波多黎各和委內瑞拉晉級 第二輪新增兩支美洲球隊 - 籃球

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2019-09-05T12:38

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Two more Americas teams in the Second Round as Puerto Rico and Venezuela

04/09/2019 NEWS 2 MIN TO READ

BEIJING (China) - Americas are enjoying the view from the top at the FIBA
Basketball World Cup, as Puerto Rico and Venezuela stole the show on
Wednesday, winning the two tickets from Group A and C to the Second Round.


Venezuela stunned the hosts, not even a packed Wukesong Sports Arena could
help China against the stellar defense of the South Americans. Heissler
Guillent scored 15 points with 8 assists, Dwight Lewis had 13, Gregory Vargas
helped out with 12 and Nestor Colmenares was right next to them with 11,
helping Venezuela to a 72-59 win.

球隊的防守。Heissler Guillent拿下15分8助攻,Dwight Lewis 13分,Gregory Vargas
12分,而Nestor Colmenares也有11分,幫助委內瑞拉72比59獲勝。


Fang Shou scored 13 for the Chinese side, which will now move to the
Classification Round 17-32, along with Cote d'Ivoire from Group A. Still a
lot to play for, for both of those teams, who are fighting for tickets to the
2020 Summer Olympics and the Olympic Qualifying Tournaments.


Meanwhile, a 3-0 Polish team and a 2-1 Venezuela are creating a new group,
next to 3-0 Argentina and 2-1 Russia. The two battled in a fun, fast flowing
game of runs in Wuhan, with Facundo Campazzo proving to be the hero for
Argentina, finishing with 21 points, 7 assists and 6 rebounds en route to a
69-61 win.

2勝1敗的俄羅斯。這兩隊在武漢進行了一場有趣、快速且流暢的比賽,Facundo Campazzo

In Group C, Spain were already sure of making the Second Round, but had a
late scare against Iran, who tied the game at 65-all late in the fourth
quarter. However, an 8-0 run fueled by Marc Gasol, Sergio Llull, Victor
Claver and Ricky Rubio saw Spain win it 73-65.

65平手。但Marc Gasol、Sergio Llull、Victor Claver和Ricky Rubio聯手貢獻的8比0攻


Similar to Spain's late run, Puerto Rico also went on an 8-0 closing sequence
to erase a 5-point deficit, and turn it into a 67-64 win against Tunisia.
Gary Browne knocked down a step-back three-pointer with 5.1 to go, and
Tunisia could not find the shot to send the game to overtime.

67比64贏下對戰突尼西亞的比賽。Gary Browne在比賽剩下5.1秒時,投進了一個後撤步的

Tunisia will have to feel bad about missing a huge chance. If they had
protected their lead, they would've already been confirmed for the 2020 Tokyo
Olympics, but now they have to fight for their ticket through the
Classification Round.


With no teams from Asia and Africa in the Second Round, the one best-ranked
team from each of the regions team after the Classification Games will earn
direct qualification for the Olympics.



Puerto Rico and Spain are now a part of a group that has Serbia (3-0) and
Italy (2-1) also flying to Wuhan. Bogdan Bogdanovic went mad, scoring 31
points on 6-of-11 shooting from beyond the arc, while also having 5 assists
and 5 steals, becoming the first player to ever have such numbers in a single
FIBA Basketball World Cup game. It was way too much for Italy to handle, a
92-77 win for Serbia keeps them as the favorites to reach the Quarter-Finals.

往武漢。Bogdan Bogdanovic瘋狂的表現拿下了31分,其中包含11投6中的三分線,還外帶

The last two tickets to the Second Round will be given out on Thursday, when
Groups E, F, G and H are back in action.


FIBA https://tinyurl.com/y2adg73z

Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2019-09-10T05:34

義塞 俄阿 兩場閒聊

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2019-09-05T11:36
Group D: Italy 77-92 Serbia 開賽憑藉Belinelli與Hackett三分與帶一步中距離準確度高勉強 咬住塞爾維亞,而塞爾維亞射手Bogdanovic同樣展現出極高水準 的投籃穩定度,雖不至百發百中,但只要露出空檔就會產生絕望 感。黑柱Biligha四分鐘兩犯下場,隨後禁區開 ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2019-09-05T10:25
世籃賽/伊朗差點開胡擊沉無敵艦隊 西班牙8分險勝 記者杜奕君/綜合報導 雖然已經確定無緣晉級世界盃16強,但4日伊朗面對超級強敵西班牙,仍拚出一場值得喝 采的好球,靠著主力中鋒哈達迪(Hamed Haddadi)10分、15籃板、6助攻領軍,一路與西班 牙纏鬥,但末節西班牙打出21比12猛攻成功逆轉, ...

中國不敵委內瑞拉 無緣男籃世界盃16強

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2019-09-05T09:46
中國不敵委內瑞拉 無緣男籃世界盃16強 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aspt/201909040372.aspx (中央社北京4日綜合外電報導)地主中國隊今天在世界盃籃球賽一路落後,最終以59比 72敗給委內瑞拉,在預賽A組4隊戰績1勝2負排名第3,16強夢碎,接下來只能打17 ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2019-09-05T09:35
Highlights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMcoBxlmq8g 這場的勝負關鍵—進攻籃板 中國明明是有身高優勢的一方,還有三名210以上的長人 可是卻被委內瑞拉抓了20個進攻籃板 防守籃板也是18比29少了11個 籃板有多重要安西教練很早以前就開示過 中國的籃板 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2019-09-05T03:16
伊朗主帥心情明朗:排位賽中國不好打,我們比較有利 虎撲9月4日訊 今晚,中國男籃結束了自己的籃球世界盃最後一場小組賽,全場比賽以 59-72結束,中國隊遺憾落敗,無緣16強。另一邊同是亞洲隊伍的伊朗隊則是與西班牙隊 苦戰四節,以65-73不敵西班牙。中國與伊朗作為亞洲的最大對手,都將進入排位賽,爭 奪20 ...