決賽的賽後訪談 - 網球

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2006-09-10T16:37

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Q. Congratulations on your fourth final of the year in a Slam. What went on,
do you think?

JUSTINE HENIN HARDENNE: I think she played much better than I did tonight.
She played a good match, I have to agree with that. She served much better.
I gave her too much time, you know, to organize her game. I played too short.
Not aggressive enough.

At this level, you don't have the choice. I mean, she proved it. She served
really well. She didn't give me a lot of opportunities. We could feel a lot of
difference in her return and my return.

So, yeah, I just tried to keep fighting on every point, but she was just the
best tonight.

Q. Obviously, you have beaten her the last four times. Was there something
demonstratively improved in her game tonight?

JUSTINE HENIN HARDENNE: She played very consistent. She served better than
she probably did in our last meetings. She took her chances. I mean, she had
very good shots. She played a lot down the line. She was in good shape tonight.
It was tough for me.

Q. Many players say that it's almost easier or it's less disappointing to lose
a match like this one where you were simply outplayed than a very difficult
three set match. Is that true?

JUSTINE HENIN HARDENNE: I don't know. It's tough to say. I think the second
place is always the most difficult one. Yeah, you always disappointed to lose
any way. I mean, it's not a nice feeling, but I will have time to think about

And I had a good couple of weeks. Unfortunately, that ends a way I don't like
that much, but it doesn't depend only of me; it depends also of opponent.
She's been really strong today, and I just have to accept that.

Q. Great year for you, though. I know you must be disappointed now. But talk
about reaching four finals in one year.

JUSTINE HENIN HARDENNE: Yeah, it's been great season for me. It's not over yet.
I could not have expected these results. I've been pretty consistent during
the whole year. The thing is that I'm still healthy, pretty healthy right now,
and I hope I can play a few more tournaments and then the championship. That
remains one of the goal of the season. I didn't play the championships in the
last two years, so that's great. I'm qualified, and I hope I can play good
tennis over there.

Yeah, I was saying 2006 would be a year of transition. It's the first year
since 2003 I can play a whole season. At the end of the season, I can make
conclusions and see how I'm gonna what my plans are gonna be for next year.

Q. I know you were struggling with your back in the semifinal. Did that bother
you at all?

JUSTINE HENIN HARDENNE: No, no, no. Was feeling better today. No excuses about

Q. Maria has developed quite a complex ritual at the service line, some of us
were noting it today. It's slower than most players. Is that difficult to wait

JUSTINE HENIN HARDENNE: No, I don't think so. I think we both had very attitude
on the court, and didn't notice at the beginning it was pretty long, but she
has the right to take her time. I think that she did it the good way. So I
don't have to complain about that.

Q. You said that Maria played more consistent, she took more chances in this
match versus the previous four matches which you had won. What was different
in your game today versus those last four matches?

JUSTINE HENIN HARDENNE: Yeah, I couldn't play that long today. I couldn't play
that aggressive. She had a lot of time, and she was going for the winners.
She did come to the net. I didn't. Sometimes it's like this. Even if you know
you have to do it, it's not easy to do it in every match.

So she's been brave tonight, and more than me. That made a big difference.

(她最近很多訪談最常出現的就是No excuses)


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2006-09-14T11:22
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2006-09-16T21:38
我倒覺得No excuse說得很好啊,她已經不在意那些紛紛擾擾,反
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2006-09-17T05:12
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2006-09-21T02:25
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2006-09-21T15:43
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2006-09-25T14:35
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2006-09-29T15:05
XD 羊小姐
William avatar
By William
at 2006-10-01T03:19
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2006-10-02T12:23
真替她開心~ 我愛HENIN,不管任何比賽她贏或輸 ^^
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2006-10-05T22:01
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2006-10-10T10:50
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2006-10-13T00:56
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2006-10-16T01:24
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2006-10-17T05:43
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2006-10-20T16:42
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2006-10-24T13:27
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2006-10-28T13:56
她該怎麼辦?但感覺juju今年的言談, 是很勇於面對.享受
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2006-10-29T05:58
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2006-11-01T06:00
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2006-11-05T01:52
推linlingraf大大,too. 唉唷怎麼會那麼愛她啦XD

海寧贊莎娃更具爭勝勇氣 坦承兩關鍵環節不如對手

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2006-09-10T15:16
海寧贊莎娃更具爭勝勇氣 坦承兩關鍵環節不如對手 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年0 ...

06 美網決賽心得

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2006-09-10T13:03
其實這場比賽開打前就沒有抱著非常大的期待 畢竟Henin打到八強就舊傷復發了, 準決賽也因為受背傷影響而打的跌跌撞撞的, 要不是Henin堅韌的心理,以及對手自亂陣腳, 恐怕連進決賽都很難。 而且決賽對手莎娃明顯狀況調整 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2006-09-10T11:23
Henin今年似乎被這2個魔咒纏身? 魔咒#1:在四大滿貫賽之前若只參加一項熱身賽,且該熱身賽時間在滿貫賽事 前一個星期,且該熱身賽拿冠軍的話,則該滿貫就不會奪冠 Look here: 澳網前唯一的熱身賽:Sydney -----andgt;冠軍 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2006-09-10T11:10
大家別再說喪氣話囉~ 我們換個角度看嘛~ 其實這次就積分而言,其實是HENIN進補最多耶~ 下週的積分排名應是: (第一次試算,希望沒算錯) 名次 美網進補 總積分 1 MOMO +140 3610 2 HENIN +396 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2006-09-10T10:50
看了決賽Henin以直落二輸掉比賽 雖然有點遺憾但是and#34;這樣已經很好了and#34; 自從Henin從病毒感染缺席賽場很久,恢復之後我常常都會這樣子想and#34;這樣已經很好了and#34; 畢竟Henin以她168CM的身高(還是167阿=and#34;=) 能夠跟一大票重砲手同場較勁,然後還 ...