法布雷加斯發言人否認帕特˙內文的質疑 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2015-12-19T21:21

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: 理查德森是BBC第五電台的主持人,在當地時間週日早上的節目中,他爆料了自
: 己的第一手消息。理查德森說道:“讓我來告訴你們現在的切爾西問題到底出在哪,
: 我可以負責任的說,我的消息都是來自於切爾西一線隊的某個人。我被告知,莫里尼
: 奧現在和切爾西陣中的很多球員關係已經降至冰點。”
: “而且他也告訴我,球員們已經受夠了莫里尼奧和他們之間的某些人一些處理事
: 情方式,也受夠了莫里尼奧一些經常性的爆發情緒,尤其是他和哈扎德之間的關係,
: 更是緊張到了極點。接下來的這句話可能更讓人驚訝,某個球員竟然在最近表示:
: 『為莫里尼奧踢球,我寧願輸掉』!或許這句話只是一時興起,但從中多少也可以知
: 道部分切爾西球員內心的真實想法。”


Cesc Fabregas was NOT the player who said he would rather have lost than
win for Jose Mourinho, insists spokesman after Pat Nevin claim

By Jack Gaughan - Updated: 07:38 GMT, 19 December 2015

Cesc Fabregas's spokesman has denied he is the Chelsea player who it was
claimed would 'rather lose than win' for former manager Jose Mourinho.

Former Blues winger Pat Nevin - talking on the BBC's Today programme with
Garry Richardson, the radio host who reported 'one first-team player would
rather lose than win under Mourinho' in November - claimed Fabregas was
the star not pulling his weight.

Richardson said: 'As I mentioned on BBC Radio six weeks ago, one player
said, "I'd rather lose than win for Mourinho". Said in the heat of the
moment... but it summed up the atmosphere.'

Nevin replied: 'Yeah, that was Cesc Fabregas, wasn't it?'

He added: 'I thought it came out it was Cesc Fabregas. If it was, he'd
been one of the strongest and it just shows in his game. I found this out
myself in the last couple of days that you do sometimes take on face value
what people tell you and it's not always the truth.'

But when contacted by Sportsmail, a spokesman for Fabregas said Nevin's
allegation was 'not true'.


"We believe the same thing."

"Maybe there is hope."
- 9x20 The Truth

Tags: 足球

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Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2015-12-19T00:33
http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/pl/2015-12-18/doc-ifxmszek7244635.shtml 2015年12月18日20:04 新浪體育   切爾西在昨天解僱了主帥莫里尼奧,而根據多家媒體的報導,莫帥的繼任者將是 荷蘭名帥希丁克。根據BBC的最新消息,希丁 ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2015-12-19T00:20
http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/pl/2015-12-18/doc-ifxmttcq1739881.shtml 2015年12月18日02:01 新浪體育   在莫里尼奧突然下課後,受到最大影響的,應該就是切爾西的球員了。目前,切 爾西的大多數球員還沉浸在突然換帥的震驚之中 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2015-12-18T23:59
http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/pl/2015-12-18/doc-ifxmueaa3603248.shtml 2015年12月18日01:19 新浪體育   北京時間12月17日晚間,切爾西俱樂部正式宣佈了莫里尼奧的下課,事實上在官 方發佈正式消息之前,包括BBC、《每日 ...

足球/藥檢未過 巴西中場遭南美足聯禁

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2015-12-18T13:19
http://www.nownews.com/n/2015/12/17/1925139 記者鄭廷瑋/綜合報導 足球/藥檢未過 巴西中場遭南美足聯禁賽一年 效力烏超頓涅茨克礦工的Fred(Frederico Rodrigues Santos)將因藥檢未過被南美足聯 禁賽直到2016年6月26,不過禁令僅限 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2015-12-18T13:04
據新華社報導,長春亞泰足球俱樂部董事長劉玉明在17日採訪中闢謠,否認了亞泰將會引進中華台北隊球員殷亞吉。他表示,目前球隊並未與殷亞吉簽約。 劉玉明透露,亞泰與殷亞吉接觸是今年夏天的事,“但目前我們還沒有與他簽約”。同時,他還告訴記者,目前球隊尚未啟動新賽季的引援計劃,陣容調整將視冬訓期間整體情況而定。 殷 ...