd
have to talk to the team on what decision we would be taking," Australian
Open director Craig Tiley told the paper. "If someone makes a decision to
rely on the discretionary wildcard, I never advise someone to do that."
對於此事 AO的主辦單位負責人Craig Tiley表示:"如果你們說的是事實 那麼 一.我會感到
非常困擾 二. 我必須跟我的團隊商量要做出哪些決定" "如果有人決定他只想無條件的直
接拿到外卡 我只能說我不建議任何人這麼做"
With his repeated attitude problems, even former Aussie great John Newcombe
is starting to doubt the much-touted Tomic (ranked 208) potential. "I don't
know what is going on, but I think he can be playing a lot better than what
he is," Newcombe told Australian media.
由於Tomic不斷出現態度上的問題 讓澳洲網球傳奇人物John Newcombe都開始懷疑他的潛力
"我不知道到底發生了什麼事 不過我覺得他應該可以打的比現在好很多"
"I think he's only playing to 60 per cent of his potential, and I say that as
a compliment to Bernard. I think he's got a lot more that he can produce.
It's all ahead of him."
"我認為他只用了60%的潛力 而我這樣說其實是在讚美他 我覺得他可以做的更好 未來在等
All Comments
By Jessica
at 2010-12-19T08:00
at 2010-12-19T08:00
By Frederica
at 2010-12-20T21:21
at 2010-12-20T21:21
By Hedy
at 2010-12-22T10:41
at 2010-12-22T10:41
By Faithe
at 2010-12-24T00:02
at 2010-12-24T00:02
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